Deadlines for submission of applicationsfor Mini-Grants

October 1 for spring projects

March 1 for fall projects

Deadline for submission of applications for Mini-Projects,

Professional Development and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

First Monday of the month


The Assessment Council, with the support of the Office of the Provost, is pleased to make available financial resources to assist faculty and staff with activities associated with student learning outcomes assessment at the program level. The goalsof these activities are toprovide funding opportunities to faculty and staffto assist with the development of sound learning outcomes assessment practices at the program-level,encourage professional development associated withprogram-level outcomes assessment, and to strengthen the infrastructure for the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Funding is available for the following assessment-related activities:

Mini-Grant: Awards up to $2,500. The purpose of a mini-grantis to provide start-up funds for a new initiative directly related to the program’s outcomes assessment plan. These requests are larger in scope and a commitment of matching funds from the department and/or college is encouraged.

  • Mini-Project: Awards up to $500. Mini-projects include examining program goals as they relate to outcomes assessment such as curricular design, program structure and pedagogy. These projects are small in scope and will be awarded if resources permit.
  • Professional Development: Awards up to $1,500. Activities with the specific purpose to learn and/or enhance program-level outcomes assessment knowledge and skills, such as attendance to conferences, seminars or workshops-team attendance is encouraged; support for a faculty retreat; support for an external expert; the purchase of books or other published materials.
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Awards up to $1,500. Support faculty and staffwho are involved with the scholarship of teaching and learning through presentations at a state, regional or national conference that are directly related to student learning assessment. Activities related to program-level assessment will be looked at more favorably.


The application must be typed, dated and sent to the Office of Academic Affairs, Warriner 312 via an email attachment to y the due date. The original application cover page must be signed, dated and delivered to the Office of Academic Affairs, Warriner 312 within 3 working days from email submission.


Faculty and staff who are involved with the development and implementation of program-outcomes assessment activities are welcome to apply for support from the Assessment Council.


Applicants must show clearly the relationship of the proposed activity to the intended program assessment plan and must show how the information gained will advance student academic outcomes assessment for the program.


II.PROPOSAL Criteria (See attachment)

  1. Purpose:
  2. Explain the proposed project/activity and its importance to the program’s assessment plan.
  3. Indicate the anticipated outcomes of the project.
  1. Methodology and Relevance to the Advancement of Student Learning Outcomes Assessment:
  2. Mini-Grant or Mini-Project: Describe the project. Identify pertinent model(s) of inquiry, materials and procedures to be used, and variables to be studied; Explainhow completion of the project will enhance academic outcomes assessment for the program.
  3. Professional Development: Explain why the intended activity will advance your program’s assessment activity.
  4. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Describe the significance of the presentation or publication;include information such as conference brochure, abstract, letter of acceptance.
  1. Timetable: Indicate the anticipated dates for beginning and completing this project. Specify any deadline dates of which the council should be cognizant as it considers your proposal.
  1. Budget: Itemize and explain each item for which funding is requested from the Council or from elsewhere (please specify).



The council will focus support on a new initiative directly related to program-level student learning outcomes assessment. Typically, funded projects will be those that are highlighted in the unit’s assessment plan. Unit’s that have a commitment of matching funds and can show sustainability of the project will be viewed more favorably. It is expected that funding would be provided only once for a specific assessment project over a seven-year period.


Funded projects will be those that are highlighted in unit’s assessment plan. It is expected that funding would be provided only once for a specific assessment project over a three-year period.

Professional Development

Individuals and departments will be funded for no more than one professional development activity per year and will not be funded for the same activity more than once.Funds may support participation in intensive workshops or courses that lead directly to development or improvement of skills/knowledge directly relevant to academic outcomes assessment activities within programs for which the faculty or staffmember has assessment responsibility. Requests for professional development funding should include a statement showing how the intended activity and/or participation will advance the unit’s assessment activities. A copy of printed material describing the event should be attached.

Scholarship for Teaching and Learning

Funding isto support faculty or staff with defraying the cost associated with presentations at a state, regional or national conference that are directly related to student learning assessment Requests for funding should include a statement showing how the applicant’s participation will advance the unit’s assessment activities. A copy of print material describing the event should be attached.


  1. Upon approval of Assessment Council grant, the recipient must inform the Office of Academic Affairs the cost center number in which to transfer funds.
  1. Recipient is required to operate within the budget presented. It is the responsibility of the recipient to keep an accurate record of all expenditures and to provide appropriate documentation for these expenditures.Any monies left in a project account after completion, revert back to the Assessment Council.
  1. All grants awarded by the committee must comply with the CentralMichiganUniversityIntellectual Property Rights policy adopted by the Board of Trustees 12/6/96. Applicants should take particular note of section V.A.2.d (3) of the policy statement. If a project results in direct remuneration to the recipient, that person must return to the committee any monies up to 100% of the total grant received from the committee. This includes funds from the sales of objects produced or acquired as a consequence of the award by the committee.
  1. Recipient must submit a brief summary of their completed assessment project to the Assessment Council. The summary should note the direct and indirect benefits to the program assessment. To provide an opportunity for the university community to become better acquainted with the kind and quality of assessment projects supported by the committee,recipients must be willing to present the results of their work at an assessment related university event.
  1. Assessment Council support should be acknowledged in all publications and presentations resulting from this grant.
  1. All materialssubmitted to the Assessment Council are considered to be public documents and will be available by request.



Assessment Council


Name of Applicant(s) (List Project Director first)


Title of Proposal ______

Department(s) ______

Campus Mailing Address ______

E-mail Address ______Campus Phone ______

Type of project:

____ Mini-Grant

____ Mini-Project

____ Professional Development

____ Scholarship of Teaching and learning

Total Amount for the project $ ______

Amount Requested from the Council $______

Matching Funds from Department/College$______

Starting Date (M/Y): _____/______, Ending Date: (M/Y): _____/______


Applicant SignatureDate


Chair or Director SignatureDate


Dean SignatureDate

Office of Curriculum and Assessment


II. Proposal Outline

  1. Purpose
  1. Methodology and Relevance to the Advancement of Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
  1. Timetable
  1. Budget
  1. Attachment (if applicable) (e.g., workshop or conference information)

Revised 1/08