Recovery Committees Terms of Reference
6 July 2009
….rebuilding a stronger community
Cover images, clockwise from top left: Owen Gooding (1,2.3), Paul Mechelen (6) and open source (4,5,7)
1.1 Municipal Recovery Committee Structure 12
2.1 Municipal Recovery Committee 56
2.2 Municipal Recovery Committee Secretariat 59
2.3 Yarra Ranges Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group 60
2.4 Community Recovery Sub-Committee 62
2.4.1 Accommodation Working Group 65
2.4.2 Counselling & Case Management Working Group 67
2.4.3 Community Recovery Projects & Events Working Group 69
2.4.4 Volunteer Management and Material Aid Working Group 72
2.5 Rebuilding Sub-Committee 74
2.6 Natural Environment & Public Infrastructure Sub-Committee 77
2.6.1 Vegetation Working Group 80
2.6.2 Erosion Management Working Group 83
2.7 Economic Recovery Sub-Committee 85
2.7.1 Buy Local Campaign Working Group 88
2.7.2 Major Projects Working Group 88
2.7.3 Tourism Working Group 88
In recognition of the need for significant ongoing and coordinated recovery efforts across the municipality, the Shire of Yarra Ranges has established a Municipal Recovery Committee structure to oversee and direct recovery activities in the weeks, months and years following the bushfires.
An overview of the Municipal Recovery Committee structure is provided overleaf. Terms of Reference for each of the Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Groups are provided in Chapter 6 of this Action Plan.
1.1 Municipal Recovery Committee Structure
Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority
Yarra Ranges Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group Chair: Cr Jeanette McRae (SOYR)
Shire of Yarra Ranges Municipal Recovery Committee Chair: John Lester
Legal, Finance, Administrative Support, Insurance, Risk Management, Public Relations
Community Recovery Sub-Committee
Chair: Alison Cran (SOYR)
Rebuilding Sub-Committee
Chair: James Larmour-Reid (SOYR)
Natural Environment & Public Infrastructure Sub-Committee Chair: Grant Jack (SOYR)
Economic Recovery Sub-Committee
Chair: Simon O’Callaghan (SOYR)
Accommodation Working Group
Chair: Shauna Walters (DHS)
Animal Management Team
Leader: Greg Talbot
Erosion Management Working Group
Chair: Don Reiter (SOYR)
Buy Local Campaign Working Group
Public Health Team
Leader: Peter Wright
Building Team
Leader: Rob Flynn
Community Recovery Project & Events Working Group Chair: Jane Sinnamon (SOYR)
Environment Team
Leader: Marty White
* Auspiced by Tourism Victoria and Yarra Valley & The Dandenongs Marketing. The group is also known as the Yarra Valley/Dandenongs/Marysville/Kinglake Bushfire Tourism Regional Response & Recovery Committee
Shire of Yarra Ranges
Municipal Recovery Action Plan 2009 Page 12
2.1 Municipal Recovery Committee
The Shire of Yarra Ranges Municipal Recovery Committee has the following Terms of Reference:
The devastating bushfires of February and March 2009 exacted a significant toll on many communities in the Shire of Yarra Ranges. In line with the Emergency Management Act 1986, and as a clear commitment to the communities of the municipality, the Shire has convened a Municipal Recovery Committee.
The principal role of the Municipal Recovery Committee is to oversee all aspects of the work required to assist the recovery of the community from the impact of the disaster.
Specific Functions
The specific functions of the Municipal Recovery Committee are to:
(a) Develop a Municipal Recovery Action Plan to identify all actions necessary to ensure recovery is undertaken in a systematic, effective and timely manner appropriate to the communities capacity;
(b) Facilitate and oversee the implementation of the Recovery Action Plan;
(c) Monitor the progress and on-going developments arising through the recovery process to ensure actions are flexible and responsive to emerging needs, trends and relevant issues;
(d) Report to the Council, State and Commonwealth with recommendations for resources and actions needed to assist with recovery across all areas;
(e) Foster and facilitate recovery initiatives at the local level;
(f) Partner with a range of organisations to:
Facilitate community engagement;
Provide knowledge on local issues and initiatives;
Encourage communities to become involved;
Link with current Federal and State Government policies and directions;
Advocate the need for a shared response to the issues;
(g) Inform the community of progress on municipal recovery and major initiatives and achievements; and
(h) Coordinate dissemination of relevant information.
Membership of the Municipal Recovery Committee will comprise:
Chair: John Lester
Cr Len Cox, Mayor, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Glenn Patterson, Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Yarra Ranges (Deputy Chair)
Senior Sergeant Vin Butera, Municipal Emergency Response Coordinator (MERC), Victoria Police
John Leatherland, Eastern Region Director, Department of Human Services (until 29 April 2009)
Mike Debinski, Eastern Region Director, Department of Human Services (from June 2009)
Laurie Jeremiah, Department of Sustainability and Environment
Ty Newton , Department of Planning and Community Development (Until May 2009)
Melissa Argostino, Department of Planning and Community Development (from June 2009)
Grant Jack, Municipal Emergency Resource Officer (MERO), Shire of Yarra Ranges
Alison Cran, Municipal Recovery Manager (MRM), Shire of Yarra Ranges
Greg Ireton, community Engagement Co-ordinator, Victorian Reconstruction and Recovery Authority (from May 2009)
Chairs of Sub Committees:
Community Recovery: Alison Cran, Director Social & Economic Development, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Rebuilding: James Larmour-Reid, Director Planning Building & Health, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Natural Environment & Public Infrastructure: Grant Jack, Manager Asset Maintenance & Services, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Economic Recovery: Simon O’Callaghan, Executive Officer Economic Development, Shire of Yarra Ranges
The term of membership on the Municipal Recovery Committee will be for 12 months, with a review process to consider the need for ongoing operation and composition of the committee. All members will be eligible for re-appointment.
The Municipal Recovery Committee may co-opt particular individuals as required for specific purposes and members representation organisations will be encouraged to provide a nominee if they are unable to attend on a particular occasion. Members from organisations may invite others (with the prior approval of the Chairperson) to attend Committee meetings to provide advice or support on relevant issues.
Sub-Committees / Working Groups
There will be a range of Sub Committees established to oversee discrete areas as defined within the Municipal Recovery Action Plan. A Chairperson and a Deputy Chairperson will identified for each Sub Committee. Each Sub Committee is to have a Terms of Reference and report directly to the Shire of Yarra Ranges Municipal Recovery Committee.
The Municipal Recovery Committee will meet on a fortnightly basis for a period of 2 months, after which meetings will be held on a monthly basis.
Meetings will be held on Mondays from 4pm – 5pm or as otherwise scheduled.
Relationships & Support
Secretariat support will be provided by the Shire of Yarra Ranges through the Municipal Recovery Committee functions.
The Municipal Recovery Committee will provide reports or briefings through Council staff to the State and Commonwealth governments, the Shire of Yarra Ranges community and other relevant organisations as required.
The Municipal Recovery Committee will provide advice and advocacy to State and Commonwealth governments and relevant authorities regarding ongoing recovery issues.
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed every 6 months or as required.
2.2 Municipal Recovery Committee Secretariat
The Municipal Recovery Committee, Sub-Committees and Working Groups will draw on a range of secretariat functions provided through the Shire of Yarra recovery operations as required.
These may include services and resources in the area of the legal, financial, administrative support, insurance, risk management and public relations.
The range of support services will be accessed on a needs basis and may be provided from either internal or external sources. The Municipal Recovery Committee will be responsible for approving and tasking the allocation of secretariat resources.
The secretariat function of the Municipal Recovery Committee and supporting sub- committees will not be required to meet as an entity in itself.
2.3 Yarra Ranges Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group
The Yarra Ranges Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group has the following Terms of Reference:
The devastating bushfires of February and March 2009 exacted a significant toll on many communities in the Shire of Yarra Ranges. In line with the Emergency Management Act 1986, and as a clear commitment to the communities of the municipality, the Shire has convened a Municipal Recovery Committee to oversee all aspects of the work required to assist the recovery of the community from the impact of the disaster.
The Shire has appointed a Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group to assist the Municipal Recovery Committee in its activities.
The principal role of the Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group is to ensure that the Community's views are actively integrated across all recovery activities overseen by the Municipal Recovery Committee
Specific Functions
The specific functions of the Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group are to:
(a) Provide an additional mechanism for communicating information between the Municipal Recovery Committee and fire affected regions of the Shire of Yarra Ranges;
(b) Provide input to the Municipal Recovery Action Plan as required;
(c) Inform the diverse fire-affected communities and stakeholders about the Municipal Recovery Action Plan’s progress and gain feedback through members’ networks, contacts and associated organisations.
(d) Provide a reference point for the Municipal Recovery Committee to test proposed recovery initiatives and plans;
(e) Bring diverse community opinions and concerns from fire affected regions to the attention of the Municipal Recovery Committee in a structured and constructive manner;
(f) Provide knowledge on local issues and initiatives and generate creative ideas and solutions to assist community recovery; and
(g) Identify mechanisms to assist the Municipal Recovery Committee with the implementation of the Municipal Recovery Action Plan.
Membership of the Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group will comprise:
Chair: Cr Jeanette McRae, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Alison Cran, Municipal Recovery Manager (MRM), Shire of Yarra Ranges
Jane Sinnamon, Community Recovery Co-ordinator, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Two Community Development Officers, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Up to 25 community representatives
The Shire of Yarra Ranges has sought nominations from across the municipality to represent community interests on the Reference Group. Appointments will be made by the Shire of Yarra Ranges on the basis of the following principles:
All fire affected communities to be represented
Representatives to demonstrate strong connectivity to their local community through networks, organisations, associations, committees etc.
A diversity of representation from different interest sectors of the community.
A demonstrated competency to participate in and effectively contribute to such a reference group.
The term of membership on the Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group will be for
12 months, with a review process to consider the need for ongoing operation and composition of the committee.
The Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group may co-opt particular individuals as required for specific purposes.
Sub-Committees / Working Groups
The Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group will not require any Sub-Committees or Working Groups.
The Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group will meet every two months.
Relationships & Support
Secretariat support will be provided by the Shire of Yarra Ranges through the Municipal Recovery Committee functions.
The Municipal Recovery Community Reference Group will provide reports or briefings to the Municipal Recovery Committee as required.
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed every 6 months or as required.
2.4 Community Recovery Sub-Committee
The Shire of Yarra Ranges Community Recovery Sub-Committee has the following Terms of Reference:
The significant bushfires across Victoria in February and March 2009 resulted in substantial community losses and impacts in the Shire of Yarra Ranges. In recognition of the need for significant ongoing and coordinated recovery efforts across the municipality, the Shire of Yarra Ranges has established a Municipal Recovery Committee structure to oversee and direct recovery activities in the weeks, months and years following the bushfires.
Under the Shire of Yarra Ranges Municipal Recovery Committee Executive, a number of Sub- Committees have been formed to tackle particular elements of the recovery process, one of which is the Community Recovery Sub-Committee.
The principal role of the Community Recovery Sub-Committee of the Municipal Recovery Committee is to oversee and direct community recovery activities in the Shire of Yarra Ranges.
Specific Functions
The specific functions of the Community Recovery Sub-Committee are to:
(a) Oversee the development of community recovery activities through specific working groups:
i. Provision of accommodation
ii. Provision of counselling, personal support and case management
iii. Delivery of community-based projects and events
iv. Coordination and support for volunteers;
(b) Provide a conduit between the working groups and the Municipal Recovery Committee;
(c) Identify and resolve issues relating to community recovery efforts;
(d) Identify and facilitate community recovery opportunities as they arise, including integration across recovery efforts;
(e) Ensure that the relevant working groups can access required assistance and resources to effectively achieve their intended community recovery outcomes; and
(f) Monitor and report on community recovery progress to the Municipal Recovery Committee.
Membership of the Community Recovery Sub-Committee will comprise:
Chair: Alison Cran, Director Social & Economic Development and Municipal Recovery Manager, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Cr Jeanette McRae, councillor Ryrie Ward, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Shauna Walter, Manager Housing Primary and Complex Care, Eastern Metropolitan Region, Department of Human Services
Mandy Black, Community Development Officer, Shire of Yarra Ranges
Kate Powne, Community Development Officer, Shire of Yarra Ranges