Pass Me a Mobi 2rd Grade
Castleman Creek Elementary
With brand new multi-user wireless tablets the entire grade level becomes digital! When students are “passed a MOBI” they are given something they can relate to- a handheld device that allows students to contribute to interactive lessons across all curriculum areas. The MOBI software makes ANY content engaging and interactive, all done with the stroke of an interactive pen!
Students Impacted: 66
Amount Funded: $ 5,000 Named Grant Sponsor:
Expenditure per Student: $ 75.75 Educators Credit Union
Primary Grant Writers: Christy Baish, Collin Peters, Jennifer Welch and Susan Fletcher / We’re Orff and Running! K -4th Grades
Castleman Creek Elementary
Through the use of Orff-based instruments and other classroom percussion instruments all music students will be successfully involved in creating their own music! Orff instruments such as xylophones, metallophones and glockenspiels provide an outlet for emotional expression while increasing self-esteem, self-discipline, imagination and higher level thinking. Entire music classes will be full of on-task, hands-on musicians!
Students Impacted: 375
Amount Funded: $ 4,955 Named Grant Sponsor:
Expenditure per Student: $ 13.21 Cooper & Horn Development
Primary Grant Writer: Jeanie Johnson
Fabulous Fitness Fun K-4th Grades
Castleman Creek Elementary
Using these fabulous fitness tools students will be taught to live active, healthy lives! Bands, balls, scooters and more will be used one day a week for “Fabulous Fitness Fun Day” to encourage basic exercises that are fun and effective. Ten stations of activities will be established to provide students with multiple activities that promote muscle development, and flexibility, and a physically fit life!
Students Impacted: 375
Amount Funded: $ 1,540
Expenditure per Student: $ 4.10
Primary Grant Writer: Jalayne Rinewalt / A Science Adventure with Kindergarten
The Quirkles Castleman Creek Elementary
Blast off on a new science adventure to Quirksville with the Quirkles! Quirkles is an integrated science program that uses interactive tablets, books and other learning tools to captivate the minds of future little scientists through innovative, interesting stories and hands on experiments.
Students Impacted: 88
Amount Funded: $ 2,870 Named Grant Sponsor:
Expenditure per Student: $ 32.61 Huckabee-Architecture,
Engineering & Management
Primary Grant Writers: Christy Watley, Laura Dieterich and Debbie Duckworth
Blocks Build Better Brains Pre-K
Castleman Creek Elementary
Side by side, day by day, blocks are building better brains! When special needs children work together with their peers using these innovative blocks children move from simple building to creating imaginative miniature worlds. Along with standard blocks, which reinforce concepts of balance, gravity and stability, special blocks are added that create cities complete with families, vehicles, buildings and animals. Imagination soars when children create together!
Students Impacted: 30 Named Grant Sponsor:
Amount Funded: $ 1,170 Wells Fargo Bank
Expenditure per Student: $ 39.00
Primary Grant Writer: Melonie Cox / Eyes Wide Open 4th Grade
Speegleville Elementary
Students will be able to experience science, history and all subjects with their “eyes wide open” by viewing artifacts, manipulatives, books, maps and pictures in three dimensions by using these document cameras and HDTV’s.
Students Impacted: 44
Amount Funded: $ 3,690
Expenditure per Student: $ 83.86
Primary Grant Writers: Holly Meredith and Christine Reed
I Can See Clearly Now the 3rd Grade
Overhead is Gone Speegleville Elementary
Students with a wide variety of learning styles can create and observe written examples, hands-on manipulatives, science experiments and more by using the advanced technology of document cameras and wide screen TV’s. Learning and classroom discussion will be enhanced by using this equipment to zoom in and enhance images and model step-by-step instruction for the entire class.
Students Impacted: 54
Amount Funded: $ 4, 090
Expenditure per Student: $ 75.74
Primary Grant Writers: Peggy Kilgo, Karen Kinchen and Ashley Williamson / Flip Out and Learn! K-4th Grades
Spring Valley Elementary
Students want to “Flip Out” and learn! This ultra-easy palm-sized video camera allows students to add their own audio commentary, text, still shots and music to multimedia productions they can make on their own. Research assignments will be transformed into exciting productions that can even debut on the school’s announcement airwaves. These students may just beg for more assignments!
Students Impacted: 600
Amount Funded: $ 845 Named Grant Sponsor:
Expenditure per Student: $1.41 IKON Office Solutions
Primary Grant Writers: Lennie Diaz-Granados and Beth Hair
Seeing Math in a New Light! 4th Grade
Spring Valley Elementary
To move into the future, innovative technology tools are needed to improve student performance by engaging and enlightening young minds. The digital age is upon us, and these document cameras and interactive pens will allow students to participate within the classroom in a new way. Students will be able to immediately share their work and receive feedback from their peers and teacher.
Students Impacted: 120 Named Grant Sponsor:
Amount Funded: $3,830 Patillo, Brown & Hill, L.L.P.
Expenditure per Student: $31.92
Primary Grant Writers: Janice Mateleska and Todd Evers / Not Your Grandma’s Grammar 4th Grade
Spring Valley Elementary
Imagine viewing a science experiment in real time with your class or displaying your writing sample on an interactive graphic tablet as you highlight key sections. With a gooseneck document camera and HDTV students use a technology-rich canvas to freely express themselves by simply touching pen-tip to tablet!
Students Impacted: 130
Amount Funded: $ 3,830
Expenditure per Student: $ 29.46
Primary Grant Writers: Autumn Lockett and Erica Artho
Failure Is Not an Option 3rd Grade
Spring Valley Elementary
Imagine an entire classroom counting down, “Three, two, one, blast OFF!” With document cameras, interactive pen tablets and flat screen televisions students are able to view exciting material clearly and display their own work in 3-D. Using these materials student centered educational experiences area made that equip future astronauts, teachers and leaders.
Students Impacted: 44
Amount Funded: $ 3,850
Expenditure per Student: $ 87.50
Primary Grant Writers: Michele Kupiszewski and Susan Mathis / We’re Quirky for Quirkles Kindergarten
Spring Valley Elementary
Science was suffering at schools, they said. Students can’t stand it, “It’s boring, it’s dead!” Teacher struggled to make science fun, by 3rd and 4th grade the students were done. Enter the QUIRKLES, a super team
of lettery scientists, a teacher’s dream. Kindergarteners need science that’s fun; make it enticing while they are young!
Students Impacted: 110
Amount Funded: $ 3,355
Expenditure per Student: $ 30.50
Primary Grant Writers: Leslie Chapman, Kristi Fajardo, Alain Humphrey
Other Beneficiaries: Renee Beckham, Becky Fortenberry, Lennie Diaz-Granados
High Definition: It’s Not Just 3rd Grade
About Dictionaries Spring Valley Elementary
The days of joysticks and Atari are done! New technology is needed to stay on top of the game. Interactive tablets, cameras and HDTV’s allow interactive innovation and inspire juvenile creation! Goodbye old overheads and fat TV’s. This grant brings new technology gear to Midway ISD!
Students Impacted: 44
Amount Funded: $ 3,830
Expenditure per Student: $ 87.05
Primary Grant Writers: Jeni Smith and Sami Cox / DREAMS K-4th Grades
Hewitt Elementary
The work of a child is play! For children with autism and other learning differences play is an abstract concept that requires learning how to move, have fun and socialize. For this to happen successfully the children need guidance, inspiration and the proper equipment. The equipment provided by this grant will allow our challenged children to grow and play in new and exciting ways!
Students Impacted: 10
Amount Funded: $ 2,335 Named Grant Sponsor:
Expenditure per Student: $ 233.50 The Gary & Diane Heavin
Community Fund
Primary Grant Writers: Ryan Ferrill, Mashara Whitt
The Clicker the Better 3rd and 4th Grades
Hewitt Elementary
Video games and academic success have not been used in the same sentence until now! The Classroom Performance System (CPS) actively engages learners to use their hand-held remotes and click in their answers to classroom activities through a game-like style of lessons and assessments.
Students Impacted: 220
Amount Funded: $ 4,980 Named Grant Sponsor:
Expenditure per Student: $ 22.63 Glenda and Stanley Strum
Primary Grant Writers: John Gates, Amy Markham, Abby Neal, Heather Henslee
Other Beneficiaries: Natalie Gutierrez, Wanda Ziegelt, Jean Sury, Brad Cook, Traci Kimberling / Forget Guitar Hero, 3rd-4th Grades
I Want to be A Recorder Star! Hewitt Elementary
Learning to read music and then apply that skill to an instrument is a tremendous challenge! When a child realizes they can make music by themselves they are proud and want to share their accomplishments with others. The 3rd and 4th grade music students will learn music purchased through this grant and then receive charms and rewards after mastering their newly-learned songs.
Students Impacted: 350
Amount Funded: $2,450 Named Grant Sponsor:
Expenditure per Student: $ 7.00 Parsons Roofing
Primary Grant Writer: Elisa Crowder
No Child Left Out Pre-K-4th grade
Hewitt Elementary
When children play together everyone benefits! The adaptive playground equipment purchased with this grant will allow the students with disabilities to play outside alongside their peers and interact in a new, exciting way. The children with disabilities on this campus we be free to swing along side their friends in several different types of adaptive swings.
Students Impacted: 30
Amount Funded: $ 4.655 Named Grant Sponsor:
Expenditure per Student: $155.16 The Gary & Diane Heavin
Community Fund
Primary Grant Writers: Kim Bellomy and Christi Yourman / Alive and Learning with the Alphabet Kindergarten
Hewitt Elementary
Singing, recording, listening, creating! This is how Kindergarteners learn the alphabet with “Sing & Read” interactive software. Children are able to become confident readers and writers of the alphabet through this interactive software that encourages children at all readiness levels to move forward with their understanding of the basic fundamentals of the alphabet.
Students Impacted: 120
Amount Funded: $3,860
Expenditure per Student: $32.16
Primary Grant Writers: Jennifer Brewer, Terri Kucera, Martha North, Lynn Beals, Barbara McMahan, Sharon Bennett
FAMILY Fun Pack Math 2Nd Grade