
Performance and Process Paper Rubric

Historical Accuracy (60 Points)

Judging Criteria / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 / Total Points Earned
Entry is historically accurate / 100% accurate information / 90% accurate information / 80% accurate
Information / 70% accurate information / 60% or less accurate information
Shows analysis and interpretation / Shows complete analysis and interpretation of historical information / Shows analysis and interpretation of historical information / Information is interpreted by student without drawing any conclusions / Limited analysis and interpretation / Interpretation simply recounts facts, no analysis present
Historical Context / Shows complete understanding of the intellectual, physical, social, and cultural setting of topic / Shows understanding of the intellectual, physical, social, and cultural setting of topic / Somewhat shows understanding of the intellectual, physical, social, and cultural setting of topic / Limited understanding of the intellectual, physical, social, and cultural setting of topic / Little or no understanding of the intellectual, physical, social, and cultural setting of topic
Historical Perspective / Shows complete understanding of the causes and consequences of the topic / Shows understanding of the causes and consequences of the topic / Somewhat shows understanding of the causes and consequences of the topic / Limited understanding of the causes and consequences of the topic / Little or no understanding of the causes and consequences of the topic
Mechanics / No errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence structure / 1-2 errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence structure / 3-4 errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence structure / 5-6 errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence structure / 7 or more errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence structure
Requirements of Process Paper / Shows complete discussion of topic, category, and research process / Shows discussion of topic, category, and research process / Somewhat shows discussion of topic, category, and research process / Limited discussion of topic, category, and research process / Little or no discussion of topic, category, and research process
Total Points Earned


Relation to Theme Rubric (20 points)

Judging Criteria / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 / Total Points Earned
Relation of Topic to Theme / Theme is applied well in title, paperwork, written/spoken info., & graphic/media info. / Theme is applied well in three aspects / Theme is applied well in two aspects / Theme is applied well in one aspect / Theme is not applied well in any aspects
Historical Significance / Four or more examples of topic’s historical importance / Three examples of topic’s historical importance / Two examples of topic’s historical importance / One example of topic’s historical importance / No examples of topic’s historical importance
Total Points Earned


Clarity of Entry (20 points)

Judging Criteria / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 / Total Points Earned
Clarity of written material / Written material is original, clear, appropriate, and organized / Written material is mostly original, clear, appropriate, and organized / Written material is somewhat original, clear, appropriate, and organized / Written material is lacking originality, clarity, appropriateness, and organization / Written material has little or no originality, clarity, appropriateness, and organization
Clarity of Performance / Performers show outstanding stage presence; props and costumes are historically accurate / Performers show good stage presence; props and costumes are historically accurate / Performers show satisfactory stage presence; props and costumes are historically accurate / Performers show fair stage presence; props and costumes are historically accurate / Performers show poor stage presence; props and costumes are historically accurate
Total Points Earned


Annotated Bibliography (20 points)

Judging Criteria / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Total Points Earned
Format / Accurate MLA/Turbian format citations; All citations are in alphabetical order / Few MLA/Turbian format citation errors; 1 citation is out of alphabetical order / Few MLA/Turbian format citation errors; 2 citations are out of alphabetical order / Several MLA/Turbian format citation errors; 3 citations are out of alphabetical order / Many MLA/Turbian format citation errors; 4 or more citations are out of alphabetical order
Primary Sources / 5 or more appropriate primary sources (If participating in the Competition, 20 appropriate primary sources) / 4 appropriate primary sources (If participating in the Competition, 15 appropriate primary sources) / 3 appropriate primary sources (If participating in the Competition, 10 appropriate primary sources) / 2 appropriate primary sources (If participating in the Competition, 5 appropriate primary sources) / 1 or no appropriate primary sources (If participating in the Competition, 1 or no appropriate primary sources)
Secondary Sources / 5 or more appropriate secondary sources (If participating in the Competition, 20 appropriate secondary sources) / 4 appropriate secondary sources (If participating in the Competition, 15 appropriate secondary sources) / 3 appropriate secondary sources (If participating in the Competition, 10 appropriate secondary sources) / 2 appropriate secondary sources (If participating in the Competition, 5 appropriate secondary sources) / 1 or no appropriate secondary sources (If participating in the Competition, 1 or no appropriate secondary sources)
Requirements / Addresses information well from the source used, place in the project source was used, and source’s connection to the theme / Addresses information from the source used, place in the project source was used, and source’s connection to the theme / Addresses two aspects of requirements / Addresses one aspect of requirements / Address no aspects of requirements
Total Points Earned


Total Points Earned = ______/120 points