Meeting opened: 7.35pm
Present 19:
DW; AR; JJ; GMc; LS; BR; HW; AW; MM; BD; KV; MM; WM; JB; MF; JF; MG; UA; JA;
Apologies: 4
Acceptance of March minutesas a true record - moved AR 2nd WM - no meeting in February due to Masterplan meeting at Ourimbah Campus.
BR: Amendment required to March minutes:- "Rugby union cottage" should read "Unions Australia cottage".
DW: Further to March minutes and asdiscussed at previous meetings Jeff Jones offered to fill the role of Secretary - at March 2015 meeting, DW moved that this offer be accepted – the vote was unanimous. However, to meet with banking regulations, Iomitted to move that Jeff be a co-signatory on ORRA Bendigo Bank Account (along with DW, AR and GMc with any two to sign) and that he is able to access balances if necessary. I now move that this be approved. All in favour –Unanimous. Jeff’s details to be submitted to Bendigo Bank Lisarow along with minutes for both March and April.
Welcome to Michele - new member.
Treasurers report: Last meeting had $417.10 Received $21.00, $8.00 for membership and $13.00 donations (bringing YTD donations to $347.00 ), $51 memberships and $500.00 grant from Karen McNamara, Federal Member for Dobell. So income of $918.00 YTD. Since last meeting endorsed expenses of $21.00 to DW for postage stamps and $92.40 to 355 Commitee for rental of hall up to June2015. Bank balance to end March 2015 $324.70 credit. Moved as accepted DW 2nd MF
DW presented letter to ORRA from Mr RC with request attachments be presented to Ourimbah MasterPlan Panel at next meeting. Membership fee of $1 and donation of $9.00 enclosed. Sent apologies for tonights meeting and hopes to attend from next month.
GMc: Application to be madefor Councillor Community Grant through WSC - closes end of May. Draft budget given to AR. Hoping for $500.00 from 1 or more councillors and may have opportunity of getting further funds from KMc in next financial year plus some from DM.
Correspondence in – March & April:
RC,University of Newcastle, Ourimbah Campus - dates forPreview Restaurant for March – nothing received for April.
RMS - Teresa Ting RMS: thank you for invite to attend March meeting – both myself and Snr Project Development Mgr Craig Leckie will attend. Confirmation of traffic signals re next stage of works.
AR - advising community benefits grants closing end of May.
KS - thanks for minutes and the good work of OPC and ORRA. Best wishes for a bright and successful future. Please delete our names as we are moving to Shelley Beach.
CEN Wildlife Wonders workshop 22/3 + request to complete survey re swimming pools at Gosford and Woy Woy – DW forwarded.
J & BR - re boarding house saga. Spoke to GMc re grants on this type of development - will send another submission.
WSC DA’s - 10 Fern Rd, additions, deck, shed; 5 Beechwood Cr., additions; 11 Lorrikeet Lane, dual occupancy. Advice re Ward Forums – A & B Ward combined, Thurs 7th May 9.30am-11.30am Council’s Civic Centre, Ward B Tues 12th May, 6.30am-8.30pm, Tuggerah Lakes Community Centre, Bay Village Rd, Bateau Bay.
MG - request for newsletters and information on Glen Road development. Thank you for same, will put in submission.
DM - copy of letter sent to Transport NSW regarding major works depot for 100 staff situated on small parcel of land bordered by Mannings & Baileys Rds and main Northern line - area would be unsuitable for many reasons including : lack of: access on local roads; sewerage and impact on local waterways and wild life. Also understand Sydney trains intend establishing a train stabling yard at some location on the CC – thought that co-locating the two preferable on industrial zoned lands would have some cost benefits. Suggest work on these projects be subject to wider consultation and that work at Ourimbah cease until such time as consideration of co-locating these facilities is made. Apology for April meeting and
Copy of response from Ourimbah Campus following letter sent re banning of dog walkers on campus. TG, Director, Regional Campuses, University Newcastle advised signs will be removed and replaced with those similar to those in local parks etc . Dog walkers to keep dogs leashed and pick up and remove droppings.
RR - excellent set of minutes for March
Correspondence out:
Thank you to RMS for attending March '15 meeting
Email thank you to DM for copies of correspondence from - University advising dog walkers welcome on campus grounds and letter to Transport NSW re proposed works.
Invite to Transport NSW Projects Dept to attend June meeting to discuss, along with other things, but to include lifts at Ourimbah Station, what will be done on the Mill Street site (2 calls from Transport NSW acknowledging receipt of letter but still no confirmation about attendance at June meeting.).
GMc - update on Glen Road development. A renotification on new plans has now been extended until April 10th for submissions after speaking to JG at Wyong Council. Media releases have been in The Central Coast Express, The Chronical and have had news coverage on 2GO and SeaFM. AB spoke on local ABC radio. Special thanks to Jenny, Max, Lesley, Scott, Gary and Donna H and all those who helped deliver latest newsletter. Sincere appreciation to KMcN for printing 1200 of the 1400 newsletters that included update on latest plan including items of importance when completing attached submission form. Further submission forms available tonight or can be completed online – so please send them in. Hopefully more will be sent than previous.
DW – due date is 10th April – please remember to get them in.
WM - following a discussion with a council worker, I was advised that he had been made redundant after 20 yrs (a further 30 others would finish before Easter with more to follow) he was to finish that day . When I asked why not given until end of financial year he responded that there was to be a 2.5% wage increase after Easter. In view of this I move that a letter be written to Wyong Shire Council about the redundancies being made to the various workers. What departments are being affected, how it is likely to affects the ratepayer and will they be replaced by contractors. 2nd AR with request that WM forward points to DW.
JB - can something be done about he gutters in Burns Rd – both sides from top to Big Flower are full of leaves etc. This is what causes flooding when gutters/drains not cleaned .
ORRA to write.
JJ: - wrote a letter to RMS about the cleaning of the Burns Road commuter carpark - how often is it cleaned. Bins full and a lot of broken glass. Security cameras would not be placed there. Also a Suzuki (for sale) outside Ourimbah Post Office for months - have number so will ring if it remains. Believe ranger notified. Reminder that A and B Ward combined forum at Council 7th May, 9.30 – 11.30am –B Ward only Forum Tuesday, 12th May. Wentworth Courier advertising Precinct meetings at Waverley Council so proves they still see Precinct Committees play an important role with council. DW & I spoke to RMS about red arrow at Glen Rd when no traffic – because of number of accidents over the years will remain but they will tweak it.
JA - What is RMS going to do about Ourimbah Creek Road? Either side of the Freeway bridge still has potholes despite Council promising to fix this road months ago.
ORRA to write.
KV - tonights meeting has been good as we have been able to have a lot of open discussion. Can we do something about the length of time guest speakers are allowed to speak so we can conduct our normal meeting?
DW – sometimes it’s difficult to set a time limit as it was with RMS – in most cases we try to give speakers 15mins but when there is interest and questions cannot be avoided if longer time taken.
WM - do we advertise our meetings? DW - No. When part of council they did. JJ – tried to get something into Express about first Masterplan meeting and nothing happened. DW – can try again as well as school newsletter.
Meeting closed 9pm (2100hours)
Next meeting, Wednesday 6th May, 2015.
Guest Speaker, Ms Karen McNamara, Federal Member for Dobell
7.30pm Open meeting, welcome all
7.35pm Apologies
7.40pm Acceptance of March Minutes Moved……….2nd………
7.45pm Treasurer’s report – Moved as accepted……….2nd……..
7.50pm Introduce Ms McNamara and hand meeting over
8.10pm Questions
8.20pm Thank you to Ms McNamara, continue meeting
8.25pm General Business
9.00pm Anicipated close