New Hampshire Soccer Association
Meeting Minutes
September 05, 2007
Attendance: Bill Thornton, Bob Willey, canida campbell, Doug Thomas, Sonja Snellgrove (GSYSL) John Ferreira, Fil Faria, Brent Diesel (NHSYSL), Daniel Roberge, Mark Sadler, Robert Cote (life member), Kathee Doran-Goulet
Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm
Secretary Report: August meeting minutes presented. Motion to accept by candia, seconded by Bob.
Treasurers Report: Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet submitted by Bookkeeper
Profit and Loss by Class and summary of P & L distributed. John stated that the balance does not reflect the Referee account which is now a separate account. The Profit and Loss statement represents the actual time period of September-August.
John said that we have not received money due from Region 1. ODP camp refunds were also a problem this year. It was also mentioned that insurance for Amateurs has not been paid yet.
Bill stated that NHSA still needs to collect from E7 as well as indoor facilities. All delinquent indoor facilities that do not make payment to NHSA by Oct.1 will be held in bad standing. Bill said that if any insurance claims have been paid for the facilities in bad standing then NHSA must file small claims against them. John stated he would send each indoor facility in bad standing a letter stating the amount owed and date of bad standing. A letter will be drafted and posted on the Referee web page stating the facilities that are affiliated with NHSA and any not posted are not affiliated and therefore no insurance will be in place and the USSF badge can not be worn.
Doug inquired as to where the $200.00 2006 Sponsorship from Pullen Insurance for Youth Soccer Month is listed. John will check on it.
Doug suggested having someone else do collections for Recreation. Bill stated that help is needed and once NHSA goes on line the billing process should help with timely collections. But now billing should be a priority.
Mark Sadler inquired about a referee budget. John said he would send the submitted budget from Dave Bruno to him.
Motion to submit audit by Bob, seconded by candia.
Executive V.P.: No written report
Bob reported that US Youth Soccer month and U10 festival were in September there are currently about 20 teams committed. 14 of them are Bedford. Bob asked for suggestions for fields as the Rock Rimmon fields are not available. It was suggested to contact Farmers Fields, Londonderry and Kollsman Fields. 3 fields would be needed for the U10 festival.
V.P. of Recreation: No Report
Doug asked for confirmation regarding Youth Soccer Month so he can notify the Revolution for obtaining a player for the day.
Bill suggested combining the YSM with the U10 Festival since Sept 16, the original date for YSM is too soon to organize this event at this late of a date.
Doug will inquire if a Revolution player would be available for the 29th U10 Festival instead.
Bob will check for field availability ASAP.
Doug stated there will be a meeting for the American Cup on Sept 11 at the State Office.
Bob inquired regarding previous years of Rec members compared to current year. Doug thought that 85-90% are still members.
V.P. of Competitive: Monthly Report and Youth Competitive Meeting held on August 27 reports attached.
candia stated that GSYSL demanded that she supply them with play for 8 V 8 for the Fall Tournament. Brent stated that he may be able to supply teams. And will contact her regarding teams. Sonja stated that competitive soccer has changed drastically and suggested that next year the Fall Tournament format be reviewed. candia stated that they would review it after the Fall Tournament.
A complaint was logged to candi regarding leagues not posting standings on their websites. candi stated that neither she nor NH soccer dictate to leagues what goes on their websites.
V.P. of Adult: No written report
Dan inquired about the suspended NHISA player. Bill said that he was granted an appeal but NHSA had not heard from him since.
Dan noted that we still need to receive payment from GSWS League which should be around $6000.00 to $7000.00, as well as Senior Select.
The USASA finals were held in Seattle, Washington. There were 3 winners from Region I, The Women’s Open Cup, Men’s Amateur Cup and the Over 30.
Dan offered his help with getting the Adult set up online with Blue Sombrero.
October meeting for USASA in Tampa.
V.P. Indoor: No report.
State Coach of Education: Written report submitted.
Bill stated that Mark had a very busy August and monies were up for coaching courses. John expressed his concern regarding coaches wanting (or being able to) take the new longer D course.
State Coach of ODP: No Report
Bill said that John is in possession of the names of players that are delinquent in payment. He stated that John should send a letter to each player/family demanding either payment, a payment plan or offering financial assistance. They are to be made aware that if they have not paid they will be put in bad standing which means they can not be an eligible player on any roster for the USYSA. John will verify names before letter is sent.
State Referee Administrator: Committee Written Report submitted by the newly appointed Mark Sadler
SYRA: See Committee Report
SDI: See Committee Report
SDA: Bill Sawyer has resigned as SDA. He said he would be glad to act as a consultant only. The SRC is currently handling the SDA duties until a new SDA is nominated.
State Registrar: Written Report submitted.
State Administrator: Written report submitted
Risk Management Report: Written Report submitted.
Doug mentioned that Liz is available to take over. Bill stated that when E7 contacts him he will let Liz know.
Old Business: Bob asked if we should attempt to get another intern to help with billing duties. The OK was given by Bill.
All reservations and registrations should be made for the October 12, 13 meeting in Virginia.
Shirt sizes need to be delivered to Ric so Score shirts can be ordered. Bob Cote asked if Life Members could receive shirts also. Bill stated that we had to negotiate for the Board but would try.
Kathee reported The Executive Court would be the best place to hold the awards night. Invitations will be sent out. Bill stated that all Life Members and guest should be invited. This is for the 2006/2007 year.
New Business:
Bill announced that Dave Bruno has resigned as SRA for NHSA. He cited his many contributions to New Hampshire Soccer as well as Bill Sawyer’s many contributions.
Good of the Game: Women’s World Cup in China begins this month. Rachel Rule and Carrie Sykes from the U.S. have been invited to Ref. Bill stated that they both have been very helpful to N.H. soccer.
Brazil vs. Mexico at Gillette Stadium for friendly game in September.
Next meeting is on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 6:30 pm
Motion to adjourn by Bob and seconded by candia.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Kathee Doran-Goulet