Work Experience Placement Feedback – End Placement

Placement Supervisor feedback: Alessandra Mammone

Work Placement Volunteer name: HH

Helping customers:
HH was always willing to help any customer with either general enquiries or IT assistance. She handled queries and problems with patience and empathy. Good customer service and interpersonal skills used, both face to face and over the telephone.
This was especially demonstrated in a difficult Central office move, where we were forced to postpone operations, due to technical difficulties where HH faced a fair amount of customer dissatisfaction, but managed to control the situation and signpost customers to our other branches.
Working as part of a team:
HH worked across all three New Directions branches and understood the reporting procedure, as well as operational procedures, that varied from branch to branch.
North Frontline feedback:
HH was more than willing to turn her hand to any job. She was a real asset to the job seekers spending a lot of time helping with job applications and computer queries showing patience and calmness towards some difficult customers. She helped with room set ups moving tables and chairs, made sure the reception tables & chairs were tidy without being asked. She helped supported learners in the pottery class with the completion of their surveys showing a high level of understanding towards students with additional needs. This was beneficial to the tutor who doesn’t have extra support with this class.
South Frontline feedback:
Entered data into various systems (terms, online surveys, feedback forms), quickly and accurately.
Helped on reception with enquiries and assisted job seekers with IT issues. Always polite to customers and staff.
Happy to help with tasks as and when needed.
Undertook the stocktake for tutor boxes.
Helping with support:
HH supported customers with IT queries, application forms and covering letters to a high standard of IT skills and using a variety of interpersonal skills, adapted to each customer situation.
She also supported frontline staff with data input and surveys and supported tutors, when required, in the classroom and on information/enrolment days.
Following instructions:
Very good at taking instructions and following them through. HH never went off at a tangent and always asked questions if unsure of anything.
Making requests:
HH always asked pertinent questions and made constructive suggestions, especially related to our Central office move, which was very difficult.
Taking feedback and responding constructively:
All feedback was taken very well and HH responded constructively by looking at ways to improve and hone her skills.

Additional comments.

Alessandra Mammone – Work Placement Officer

At the start of the placement HH was not very confident and her sense of self-esteem was quite low. Through assisting others, a meaningful work experience placement and with the support of New Directions staff, HH has blossomed. She now has the ability to apply for jobs with confidence and is work ready. I see no further barriers to her securing a full-time position.

Eileen Catt – Employment Advisor

I have witnessed HH dealing with a potentially difficult customer using the job search pcs at Central. She was calm and professional and the customer gained an understanding of the changes to the services provided at the Hub.

As an Advisor, I have seen HH before being invited to apply for the work placement and she was eager to please, but obviously her confidence had been affected by rejection from numerous job applications. She came to me when she had the news that she had been selected for an interview, she was very excited and nervous but keen to do well at the interview.

Since HH has been at New Directions I have seen her remain calm and professional in various situations, I’ve no doubt that she would be an asset in an office based role with customer contact.

Supervisor’s name: Alessandra Mammone Date: 6/05/2015

Work Placement Reflection of Feedback:

Throughout my experience with New Directions, I have gained a new sense of my customer service skills. I have been able to meet and help a number of customers and provide information such as leaflets, course guide and helped many customers with IT problems in relation to job search. I have helped with covering letters and helped people to attach documents to their e-mails.

This experience gave me the opportunity to work with several different teams and at the three main centres. This was a new experience for me as I have always worked as part of a small team in a fixed location.

My experience at North showed me that I had patience and empathy, but could also enable people with learning disabilities to provide feedback, in relation to the New Directions service.

Helping customers to complete New Directions forms to enrol on courses, again was a new experience.

I have been able to demonstrate transferable skills in relation to customer service as a result of the work I have been able to do at New Directions.

My experience of working at the reception desk at North and South, has shown me that I have the skills to apply for positions as a receptionist and I enjoyed the experience.

I have not worked for a long time and this experience has built up my confidence and my self-esteem has also improved.