Minutes of the Board of Directors and Officers

West Des Moines Learning Center

March 24, 2011

The following directors participated:

Charles Bruggemann (Iowa Telecom)

Dan Childers (Interstate Communications)

Tim Flickinger (PAETEC)

Mike Heggen (Communication Technologies, Inc.)

Leon Hofer (Iowa Network Services)

Greg Pavelka (East Central Iowa REC)

Brian Poock (Northern Natural Gas)

Mick Secory (Consolidated Utility Services, Inc.)

Steve Stone (Black Hills Energy)

Ross Wendell (Qwest)

Paul Wiegand (Iowa State University)

Mike Wildung (Central Iowa Water Association)

The following officer and director were absent:

Chairman: Curt Hodges (Mediacom)

Terry Fox (MidAmerican Energy Company)

The following officers participated:

President: Dan Klopfer (Des Moines Water Works)

Vice President: Ed Greiner (Interstate Power & Light)

Secretary/Treasurer: Neal Drefke (Spencer Municipal Utilities)

The following people also participated:

Ben Booth (Walter & Associates)

Steve Halstead (Walter & Associates)

Kenton Heuertz (MidAmerican Energy Company)

Jim Holzer (One Call Concepts)

Janice Fisher (One Call Concepts)

Shellie Petek (Walter & Associates)

Craig Walter (Walter & Associates)

Call to Order

President Dan Klopfer called the meeting to order. Craig Walter confirmed a quorum was present. President Klopfer recognized attending guest; Kenton Heuertz (MidAmerican Energy).

Consent Agenda

MOTION made by Greg Pavelka and seconded by Ross Wendell to approve the agenda and the January 7, 2011 meeting minutes, excluding the Manager’s Report. Motion carried.

Strategic Plan

MOTION made by Neal Drefke and seconded by Leon Hofer to approve the Strategic Plan.

Discussion took place inquiring on action items and President Klopfer responded that the Strategic Plan items will be used moving forward and will be considered an ongoing work in progress. Ed Greiner shared that the Executive Committee will be involved in tracking to use as a tool for the direction IOC will move in the future. Neal Drefke reported that annually the chairs will be responsible for updating the Strategic Plan. President Klopfer reported that the mission statement and Strategic Plan will be placed on the IOC website. President Klopfer also reported that updates will be given at each board meeting. Suggestion on the action plans will be addressed throughout the year. Tim Flickinger asked about electronic ticketing if the plan for 100% electronic ticketing is realistic. The response was it is should state our “goal” is 100%. Motion carried.

Nominating Committee

Craig Walter reported that the Nominating Committee met to discuss the 2011-2012 board seats. Brian Poock will be retiring his position due to accepting a new position. Mr. Walter reported that three candidates were reviewed and that the Nominating Committee selected Brian Mueller with Enterprise Products Company out of Iowa City. Mr. Mueller has a pipeline background and the Nominating Committee would like him placed on the ballot.

MOTION made by Brian Poock and seconded by Paul Wiegand to approve the Class A member slate of directors. Motion carried.

Craig Walter reported that the Class B Director is Mike Heggen and the Class B proxies will be sent out to all paid Class B Members.

MOTION made by Charles Bruggemann and seconded by Dan Childers to approve Mike Heggen as the Class B Director. Motion carried.

Craig Walter reported that the Class C Director is Mick Secory and ballots will be sent to the paid Class C members.

MOTION made by Greg Pavelka and seconded by Charles Bruggemann to approve Mick Secory as the Class C Director. Motion carried.

President Klopfer reported that the 2011-2012 officer slate will be as follows; Chairman Dan Klopfer, President Ed Greiner, Vice President Neal Drefke and Secretary/Treasurer Tim Flickinger.

Manager’s Report

President Klopfer asked Jim Holzer to provide the Manager’s Report. Mr. Holzer reported that OCC changed the report design to graph style to make it easier to read. Mr. Holzer invited anyone to make suggestions or changes on how the report will be provided. Mr. Holzer reported that the number of tickets are up from last year even though the weather did not contribute. OCC will be watching ongoing trends and average time on taking tickets. It was asked if the report could be added to the website and Mr. Holzer confirmed it can be.

MOTION made by Neal Drefke and seconded by Paul Wiegand to accept the Manager’s Report. Motion carried.

Financial Committee Report

Craig Walter reported that the official financial report was not finalized by the CPA, John Hines, but it will be included in the 2010 Year End Report, which will be available prior to the Annual Meeting. Mr. Hines will also be at the Annual Meeting. Mr. Walter reported that past bookkeeper Colleen Pfau retired and Susan Taber was hired to do the monthly financials.

President Klopfer asked if funds will still be available in the IOC Services account and Mr. Walter responded that there will be approximately $30,000.


Paul Wiegand reported that Ben Booth has been soliciting for website proposals, which is budgeted at $6500 for the work. Mr. Wiegand reported that the cost may be closer to $10,000 to $12,000 for the website.

Ben Booth reported that on April 7th there will be a Governor’s Tree Planting ceremony at the new Iowa Utilities Board’s new facility located on the east of the Capitol. Mr. Booth also reported that he is working on a new television commercial.

Excavator Safety Awareness Program

Greg Pavelka reported that he attended two of the early ESAP meetings located close to his office. Bob Pose reported that the last 2011 ESAP was held yesterday, March 23rd. Mr. Pose reported that only two meetings were affected by the weather. Mr. Pose shared with the board that he received several complaints on the mapping system since switching to the new vendor; design request and tutorial through YouTube. President Klopfer reported that this year’s presentation was the best year yet. Greg Pavelka offered to assist Ben Booth with reviewing the surveys that were submitted.


Leon Hofer reported that the committee met March 16, 2011 and two issues; white lining and ticket life were the main concerns (report on file).

President Klopfer requested discussion from the board on how to move forward and provide future input. Concerns discussed on what would likely not be accepted. Once the Code has been opened IOC needs to be prepared for adversary. President Klopfer requested Board Members and guest Kenton Heuertz to email concerns to Leon Hofer.

Open discussion took place regarding the official definition of “48-hours.” After discussion President Klopfer suggested a formal action on the ticket time.

After open discussion initiated by Brian Poock regarding the official definition of “48 hours excluding weekends and legal holidays” the following motion was made.

MOTION by Paul Wiegand to direct the Center to implement ticket timelines per the official definition in the Iowa Code, Chapter 480 seconded by Charles Bruggemann. Due to conflicting directions President Klopfer requested a show of hands. Eight (8) agreed and four (4) disagreed. Motion carried. Mr. Klopfer asked Mr. Holzer to provide a report on how long it will take the Center to activate the change.

State of the Art

ITIC: Tim Flickinger reported that ITIC is up and running but the map base is an older version and looks antiquated and that OCC will be critiquing. Map tools are not functioning properly. Complaints have been received from contractors that OCC needs to address. Current database only allows for accurate street address or the system cannot identify the location correctly.

DSR: Tim Flickinger reported that the system is not up yet due to several issues. OCC is aware that IOC is not happy with the delays. Jim Holzer reported that he hopes to have the system up and running correctly early next week.

Ticket Search: Tim Flickinger reported that Ticket Search should be operating today. The system was tested two days ago and it was not accurate. The search system was defaulting correctly but defaulting to non-participant. The State of the Art Committee will meet next week to work on system issues.

Charles Bruggemann suggested a formal letter from Craig Walter with the IOC Admin Office provides official responses on behalf of IOC.

Administrative Update

Craig Walter reported on IOC’s participation at the CGA Conference held March 8 – 10, 2011 in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Walter reported that Janice Fisher (One Call’s Center Manager) has been good to work with. Janice reported currently IOC has 25 employees in training at the Center and that DRS issues are being addressed. Some members are not happy about loosing the fax-a-locate option. Janice said that mapping will take continual education and webinars are being discussed. Mr. Walter reported on a number of issues that callers to the administrative office have expressed from ITIC to DRS. Concerns are handled when they come into the office by finding the right person on the OCC staff to handle the issue. Ross Wendell suggested a tracking form be created and be placed on the website to address concerns.

Security at the Call Center

Craig Walter reported on security at the Call Center. Currently all employees must have a security badge to enter the building. Doors must be opened by an employee to let guests into the building.

The issue on providing security on weekends was looked into including whether or not IOC should allow calls to be taken offsite on weekends. Two companies submitted bids for alarm systems to be installed. The cost is under $800 from each company with a monthly monitoring charge ($20-$23). Craig Walter will provide a recommendation implementing security at the Center, including cost savings at the April Board Meeting.

Ross Wendell inquired on the possibility of the Mississippi River flooding and the risk at the Call Center building? Janice Fisher responded that it could potentially happen. Ms. Fisher reported that the mayor of Davenport reported they are anticipating 24 – 26 feet. Ms. Fisher contacted the MidAmerican Energy building contact about sand bagging. If flooding occurred the calls would be diverted to OCC offsite location. Ed Greiner requested elevation reports of the Center be conducted.

Transition Update

Jim Holzer reported that OCC is aware of the concerns by the IOC Board Members and that they are being handled as soon as possible.

Board Member Comments

Paul Wiegand suggested focus of the next newsletter report on issues with the transition and how it is being addressed. The article should include the appropriate contacts on who best can assist the caller.

Meeting Adjourned

Next Board Meeting: Stoney Creek Inn, Johnston, IA - April 21, 2011

9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Annual Board Meeting

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 Regular Board Meeting