2009-05-28IEEE 802.16m-09/0027
Project / IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <Title / IEEE 802.16 TGm Minutes of Session #61, Cairo, Egypt
Date Submitted / 2009-05-28
Source(s) / Rakesh Taori, TGm Acting-Secretary for Session #61
Brian Kiernan, TGm Chair / E-mail:
Re: / None
Abstract / IEEE 802.16 TGm Minutes of Session #61, Cairo, Egypt
Purpose / Approve
Notice / This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
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IEEE 802.16 TGm Minutes
Session #61, Cairo, Egypt
Rakesh Taori
Samsung Electronics
IEEE 802.16's Task Group m (TGm) held its fourteenth session during the IEEE 802 Plenary Session #61at the SemiramisIntercontinental Hotel, Cairo, Egypt. The session was chaired by Brian Kiernan, with Vice Chairs Carl Eklund and Phil Barber and Acting Secretary Rakesh Taori. Approximately 250 people attended the meeting.
1)Monday, May 4, 2009– Morning Session (TGm Common Session)
The Chair called the TGm Opening session to order at 10:25 AM, and introduced the officers.
The five slides included within were shown and the patent policy information was provided to the task group.
The Chair then provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard; No statements were received.
The Chair presented the Agenda, IEEE 802.16m-09/0025, and shared the main goals of the meeting. The Agenda was approved without opposition.
The minutes from Session #60, IEEE 802.16m-09/0018, were presented by the Chair and approved by TGmwithoutopposition.
The chair then presented the plan for the week. Allocation of breakout sessions for the seven ongoing DGs (Handover, ARQ, QoS & CM, Power conservation, HARQ protocol timing and SCH) as well as sessions for SDD CR resolution, AWD comment resolution, and AWD new contributions. At that time, the session plan and meeting room assignment were as follows:
Note: Numbers in parenthesis represent the number of comments/contributions submitted and are for planning purposes only.>
The chair outlined the room assignment as being TGm-A/B/C for PHY, MAC and DG sessions, respectively. Chair announced that additional DG sessions may be planned (if needed) and recommended TGm members to check for updates to the plan as the week progressed.
Next, there was a question from the floor on how to handle contribution on features such as Interference Mitigation which were identified as Feature RGs in the previous session. The chair directed that contributions to Session #61, for which a call was issued, be handled in the same way as new contributions.
The TGm chair then invited the chairs of the seven current DGs to present the status of each DG including AWD comment numbers and associated contributions.
- HARQ Protocol DG:
The DG chair (Jaeweon Cho) presented the opening report C802.16m-09/1158. Comment #14, with associated contribution C802.16m-09/0859 and #15, without associated contribution, of AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1, were submitted by the DG. - Power ConservationDG:
The DG chair (Xin Qi) reported on the status of the DG. - Sleep Mode
Comments #66 ~ #70 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1, with associated contribution C802.16m-09/0797 were submitted by the DG for Sleep Mode. - Idle Mode
Comments #71 ~ 73 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1, with associated contribution C802.16m-09/0798 were submitted by the DG for Idle Mode. - Connected Mode
Comment #74 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1, with associated contribution C802.16m-09/0799 were submitted by the DG for Connected Mode. - ARQ DG:
The DG chair (Youngbin Chang)presented the opening report C802.16m-09/1169. Comments #64 and #65 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1, with associated contributions IEEE C802.16m-09/1097and C802.16m-09/1098 were submitted by the DG. - SCH DG:
The DG chair (Paul Cheng)presented the opening report C802.16m-09/1123. The DG chair informed that the DG members hadn’t reached a consensus and there was a single comment (comment #181 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1) dealing with the SCH DG output. The DG had two candidate options summarized in IEEE C802.16m-09/0940and C802.16m-09/0958 and the DG would try to down select in the session. - QoS & CM DG:
The DG chair (Xiangying Yang) presented the opening report IEEE C802.16m-09/1170. Comments #13 and #463 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1with the associated contributions IEEE C802.16m-09/0846and C802.16m-09/0847 were submitted by the DG. - Power control and Link Adaptation DG:
The DG chair (Xiao Yi) reported on the status of the DG. - Link Adaptation
Comment #450 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1 with the associated harmonized text IEEE C802.16m-09/0865 were submitted by the DG for Link Adaptation. - Power Control
Comments #451 ~ #457 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1 with the associated textC802.16m-09/0866 were submitted by the DG for Power Control.Additionally, contributionC802.16m-09/1167wasthe evaluation methodology for power control from the DG. - Handover DG:
The DG chair (Kelvin Chou) presented the opening report C802.16m-09/1171. - Intra-16m Handover
Comment #34 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1,and the associated text IEEE C802.16m-09/0913 were submitted by the DG for Intra-16m Handover. - Legacy Handover
Comments #35 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1, and the associated text IEEE C802.16m-09/0914 were submitted by the DG for Legacy Handover. - Inter-RAT Handover
Comment #45 of the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1,and the associated text IEEE C802.16m-09/0915 were submitted by the DG for Inter-RAT Handover.
At the end of the DG reports, the TGm Chair urged the DG chairs to come back with harmonized text by the end of the session.
Next, as per Phil Barber’s request, the Chair provided Phil Barber with sometimeto present Security related remarks. Phil proposed to set up a multi-meeting Security ad-hoc group to come up with AWD text for the AWD section on Security. Jicheol Lee (Samsung) volunteered to chair this ad ad-hoc. The chair asked if there was any objection to form an ad-hoc group to deal with issues related to Security. There was no objection. The TGm chair then announced the formation of Security ad-hoc with Jicheol Lee as chair.
Then, Reza Arefi provided an update on the ITU schedule. After Reza’ report, the Chair informed that the ITU ad hoc group will be meeting all week in Babylon 3 (3rdfloor). The chair urged the TGm members to settle all core issues at this meeting (Session #61).
Next, there was a discussion on the work plan. TGm chair showed the work plan that was adopted in Session #60. The chair announced that detailed discussion related to work plan would take place in a Work plan session on Monday at 7:30 pm (TGm-C). The chair announced that Jose Puthenkulam would chair the discussion.
The chair then informed the members that motions to accept the editorial comments would come up during TGm closing on Thursday and members should review the e-mails from AWD and SDD editors regarding the comments that have been classified as editorial.
Next, the session #61 host, Fadel Digham, introduced Dr. Amr Badawi (Executive President of the NTRA). Dr. Amr Badawi welcomed the members to Cairo and presented a keynote speech.
At 11:50 AM, the TGm common session was recessed until Thursday morning.
2)MondayAfternoon ~ WednesdayEvening (May4 ~ 6), 2009– Breakout Sessions
[Minutes from the Breakout sessionsprovided by the Session Chairs]
[1]TGm-A PHY Track: SDD Comment Resolution (Monday PM)
The session was chaired by Brian Kiernan with Ron Murias as Editor, to resolve the SDD comments captured in the SDD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0022r1, on sections 11, 17 and 18 of the SDD. The outcome of comment resolutions are captured in the final SDD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0022r3.
[2]TGm-A PHY Track: New AWD contributions
The session was chaired by Brian Kiernan with Ron Murias as Editor to handle new PHY contributions. Multicarrier and Interference Mitigation DGs were created and tasked to review the new contributions relevant to their areas and come back to the group with harmonized text by Thursday.
- Interference Mitigation DG
Clark Chen and JeongHo Park were appointed as co-chairs and the DG met on Monday evening in TGm-A PHY Track. The harmonized ToC in contribution C802.16m-09/1179 was adopted without any objection. The decisionis captured in (Comment #469L)the final AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2. - Multi-Carrier DG
IK Fu and Jaehee Cho were appointed as co-chairs. The DG participants agreed to use the contributions C802.16m-09/0950 and C802.16m-09/0951 as DG’s base document. The harmonized text in contribution C802.16m-09/1176r2 was adopted without any objection. The decisionis captured in the final AWD comment database IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2(Comment #6).
[3]TGm-A PHY Track: AWD Comment Resolution (Monday PM ~ Wednesday PM)
The session was chaired Brian Kiernan with Ron Murias as Editor to handle 286 technical comments captured in the AWD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1. The outcome of the AWD comment resolution is captured in the final AWD Commentary database IEEE802.16m-09/0023r2.
[4]TGm-B MAC Track: New AWD contributions (Monday PM)
The session was chaired by Carl Eklund with Shkumbin Hamiti as Editor to handle new AWD contributions for the MAC topics, namely, Network Entry, Management connections, MAC PDU formats, Security, CS Layer and contributions classified as “others”. There were no formal sessions allocated for this topic and there was no closing report.
- Network entry
- Jicheol Lee was tasked to createproposed text based on received contributions. The text harmonized through offline discussion was documented in C802.16m-09/1178r5and the suggestion to adopt the document as AWD text was approved in TGm-B MAC Track. The decisionis captured in the final AWD Commentary database IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2(Comment #62).
- Management connections
- Mary Chion was tasked to createproposed text based on received contributions. The text harmonized through offline discussion was documented in C802.16m-09/1023r1and the suggestion to adopt the document as AWD text was approved in TGm-B MAC Track. The decisionis captured in the final AWD Commentary database IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2(Comment #471L).
- MAC PDU Formats
- Anil Agiwalwas tasked to createproposed text based on received contributions. The text harmonized through offline discussion was documented in C802.16m-09/1173r1and the suggestion to adopt the document as AWD text was approved in TGm-B MAC Track. The decisionis captured in the final AWD Commentary database IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2(Comment #470L).
- Security
- Contributions related to security were forwarded to the Security Ad-hoc that was created at the start of the TGm session. The harmonized text by the ad-hoc group captured in C802.16m-09/1177 was adopted without any objection and the decision is captured in the final AWD Commentary database IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2(Comment #25).
- CS Layer
- There were 2 contributions on CS layer. The discussion on CS layer was deferred until Wed PM. No harmonized text was generated for this topic. Instead, a DG was formed to handle this topic (See notes in the TGm closing section).
[5]TGm-BMAC Track: SDD Comment Resolution (Monday PM, Tuesday PM)
The session was chaired by Carl Eklund with Shkumbin Hamiti as Editor to resolve the SDD comments captured in the Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0022r1, on Section 3, 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of the SDD. For the comments related to Section 17 of the SDD (Femto), there were 62 comments received and the chair reminded the group that 50% rule for adopting the proposed changes for Section 17 would be applied.
On Tuesday afternoon, a roll-call vote for comment #104 of the SDD database (IEEE 802.16m-09/0022r1)was called by the chair.
Motion: To approve the proposed remedy to the comment, as written: To adopt the proposed text of proposalin C802.16m-09/0838r1.
Results:Failed (Yes: 28; No: 29; Abstain : 6)
The names of the people who participated in this roll call and the vote cast by them can be found as Appendix C, attached at the end of these minutes.
The outcome of comment resolutions are captured in the final SDD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0022r3.
[6]TGm-B MAC Track: AWD Comment Resolution (Tuesday AM, Wednesday PM)
The session was chaired by Carl Eklund with Shkumbin Hamiti as Editor to handle the 52 MAC AWD comments captured in the Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1. Several comments overlapped with the discussion in ongoing DGs were transferred to the DG track. The outcome of the AWD comment resolution is captured in the final AWD Commentary database IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2.
[7]TGm-C DG Track
The session was chaired by Phil Barber with Roshni Srinivasan as Editor. The chair first outlined the agenda of the session as to review, discuss and develop recommendations for disposition of comments on identified DG matters in the AWD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r1, and the DG process to be used during the session.
- QoS & CM DG:
- The group reviewed comment #13of the AWD comment database, 802.16m-09/0023r1, and produced updated harmonized text, C802.16m-09/0846r3.The decision on the text is captured in the final AWD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2.
- The group agreed to recommend that comment #463 be superceded by the resolution of comment #13
- The group reviewed comment #181of the AWD comment database, 802.16m-09/0023r1, and produced updated harmonized text, C802.16m-09/0958r3.The decision on the text is captured in the final AWD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2.
- Handover
- The group reviewed comments#34 (Intra-16m Handover), #35 (Legacy Handover) and #45 (Inter-RAT Handover) of the AWD comment database, 802.16m-09/0023r1, and produced updated harmonized text, C802.16m-09/0913r2, C802.16m-09/0914r1 and C802.16m-09/0915r1.The decision on the text is captured in the final AWD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2.
- The group agreed to recommend that comments #37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 be superceded by the resolution of comment #34
- Power Conservation
- The group reviewed comment #66 ~ #70 (Sleep Mode), #71 ~ #73 (Idle Mode) and #74 (Connected Mode) of the AWD comment database, 802.16m-09/0023r1, and produced updated harmonized text, C802.16m-09/0797r3, C802.16m-09/0798r3 and C802.16m-09/0799.The decision on the text is captured in the final AWD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2.
- The group agreed to recommend that comments #11, 72 and 73 be superceded by the resolution of comment #71
- HARQ Protocol DG
- The group reviewed comment #14 and #15 of the AWD comment database, 802.16m-09/0023r1, and produced updated harmonized text, C802.16m-09/0859r1 and C802.16m-09/1130r1.The decision on the text is captured in the final AWD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2.
- Power Control / Link Adaptation
- The group reviewed comment #450 (Link Adaptation) and #451 ~ #457 (Power Control) of the AWD comment database, 802.16m-09/0023r1, and produced updated harmonized text, C802.16m-09/0865 and C802.16m-09/0866r1.The decision on the text is captured in the final AWD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2.
- The group reviewed comment#64 and #65 of the AWD comment database, 802.16m-09/0023r1, and produced updated harmonized text, C802.16m-09/1097r3 and C802.16m-09/1098r4.The decision on the text is captured in the final AWD Commentary database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0023r2.
- The group agreed to recommend that comment #8 be superceded by the resolution of comment #64
- The group agreed to recommend that comment #10 be superceded by the resolution of comment #65
[8]ITU-R activity Ad Hoc group
This ad hoc was chaired by Reza Arefi, and met on all days during Session #61. The final report, IEEE L802.16-09/0057r1 summarizing the discussion in this group was presented at the TGm closing.
[9]Work Plan Ad Hoc group
This ad hoc was chaired by Jose Puthenkulam and met on Monday evening in TGm-A and Wednesday afternoon in TGm-C. The final report, C802.16m-09/1181r1, outlining the discussion of this ad hoc was presented in the TGm Closing plenary session on Thursday morning.
[TGm closing]
3)Thursday, May7, 2009 – Morning Session (TGm Common Session)
A full TGm common session was called to order by the TGm Chair at 8:20AM. The chair presented the agenda for the closing session.
The group started the session with the approval of the AWD editorial comments.
Motion: To accept the following editorial comments contained in the AWD database,802.16m-09/0023r2:
Comment Numbers; 2, 5, 22, 36, 37, 43, 61, 77, 86, 89, 90, 107, 108, 109, 119, 122, 133, 134, 136, 145, 150, 151, 155, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 171, 185, 195, 242, 245, 247, 251, 252, 253, 260, 262, 263, 264, 266, 279, 287, 289, 293, 296, 298, 300, 306, 307, 309, 310, 312, 313, 316, 317, 318, 326, 333, 339, 349, 354, 355, 356, 368, 371, 375, 401, 402, 403, 405, 407, 409, 417, 418, 419, 422, 425, 427, 428, 429, 462
Proposed: Ron Murias
Seconded:Roshni Srinivasan
Results: Passed - Unanimously
Then the group moved to approve all the SDD editorial comments.
Motion: To accept the following list of editorial comments in the SDD comment database, IEEE 802.16m-09/0022r3.
Comment Numbers; 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 23, 24, 31, 32, 45, 47, 59, 62, 65, 66, 76, 77, 80,82, 93, 96, 105, 143, 151, 156, 157, 161, 165, 167, 174
Proposed: Ron Murias
Seconded:Roshni Srinivasan
Results: Passed –Unanimously
Then the group moved to approve the SDD Commentary database and to authorize the creation of a new SDD.
Motion: To accept the resolutions contained in C802.16m-09/0022r3 and authorize the editor to issue a new SDD C802.16m-09/0003r9 based on those resolutions
Proposed: Ron Murias
Seconded:Roshni Srinivasan
Results: Passed - Unanimously
Then the group moved to approve the AWD Commentary database and to authorize the creation of a new AWD.
Motion: To accept the resolutions contained in C802.16m-09/0023r2 and authorize the editor to issue a new AWD, C802.16m-09/0010r2, based on those resolutions.