St. Lawrence County Finance Committee

Board of Legislators Monday November 26, 2012

Board Room 5:30 P.M.

Members Attending: Mr. Morrill, Mr. Acres, Mr. Akins, Mr. Arquiett, Ms. Brothers,

Mr. Bunstone, Mr. Burns, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. MacKinnon, Mr. Paquin, Mr. Parker, Mr. Peck, Mr. Putman, Mr. Putney, Mr. Sutherland

Others Attending: Karen St. Hilaire, Ruth Doyle, Kelly Pearson, Laurie Demers, Kevin Felt, Chris Boulio, Mike Crowe, Mike Cunningham, Darren Colton, Toby Bogart, Kevin Wells, Sue Hathaway, Deb Christy, Amy Dona, Patrick Kelly, Chris Rediehs, Steve Button, Joe Gilbert, Sue Hathaway, Deb Bridges, Jennie Bacon, Tom Nichols, Scott Dustin, and Martha Ellen – Watertown Daily Times

1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Chair Morrill called the Finance Committee Meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. The Agenda was amended to add a resolution to be included under14D and to add a resolution to be included under 15A. Mr. Putney moved to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Ms. Brothers and Mr. Arquiett and carried.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Ms. Brothers moved to approve the June 25th minutes, seconded by Mr. Peck and carried.

3. UPDATE FROM ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY TRAIL COORDINATOR – DEB CHRISTY – Ms. Christy said she is continuing to meet with different Boards and organizations that are going to help with the trails committee. She has also continued to meet with the Towns. She said she also has taken some webinars and grant seminars. Future projects include getting a list of roads for ATVs.

Mr. Arquiett asked if the manufacturers have been approached. Ms. Christy said she will begin approaching all of them now.

Mr. MacKinnon asked if the County had the 5013C status. Ms. St. Hilaire said no.

Mr. Parker arrived at 5:32 p.m.


A. Authorization to Fill an Assistant Conflict Defender Position in the Office of the Conflict Defender (Res) (Info) – Ms. Brothers moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Arquiett. Ms. St. Hilaire said the Conflict Defender’s office is in need of an attorney as the Department is inundated with cases. This is to fill a vacant position.

Mr. Lightfoot asked what the caseload was. St. Hilaire said approximately 1,000 cases. Motion carried.

Mr. Paquin arrived at 5:38 p.m.


A. Elections, Real Property & Community College Apportionments for the Year 2013 (Res) (Info) (Note: A decision regarding how election charges will be apportioned is necessary.) Ms. Brothers moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Bunstone. Mr. Colton said the question is what way we are to apportion these indirect charges. Ms. Bacon said the direct charges are by the number of elections, training, and cost of taking things to the polls. Sample ballots, UHaul delivery and advertising.

Mr. Arquiett asked which choice would be the most cost effective. Ms. Bacon said it does not matter to their office as it is the same amount to their office. Mr. Nichols said the only difference is where the money will come from. Mr. MacKinnon said the indirect charges could be the fair way to do it. This could be done the same way as distribution sales tax. It could be done by dividing it in half. Mr. Akins said the sales tax distribution was talked about the last few years and he wondered if there was a way of mirror those two things. He said all or nothing is not fair and we should be consistent. Mr. Colton said there are mandated services his office performs and the non-mandated are charged back to the town and the rest that is mandated is charge by county apportionment.

Mr. Putney asked if we have always had charge backs based on elections. Mr. Colton said …. Mr. Putney said where did the idea come from to charge out towns… Ms. Bacon said she has always done it that way. Mr. Colton said it has been almost 30 years. Mr. Putney asked if any other Counties charges back on the number of voters. Ms. Bacon said she did not know. Mr. Nichols said there is no single one way. Mr. Putney said there is a concern of changing and he thinks we stay with the way we are doing it.

Mr. Parker moved to amend the resolution by portion 50/50, seconded by Mr. MacKinnon. MacKinnon said this is in keeping and it recognizes there are two facets of keeping. It is a fair way of doing this. Mr. Burns asked if we have those numbers available. Mr. Morrill said we do not have those numbers. Mr. Burns said he would like to see the numbers first. Ms. Brothers said she agrees and wants to see the numbers. Mr. MacKinnon said the direct expense will stay the same; the indirect will change.

Mr. Burns asked if all of this was at 100%. Mr. Colton said equalized at 100%. The numbers for indirect is based on county apportionment equalized to full value. Mr. Morrill said we should be consistent. It is all about how we treat our citizens fairly. Amendment passed by RC vote. Motion carried. Colton asked Taxable/voter registration. Mr. Morrill said yes, that is correct.

B. Town/Village/School Omitted Taxes per Real Property Tax Law October 2012 (Info)

C. School/Village Corrections/Refunds Recommended to School/Village Boards October 2012 (Info)


A. Charging Tax Items (Res) – Mr. Parker moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Ms. Brothers and Mr. Arquiett. Mr. Felt said these are the annual charges. Motion carried.


A. Approving Standard Federal Aid Highway and Marcheselli Aid Project Supplemental Agreement #3 For Design, Right-Of-Way, Construction/Construction Inspection and Construction Support of County Route 14 (Ren St) Over the Oswegatchie River, Bin 1039620, Pin 775284 (Res) – Mr. Peck moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Ms. Brothers and Mr. Parker. Mr. Bogart said . Brothers asked when the bridge would be open. Mr. Bogart said there is a meeting coming and they will discuss the opening date. Motion carried.


A. Modifying the 2012 Budget for the Solid Waste Department for Repairs at Massena and Ogdensburg Transfer Stations (Res) – Mr. Lightfoot moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Ms. Brothers and Mr. Paquin. Mr. Bogart said we had a malfunction of one of the doors and we have quotes to get the door fixed and we have closed a portion of the electrical building. Mr. Parker asked dif there are other doors of the same make and if they need to be checked. Mr. Bogart said he hopes it would not happen again, but would have others inspected. Motion carried.

Mr. Burns said there was a letter in the newspaper asking why one area of the transfer station was being blacktopped at the Ogdensburg Transfer Station. Mr. Bogart said this is to accommodate truck putting roll off with containers. He said it is strictly recyclables, and we expect fifty percent (50%) reimbursement.


A. Approval of the Issuance of Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds by the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency Civic Development Corporation for St. Lawrence University (Res) – Mr. Bunstone moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Peck and Ms. Brothers. Mr. Kelly said this refunds 2001 bonds and 2005 bonds that the IDA issued. Have been working with SLU and hoping to get the project complete this year.

Mr. Burns asked how much of the 56 m would be new construction. Mr. Kelly said the original amount was for new construction, this would not be new construction. Mr. Parker said. Mr. Kelly said there aqre bond fees and costs. Mr. Parker said item D, he asked how much that may be. Mr. Kelly said he asked the bond counsenlor because it seemed out of place. They wanted this clause in here. Depending on the amount the mortgage was filed. Mr. Kelly said it is not clear they would need to do that. Mr. Parker said on the third page, the fifth whereas, he asked how much that would be. Mr. Kelly said the difference would be in the 16 to 19 million on the life of the bonds. Mr. Parker asked if they were goig to a taxable vehivcle if this was approved. Mr. Kelly said no. Mr. Parker asked if the IDA was getting a percentage or dollar value. Mr. Kelly said typically we charge one percent. This is refinancing IDA bonds and historically we have not charged a fee for that. He said he does not know what that will be. Mr. Parker said he recommends they get that so ihn the future he is more sustaiabn. Motion carried with one (1) abstention (Sutherland).


A. Modifying the 2012 Budget of Social Services for Increased Costs and Revenue (Res) –

Mr. Bunstone moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Ms. Brothers. Mr. Rediehs said this is a budget modification to increase appropriations and revenue and decrease appropriations.

Mr. Morrill asked where the revenue came from. Mr. Rediehs said as part of expenditures we have, we also have revenue. It is 100% reimbursed.

Mr. Burns asked if the money was coming from New York State. Mr. Rediehs said yes.

Mr. Parker asked if there is any change in county cost. Mr. Rediehs said no. Motion carried.


A. Authorizing the Chair to Sign a Contract with the New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services for the Provision of Indigent Legal Services Funds for the Contract Period of June 1, 2012 – May 31, 2015 and Modifying the 2012 Indigent Defense Budget (Res) – Mr. Bunstone moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Ms. Brothers and Mr. Parker. Mr. Button said this resolution is in respect to a contract. In 2010 New York State changed the way it would refund counties. The contract provides it will pay for a legal secretary or rededicated to full payment of assigned counsel itself. This if for the chair to sign the contract. Parker said congratulations on getting the grant. Motion carried. Peck asked how the assigned counsel contract is coming. Mike Crowe said it is going slowly. He is working on it. Peck asked if it was legal to do it without the contract. Crowe said we are doing it for the Courts, not the assigned counsel. Peck asked how long we are going to drag this out. Crowe said he sent an email in this regard. He would like to talk about it in Ex Session because it was contractual. Lightfoot said there is a recent court decision out that deals with agreements between county legal associations and the structure of how these agreements are made and what effect the bar association can have upon a contract to provide legal services. Do we need to get something going? Crowe said an addition could be to contract with a not for profit. He said he made that clear in his email and they need to negotiate with that reality. It provides leverage. Lightfoot said a while ago we looked at an organization to provide those services here. Should we remind the bar association that there is another group that might look to do that same thing. Crowe said yes. Acres said he was thinking the same thing. Why can’t we bid that out. Morrill said we will have that discussion in

B. Authorizing the Chair to Sign a Contract with the New York State Defenders’ Association for the Public Defender Case Management System Installation, Maintenance, Support and Training (Res) – Peck moved, sb Brothers. This system has been hanging out there for a long time. This was our first competitive grant and that money is dedicated to this new system. They will come here and install this program. This is being installed state wide. He did a test run and it is a good system. He hoped to havge this installed around the new year. Burns asked what the reason was for the delay. Karen said it had to do with our whole change over in our system. We restructured and they would not installed until we restructured. Motion carried with one no. (Morrill)


A. Authorizing the Chair to Sign an Application for Reimbursement of Local Enhanced Wireless 911 Program Funds from New York State Department of State for the Office of Emergency Services (Res) – Putney moved, sb Paquin and Sutherland. Gilbert said this is to accept money from the State. Burns asked if this was based on the amount each one of us pay. Gilbert said yes, but … if the bill is passed it will raise the amount to us. Burns asked if this was the funds the State held on to. Gilbert said yes. MacKinnon said 2nd whereas, CHANGE TO 2013. Peck asked how much money would would get if the bill was passed. Gilvet said over 2million. MacKinnon said if that happens, are there limitations as to what that money would be used for. MacKinnon said you could be a self sufficient department. Gilbert said there are a lot of programs that NYC receives special fema and additional funding. Burns asked if it is realistic. Gilbert said it is possible that there could be an increase. Motion carried.


A. Authorizing the Chair to Sign a Contract for Administration of the Health Care Coverage Plan (Res) – Peck moved, sb Brothers. Boulio said we address this when Cahill was here. Motion carried.


A. Establishing a Standard Work Day for New York State Retirement System Reporting Purposes (Res) – Paquin moved, sb Brothers and carried.

B. Establishing a Date and Time for the Organizational Board Meeting (Res) – Parker moved, sb Arquiett and MacKinnon and carried.

C. Setting a Date for a Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law D (No. __) for the Year 2012, Setting Salaries for County Employees (Res) (Info) – Paquin moved, sb Parker. Morrill asked Crowe if he souldh abstain. Crowe said no it is just setting a public hearing. Check on the DATES. Motion carried.