The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Brownville was held on Tuesday, October 10, 2017 in the Board room at the Brown Mansion, Brownville, N.Y.
Present:Patrick Connor – MayorCharles McConnell – Trustee
Carrie LaSage – TrusteeBob Goutremount – Trustee
Leo Thompson – Trustee
Also Present:Bill Pickett – SuperintendentAnnette West – Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
Mayor Connor led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Connor called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Trustee McConnell made a motion, seconded by Trustee Thompson to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as submitted, carried.
Trustee Thompson asked what could be done about trash setting out in front of residences. He had copies of the Village code pertaining to trash. Also, there was a discussion on putting waste, leaves and other trash in gutters and drains; this is prohibited.
Trustee LaSage reported she had reviewed the Financial Report (AUD) for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2017 and everything looked in order.
Trustee McConnell reported on the trash hauling. It seems Feher’s hauling is questionable for the future.
Deputy West explained the training we had received on the new website. Our site is now live and she will be updating on a regular basis.
Superintendent Pickett said Neenah paper mill would like to put in a new water valve to increase the flow. They will also be purchasing a new meter that will replace the two existing meters. He said we can add the dump truck/plow and old pick up to Auctions International. He will bring paperwork to the next Board meeting concerning an extended warranty on the new truck. The new truck/plow is now at the DPW garage.
Mayor Connor said the new guardrails on Storehouse St. look very nice. They discussed possibly having to find a new plow turn around. Local Law #4 of 2017 to regulate the Licensing, Identification and Control of Dogs within the Village of Brownville was introduced. There will be a public hearing at our regular meeting next month.
Clerk McConnell asked the Board if she could transfer $19,475 from the Water fund into the Water Reserve fund. Trustee McConnell made a motion, seconded by Trustee LaSage to do the transfer, all were in favor, carried. She reviewed the paperwork for the dump truck financing which Mark Gebo had reviewed also. She also presented the payment schedule for the next five years. Mayor Connor introduced the attached resolution and made a motion, seconded by Trustee McConnell to accept the resolution concerning the purchase of the new 2018 Plow/Dump truck.
Mayor Connor made a motion to enter into Executive Session at 6:35 P.M., seconded by Trustee LaSage for the purpose to discuss the employment history of an employee. Trustee LaSage made a motion to leave Executive Session at 6:45 P.M., seconded by Trustee McConnell.
Mayor Connor and the Board reviewed the bank statements, canceled checks and bills. Trustee LaSage made a motion, seconded by Trustee Goutremount to pay the audited bills Abstract 10A –$9,588.78 and 10B - $105,698.83 and to adjourn at 6:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda McConnell, MMC
Village Clerk-Treasurer