October 2017
Today is last day of Hamilton County Kids Coat Drive!
Please drop off any gently used, clean coats, mittens, gloves, hats and boots for kids to Clay Middle School by end of today.All sizes - infants to high school. Any support you cangive to help keep kids warm this winter is appreciated!More info
CEF Ghosts & Goblins 5K on October 28th @ 9am
Have some healthy family fun and helpClay Middle win the title of 'Most Participants' for 5th year in a row! Register today at
Save the date: Book Fair 6th-10th
The Clay Middle School Book Fair from Scholastic is coming November 6th-10thduring school hours in the greatness room. All proceeds go to our media center programs to promote and encourage and reward reading.
Box Tops due by October 20th
Box tops submission time - turn in all of your Box Tops into the front office in baggies of 50! For amounts less than 50, please write # on front of baggie, even if its just 1! Deadline isFriday, October 20. Those little squares add up to hundreds of free dollars for our school - thank you!
Spirit Wear orders arrive October 26th
FYI - Spirit Wear orders should be at school onOctober 26thand will get out to students soon after that.
Champions of Clay:We are asking for $40 or more per student and 100% of your donation goes to school programs - every student directly benefits! You can donate online with PayPal, or by turning in check to the front office within envelope marked "Attn: Champions of Clay - PTO".
Thank you for your continued investment in our students, staff and school community!
TuesdayTreats program:Next date is October 10th and slots are still available!Please considerdonating a treat for Teachers/Staff and sign up:
FREE and EASY way to raise money for our school!By signing up with the following link, Kroger will donate a portion of your shopping trips (when you use your Kroger Rewards card) directly to Clay Middle.
School code is #29003 for 'Clay Middle School'. Sign up now! (you must enroll EACH year, it will not automatically roll over year to year)
BOX TOPS is a year round program! You or your student can drop off Box Tops anytime to front office. Look for the new drop off container (bright blue with box tops on it) and help Clay Middle earn FREE money.
We have several open spaces in our volunteering schedule and encourage you to consider joining us. If interested, please contact our volunteer coordinator Marcia Ruderman r @MRruderman on Twitter.
If you are new to Clay Middle and would like to meet other new families, join the new families gathering group. This group meets monthly to share resources and information with new families about Clay andthe Carmel community. Please email Karen Tullai () for further details and to learn the locations of upcoming gatherings.
Nextdates are: Nov 16th @ 11:30am, Dec 13th @9am, Jan 18th @ 9am, Feb 13th @ 11:30am, March 14th @ 9am, April 12th @ 9am and May 16th @ 11:30am.
Oct 6th - Hamilton County Kids Coats Drive deadline
Oct 10th - Tuesday Treats
Oct 13-16th -Fall Break (Friday & Monday) – No School
Oct 16th -Administrative/Managerial Staff Recognition
Oct 20th - Box Tops due
Oct 16-20th -Bus Driver Recognition Week
Oct 24th - Tuesday Treats
Oct 28th -Annual Ghosts & Goblins 5K/2K @ CHS
Nov 6-10th - Book Fair
Please forward this email to other parents you know and encourage them to sign up forPTOemail updates at
Also, follow us on Facebook at 'Clay MiddlePTO' and on Twitter at '@ClayPTO'
More information about Clay MiddlePTOcan be found at