BiologyUnit 3: Energy for Life

Reading – Chapter6 & 7, Chapter 3 (pgs 51-56)

A B / Turn In / In-Class / Homework Assigned
Day 1
W / Day 1
T / Where does the mass of a plant come from? Spinach Disc Observations / Outline Part I &II, Structures of a leaf coloring sheet
Day 2
F / Day 2
Th / ⧠Check off outline part I &II
⧠Turn in structures of a leaf coloring sheet / Quiz #1 on part I & II, Leaf structure lab drawings / Leaf structure lab drawings
Day 3
M / Day 3
T / ⧠Turn in Leaf structure lab drawings / Quiz #2 on part II, What is chlorophyll? (USI)
Leaf pigment & chromatography lab / Outline III, finish leaf pigment lab
Day 4
W / Day 4
Th / ⧠Check off outline part III
⧠Turn in leaf pigments lab / Quiz #3 on part III, Reactions of Photosynthesis
Carbohydrate Bioquest / Outline IV
Day 5
⧝M / Day 5
F / ⧠Check off outline part IV
⧠Turn in reactions of photosynthesis
⧠Turn in carbohydrates Bioquest / Quiz #4 on part IV, Modeling carbohydrates, Choosing your carbohydrates wisely,carbohydrates sort / Outline Part V
Day 6
W / Day 6
T / ⧠Check off outline part V
⧠Turn in Choosing your carbs wisely / Photosynthesis poster, Photosynthesis Summary / Finish photosynthesis summary
Day 7
F / Day 7
⧝Th / ⧠Turn in photosynthesis summary / Quiz #5 on part V (NO NOTES),Photosynthesis: How is it important to medicine?-lab / Outline Part VI, Finish lab analysis
Day 8
M / Day 8
T / ⧠Check off outline part VI
⧠Turn in photosynthesis: how is it important to medicine? / Quiz #6 on part VI, The case: Girl dies after giving dog a bath, Cellular respiration summary / Outline Part VII, finish cellular respiration summary
Day 9
W / Day 9
Th / ⧠Check off outline part VII
⧠Cellular respiration summary / Quiz #7 on part VII & summary (NO NOTES), Brewers Dilemma, Cellular respiration poster / Study for your test
Day 10
M / Day 10
F / Unit Test: Good Luck  / Relax
Learning Targets
-: I need more help : I understand the basics +: I got this! / B4 Test / Reference(s)
I know that the mass of a tree comes from CO2 found in the air. / Discussion
I can compare and contrast the relationship between an autotroph and heterotroph. / Text: 113
I can write out the balanced equation for photosynthesis from memory. / Text:114
I can describe the structure of a chloroplast (thylakoid, granum, stroma, etc.). / Text:114
I can summarize the main events in photosynthesis. Including the light dependent & independent reactions, as well as the reactants and products of each. I can summarize how and why stomata open and close. / Text:116-118 Text:121
I can label a cross section of a leaf including the cuticle, stomata, guard cells, and spongy and palisade mesophylls. / Text:601
I know that energy from the sun travels as waves. Waves have a specific wavelength and frequency. / Text:115
I can describe the purpose of the photosystems, ETC, and ATP synthase in the light dependent reaction. / Text:116-118
I know how the concentration of Hydrogen ions leads to the production of ATP using ATP synthase in the light dependent reaction. / Text:118
I know why water is split during the light dependent reaction. Including the number of waters that must be split to produce one molecule of O2. / Text:117
I can describe how transpiration releases water vapor into the atmosphere. / Text: 371
I can name the “high energy” molecules produced during the light dependent reaction and know how they are used in the light independent reaction. / Text:116-118
I know where (thylakoid or stroma) the light dependent and independent reactions occur. / Notes
I know how many turns of the light independent reaction it takes to produce 1 sugar. / Notes
I know why plants appear green and can list and describe the pigment molecules found in plants. I know the role of accessory pigments. / Text:115
I can discuss how ATP stores energy in the form of chemical bonds. / Text: 118
I know that organic molecules are made primarily of carbon which likes to form 4 bonds. / Text:51
I can explain the uses of carbohydrates in humans. I can compare and contrast monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. I know the ratio of C:H:O for monosaccharides. / Text: 55-56
I can compare and contrast the most common monosaccharides, glucose and fructose. I can compare & contrast the polysaccharides: starch, cellulose and glycogen. I can IDENTIFY the different carbohydrates by looking at their structure. / Text:56-56 Notes
I can describe how a disaccharide is formed through dehydration synthesis. / Text:56
I know that plants store glucose molecules as starch and animals store it as glycogen. / Text56
I can write out the balanced equation for cellular respiration from memory. / Text:132
I know which reactions of cellular respiration are aerobic and are anaerobic / Notes
I can describe glycolysis; including the reactants, products and where it occurs. / Text:132-133
I can compare and contrast lactic acid and alcohol fermentation and know whylactic acid accumulates in muscle cells. / Text:134-135
I can describe aerobic respiration including the location reactants, products, Kreb’s cycle and electron transport chain. / Text:137-140
I know how many ATP is produced at each step in cellular respiration (gycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and ETC). / Text:142
I know how the concentration of Hydrogen ions leads to the production of ATP using ATP synthase in the ETC. / Text:140
I know why human breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide (which reactions are they used or produced) / Notes

Vocabulary –

AutotrophHeterotrophPhotosynthesisLight Dependent GranaCarotenoids

Light Independent (Calvin)ChloroplastThylakoidChlorophyll bChlorophyll aStroma

Pigment Accessory PigmentCarbon fixation StomataGuard cellsSpongy Mesophyll

CuticlePalisade Mesophyll NADPH (taxicab molecule)GlucoseATP synthasePhotosystem I & II

TranspirationATPC4 pathwayCAM pathwayStarchSucrose

Organic MoleculeCarbohydrateMonosaccharideDisaccharideFructosePolysaccharide

CelluloseGlycogenCellular Respiration Mitochondria GlycolysisAerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Resp.FermentationElectron Transport ChainKreb’s CycleAlcohol FermLactic Acid Ferm..