Bijlage 2 15
Scientific Activities
(a) International Study leaves, international workshops
(b) Organisation of international/national conferences, symposia
(c) Active participation in international conferences, symposia
(d) Active participation in national conferences, sympoisa
(e) Lectures, on invitation of universities and scientific organisations
(f) Grants, project grants
(g) PhD Promotorship, PhD Support committee, PhD examination boards
Year / Type / ActivityInternational study leaves and workshops
October-December 2005 / A / Ghent University – Vlerick Management School, Gent, Belgium.Workshop: ICT for Managers (8 day workshop, spread over three months)
7-15 May, 2005 / A / VVOB Workshop EMTC2 (Educational Manager's Training College n°2), Ho-Chi-Minh, Vietnam.
Workshop: Distance Education - 10 sessions covering a variety of microlevel and mesolevel issues -
22-23 December, 2004 / A / VOR Vlaamse Onderwijsraad, Workshop “ICT in het volwassenenonderwijs”, Brussels, belgium.
Workshop: ICT in het volwassenenonderwijs
6-9 May, 2004 / A / Bethlehem University, UNESCO-workshop ICT in Higher Education, Palestina.
Workshop: ICT in Higher Education
9–17 November, 2002 / A / SURF – Scientific Technical Board , California/New Yorok State, USA.
Study Trip: visit to major ICT-partners in higher education in California and New York State, USA (CISCO, IBM, Stanford University, SUN, Oracle, HP/Compaq, Expression)
18-20 September, 2002 / A / JISC/Surf - Future strategic Workshop, Oxford, UK.
Workshop: JISC / SURF/ Internet 2 - Opportunities to collaborate in Education and Electronic Resources
10-22 March, 2002 / A / SURF/WTR in collaboration with JICS, Australia.
Expert Study Trip: Visit to 14 Australian University in view of the analysis of ICT applications in Higher Education
13-16 July, 2001 / A / Tempus programme, Gdansk, Poland.
Workshop: Virtual and Distance Education
December, 2000 / A / International Tempus Training courses, Ministry of Education, Brasov, Brasov University, Romania.
Workshop: ‘Towards educational models in educational software design’
March 1999 / A / CEDIPROE & University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Workshop: ICT in Education
May, 1997 / A / “II Curso Internacional de Tecnologías de la Información y la Communicación en la Educación”, Buenos Aires, CEDIPROE & Universidad de la Plata, Argentina
Workshop: (1) Independent learning and the proces of redesigning education; (2) Distance education based upon competencies: design considerations.
Buenos Aires, Universidad de Belgrano, Faculty of Engineering
Workshop: International workshop on IT in education
Mendoza (Argentinië), IAIM & Universidad National de Cuyo
Workshop: Tecnología de la información y la communicación en la escuola
January-February, 1996 / A / Rand Afrikaanse Universiteit, Faculty of Education & Nursing, Johannesburg, South-Africa
Two-week workshop: Design and development of Distance Education
December, 1988 / A / London, University of London, Institute of Education, UK.
Study visit: research in Logo and mathematics
Organisation of international/national conferences, symposia
6-8 February, 2006 / B / Programme and organisation committee of the Conference Distance Learning as a Form of Educational Process Organization in European provinces - Computing Center, Balashov Filial of Saratov State University [Russia], with support from the International Association (INTAS) for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the NewIndependentStates (NIS) of the Former Soviet Union, Moscow, Russia.1992-2005 / B / Organisation committee, programme committee: Multidisciplinary symposium “Computers op School en Thuis”, Belgium.
Involvement in every one of the 19 yearly conferences, starting with:
· Eerste multi-disciplinair symposium, Antwerpen UIA, 6 December, 1986
· Tweede multi-disciplinair symposium, Antwerpen RUCA, 6-7 November, 1987
· Derde multi-disciplinair symposium 1988, Geel HIK, 11-12 November, 1988
· Vierde multi-disciplinair symposium 1989, Jette, VUB, 21-22 October ,1989
· Vijfde multi-disciplinair symposium 1990, Leuven, KUL, 27 October, 1990
· 1991-1998 to be added
· Gent: Universiteit Gent/KaHo St. Lieven. 19-20 November, 1999
· Antwerpen: Plantyn-Hogeschool, 24-25 November, 2000
· Brussel: EHSAL Hogeschool, 15-17 November, 2001
· Gent, Flanders Expo Hall, 26-29 March, 2003.
· Gent, Flanders Expo Hall, 9-11 March, 2004.
· Gent, Flanders Expo Hall, 27 February-2 March, 2005
12-16 April, 2004 / B / AERA 2004 – Annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, USA.
Organisation symposium entitled: Analysis of interactions in various collaborative learning environments: dissecting dazzling data
30 June-July 2, 2003 / B / Organisation committee, programme commission of the 8th International Conference European Learning Styles Network (ELSIN), University of Hull, Hull, UK.
21-25 April 2003 / B / AERA 2003 – Annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, USA.
Organisation symposium entitled: Research into "Collaborative learning" in Flanders: Grounding theoretical models and student perceptions
27-28 juni 2002 / B / Chair, Organisation, of the 7th International Conference European Learning Styles Network (ELSIN), Gent: Gent University, Belgium.
1-5 april 2002 / B / AERA 2002 – Annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, USA.
Organisation symposium entitled: Learning styles: Flemish research to ground the validity and value of the learning style concept
maart 2000 / B / Programme committee: 1st EDEN Research Workshop “Research and Innovation in Open and Distance Learning, Praag: EDEN/EUCEN, Tsjechowlowakia.
januari 2000 / B / Programme committee: Multimedia in Education – International Chair in Computer Science, Gent, Universiteit Gent/NFWO, Belgium.
23 maart 1999 / B / Organisation symposium ”Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de examinering van het rechtenonderwijs”, Heerlen: Open Universiteit/CIHO, The Netherlands.
17 April, 1997 / B / Organisation committee: studiedag “Kennis- en Competentiemanagement in de onderneming”, Gent, Vlerick School voor Management, Universiteit Gent
20-23 augustus ‘97 / B / Programme committee: 6th Eurologo 1997 “Learning and Exploring with Logo” Budapest, Hungary.
8 & 9 mei ‘96 / B / Leerstoel Prof. dr. L. Verhaegen - Titularis Prof. dr. H.C. de Wolf - Diepenbeek, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Belgium.
Organisation workshop: Ontwerpen van flexibele leermaterialen
20-22 november ‘96 / B / International BITE-conference: “Student at the centre“, Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Organisatie committee symposium: Designing learning environments: a re-engineering perspective on education
23-25 juni 1995 / B / Programme committee: “ICDE-pre conference workshop - Research in relation to new developments in distance education materials”, Birmingham, The Open University, UK.
19-21 juni 1995 / B / Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD 1995), Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands.
Organisation symposium: Onderzoek met betrekking tot Interactieve Leeromgevingen
September 1993 / B / Programme Committee: 4th Eurologo conference “Eurologo '93", Logo-like Learning Environments : Reflection and Prospects”, Athens, University of Athens, Greece
26- 28 May, 1993 / B / Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD 1993), Maastricht: Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, The Netherlands.
Organisation symposia
· Begeleiding in open afstandsonderwijs - Onderzoek m.b.t. nieuwe ontwikkelingen
· Ontwikkeling en implementatie van interactieve leeromgevingen
31 August - 5 September, 1993 / B / EARLI 1993, Aix-en-Provence, Universite d’Aix-en-Provence, France.
Organisation symposia:
· The theoretical base for the development of distance education materials: recent developments
· Research in relation to new developments in distance education materials: An introduction
27-30 August, 1991 / B / Programme Committee 3d Eurologo conference “Eurologo '91”, Parma: University of Parma, Italy.
30 august - 1 September, 1989 / B / Organisation, Organisation committee, programme commission 2nd Eurologo conference “Eurologo '89", Gent, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium.
14 November, 1987 / B / Programme committee "Leren met Logo" 1987, Nijmegen, KUN, The Netherlands.
1985-1988 / B / Organisation, Organisation committee, programme commiteee “European Community Summer Universities”:
· "N.I.T. and primary school" , 1985, Luik, Université de Liège, Belgium.
· "Analysis, modalities of use, integration in teacher training and process evaluation strategies, when introducting computer software in educational perspective", 1986, Gent, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium.
· “The introduction of NIT in primary education", 1987, Luik, Université de Liège, Belgium.
· "Teacher training in the use of computers in the education of 5- to 14-year old children", 1988, Gent, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium.
1984 / B / Organisation, Organisation committee, programme committee: "Programmeeractiviteiten als leeromgeving voor 6- tot 14-jarigen", Gent, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium.
28 May, 1983 / B / Organisation, Organisation committee, programme committee: Conferentie van het Centrum Bedrijfsleven en Onderwijs “Onderwijs en Computer”, GBO, Aalst, Belgium.
International conferences with active participation
Distinction between: invited address (C1), contribution, poster session and discussiant (C2)19-21 September, 2005 / C1 / eFest 2005 - Rising to the Challenge, ITPNZ, Wellington, New Zealand
Invited addresses:
· Rising to the challenge of working together
· Rising to the challenge of being relevant to industry
30 August – 3 September, 2005 / C1 / International conference of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), RAI Congress Center Amsterdam
Invited address: Evidence based use of ICT in medical education
June 6, 2005 / C1 / eLearning Forum, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Invited address: eLearning in research intensive universities
5-8 December, 2004 / C1 / ASCILITE Conference “Beyond the comfort zone”, Perth, Unversity.
Invited address: ICT in higher education: An uncomfortable zone for institutes and their policies.
26 November, 2003 / C1 / International Workshop on E-LEARNING in the Fields FOOD SAFETY and ENVIRONMENT (104934 - CP -3 - 2004 - 1 - PT - ERASMUS – TN)
UCP-Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Porto, Organised in Sliema, Malta
Invited address: The state of the art in e-Learning
9-11 September, 2002 / C1 / Annual ALT-C conference, University of Sunderland, UK
Invited address: "ICT in Dutch and Flemish Higher Education: moving from IT to ICT in adopting new ways of learning and instruction"
2-4 September, 2002 / C1 / European conference 'The New Educational Benefits of ICT in Higher Education: A Mirror of Europe, Institutional Responses, and Regional Context.Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Invited address: Promoting innovation through ICT in higher education: Case study Flanders
30 June, 2001 / C1 / EYL 2001 Conference: Multilingualism and New Learning Environments, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Invited address: Methodological and pedagogical needs emerging from the introduction of independent learning
30 May – 1 June, 2001 / C1 / International conference of the European Association for Distance Learning (EADL), Antwerp, Belgium
Invited address: Interactive, experiential, fun ... Tailoring technology to suit new didactic models
31 August – 3 September, 2000 / C1 / HERMES: New Technologies for distance Education, Samos: University of the Aegean, Greece.
Invited address: ICT in Higher Education: threats and opportunities
15-17 August, 2000 / C1 / Regional Latin-American Conference of the Council for open and Distance Education (ICDE), “Distance Education and Learning Materials” Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Invited address: Creating new learning environments through didactic materials
10 December, 1999 / C1 / International Conference on Web-Based Learning, Ieper: Flanders Language Valley, Belgium.
Invited address: Putting Educational psychology into practice
1-4 November, 1999 / C1 / UNED X conference on ‘Tecnologia y Educacion a Distancia’: El Estudiante de la Educacion a Distancia en la Perspectiva de un Nuevo Milenio, San José-Costa Rica.
Invited address: Learning Environments: looking for a sound base to ground innovative design approaches
14-16 October, 1999 / C1 / Academia Europaea International Conference “The virtual University: Educational environments of the future”, Stockholm: Wenner Grenn Foundation/University of Stockholm, Sweden.Invited address: Models for web-based education: Have we forgotten lessons learned?
7-8 May,1999 / C1 / International CEDIPROE-Conference “Tecnologia Educativa Apropiada”, Buenos Aires: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Invited addresses:
· ICT and innovations in Assessment & Evaluation: micro- and macro-level perspectives
· Models for web-based education: have we forgotten lessons learned?
14-16 May, 1998 / C1 / LearnTec ’98, Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada.
Invited address: The design, production and delivery of flexible learning materials in view of on-line courses
26 March, 1998 / C1 / Series “ICT and its societal impact”, University of Wellington, Fac. of Communication Studies, New Zealand (via audiographics).
Invited lecture: ICT and its position in re-engineering education
October, 1997 / C1 / Colloque “Informatique et communications dans l'enseignement des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre”, Paris: Ecole Normale Supérieure et Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique (INRP), France.
Invited address: L’impact des cours électroniques en ligne sur un emploi intégré des nouvelles technologies dans l’enseignement
9-10 May, 1997 / C1 / “II Curso Internacional de Tecnologías de la Información y la Communicación en la Educación”, Buenos Aires, CEDIPROE & Universidad de la Plata, Argentina.
Invited addresses:
· Independent learning and the process of redesigning education
· Distance education based upon competencies: design considerations
1-9 June, 1997 / C1 / ICDE- World Conference, Penn State: Penn State Universit, USA.
· S. Portier, H. Hermans, M.Valcke & H.Van den Bosch: An electronic workbook to study statistics: Design and evaluation
· R. Martens, S. Portier, M. Valcke & H. Weges: An interactive learning and course development environment: context, theoretical and empirical considerations
· R. Martens, P. Poelmans, S. Portier, M. Valcke & H. Weges: Demand-driven education with interactive learning environments
· P. Kirschner, M. Valcke & P. van Vilsteren: Placing the student at the centre: higher education addressing the challenges of the 21st century
3 April, 1997 / C1 / Conferentie “Biologie, Informatique et Pédagogie”, Paris: Université de Paris VI, France.
Invited address: Tenir compte des caractéristiques de l’étudiant dans les matériaux d’apprentissage: exemples en Droit et en Sciences
27 February, 1997 / C1 / European Multimedia Forum, Brussel: EC, Belgium.
Invited address: Mercator: an example to illustrate an approach to realize flexible online learning materials
28-29 November, 1996 / C1 / Conferentie ECSITE “Europe and the new educational technologies: perspectives and political choices”, Paris: La Villette, France.
Invited address: How ICT contribute to a paradigm shift in the educational roles of teachers and trainers: experiences at the Dutch Open university
19-20 June, 1996 / C1 / 2ièmes Entretiens de l’ORME sur les resources multimédias en éducation, Marseille:Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique, France.
Invited address: Des matériaux d’apprentissage interactifs et flexibles: Résultats de quelques expériences à l’Université Ouverte des Pays Bas
19 April, 1996 / C1 / 3ième Biennale de l’Education et de la formation - Débats sur les recherches et les innovations, Paris: Université de la Sorbonne - UNESCO & Ministère Français de Travail, d’Agriculture et de Formation Continue, France.