LANDac International Conference 2015 – draft programme
WEDNESDAY 8 JULY / 13.00 – 14.00 / 14.00-14.30 / 14.30 – 16.00 / 16.00 – 16.30 / 16.30 – 18.00 / 18.00 – 19.00Registration, breaks / Muntplein, terras, Eerste slagruimte / Registration
& coffee / Coffee / Drinks
Plenarysessions / Productieruimte / Welcome
Professor of International Development Studies UU & Chair of LANDac
Senior policy advisor and Focal point land governance at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dean of the Faculty of Geosciences UU / Opening
key notes
Professor of Agrarian Studies, International Institute for Social Studies
Independent consultant, SM & Associates / Short welcome speech by the Mayor of Utrecht*
Parallel sessions / Auditorium / Where are the real stakeholders? How to promote policy debate in ‘recipient’ countries that include farmers’ organizations
Chair: JurSchuurman
workshopruimte / Urban(izing) land grabs in the Global South I
Chair: Femke van Noorloos
Oranjezaal / Beyond plantations: Exploring the viability of alternative agriculture business models I
Chair: George Schoneveld
Bibliotheek / Innovative land tools
Chair: JaapZevenbergen, Rohan Bennett, Jean du Plessis
Dealingroom / Gender and commercial land investments
Chair: Caroline Archambault
Stijlkamer / Grabbing nature to save it: appropriating land for nature conservation
Chair: Robert Fletcher, Marja Spierenburg
THURSDAY 9 JULY / 8.30-9.00 / 9.00 – 10.00 / 10.00-10.30 / 10.30-12.00 / 12.00-13.00 / 13.00-14.00 / 14.00-15.30 / 15.30-16.00 / 16.00-17.30 / 17.30-18.00 / 18.00-20.00
Welcome/ reception / Muntplein, terras, Eerste slagruimte / Registra-tion
& coffee / Coffee / Lunch / Coffee / Drinks + buffet dinner
Plenary sessions / Productieruimte
(Max 250 p.) / Key note debate “What are the issues?”
Chair: Annelies Zoomers
Padraig Carmody, Robin Palmer / Key note debate “Experiences from the field – moving forward”
Chair: Frits van der Wal
Esther Obaikol, Harold Liversage,
Alda Salomão / Wrapping up & issues for debate
Guus van Westen & Jur Schuurman
Parallel sessions / Auditorium / Book presentation: Global trends in land tenure reform – gender impacts / Grounded analytical approaches to stakeholder interaction in large-scale land acquisitions in Africa I
Chair: Sandra Evers, Froukje Krijtenburg / Grounded analytical approaches to stakeholder interaction in large-scale land acquisitions in Africa II
Chair: Sandra Evers, Froukje Krijtenburg / Book presentation: Advances in responsible land administration (forthcoming) / Regulating land acquisition: what is the role of local governance? I
Chair: Gemma van der Haar, Gerard Baltissen
workshopruimte / Urban(izing) land grabs in the Global South II
Chair: Femke van Noorloos / Land governance and food security I
Chair: Gemma Betsema / Land governance and food security II
Chair: Gemma Betsema
Oranjezaal / Beyond plantations: Exploring the viability of alternative agriculture business models II
Chair: George Schoneveld / Understanding the role of finance in farmland acquisitions
Chair: Oane Visser / Responsible business and land: bridging the gap between corporate investment in land and the protection of local land-related livelihoods
Chair: Guus van Westen
Bibliotheek / Land tools - impact assessment
Chair: JaapZevenbergen, Rohan Bennett, Jean du Plessis / Legal and socio-legal perspectives in land governance
Chair: Carolien Jacobs
Dealingroom / Gender and land
Chair: Caroline Archambault / Discussion session: Gender and land / Oil palm expansion in Latin America: linking development pathways to socio-environmental impacts
Chair: Antonio Castellanos Navarrete, Fabio de Castro, Pablo Pacheco
Stijlkamer / Dual session:
- Governing the commons
- Forest governance
Chair: Malovika Pawar / Climate change adaptation interventions, land use and the production of exclusion
Chair: Sebastiaan Soeters / Large-scale infrastructure development projects: how to make these investments more beneficial for all?
Chair: Ty Pham Huu
Schatkamer / Workshop:
Land Matrix
Chair: Ward Anseeuw / Workshop:
Land Portal
Chair: Laura Meggiolaro / Discussion panel: the role of media and use of big data
Chair: Annelies Zoomers
FRIDAY 10 JULY / 8.30-9.00 / 9.00 – 10.00 / 10.00-10.30 / 10.30-12.00 / 12.00-13.00 / 13.00-14.30 / 14.30-15.00 / 15.00-16.00 / 16.0016.15 / 16.15-17.15 / 17.15-17.30 / 17.30-17.45 / 17.45-18.30
Welcome/ reception / Muntplein, terras, Eerste slagruimte / Coffee / Coffee / Lunch / Coffee / Short break / Drinks
Plenarysessions / Productieruimte
(Max 250 p.) / Key note debate Private sector
Chair: Guus van Westen
Theo de Jager (President of Pan African Farmers Association - PAFO), Maria-Anna van Dijk (ABN-AMRO), Tony Liwang (SINAR Mas Group), Jan van de Haar (Solagrow Ethiopia) / Closing panel
“Ways forward and new agenda’s for policy and research”
Chair: Frits van der Wal, Annelies Zoomers
Julian Quan, Theo de Jager, Esther Obaikol, Padraig Carmody, Sue Mbaya / Closing
Marjan Oudeman (President of the Executive Board of Utrecht University) / Closing remarks Annelies Zoomers
Parallel sessions / Auditorium / Book presentation: Losing your land – dispossession in the Great Lakes Region / Regulating land acquisition: what is the role of local governance? II
Chair: Gemma van der Haar, Gerard Baltissen / Community voices and land governance
Chair: Kei Otsuki, Danny Wijnhoud, Arelys de Yanez / Book presentation: Climate change-induced displacement and migration / Discussion session: Local governance, stakeholder participation & community voices
Workshop-ruimte / Public land policies and instruments I
Chair: Tejo Spit, Thomas Hartmann / Public land policies and instruments II
Chair: Tejo Spit, Thomas Hartmann / Discussion session: Public land policies in Europe and its links to other contexts
Oranjezaal / The role of guidelines and principles in improving land governance
Chair: Louisa Jansen / Land governance and the landscape approach
Chair: Sjoerd Panhuysen
Bibliotheek / Documentary & discussion: Grounding Land Governance
Chair: Mathijs van Leeuwen / Conflict-related displacement: challenges to land governance
Chair: Gemma van der Haar, Mathijs van Leeuwen
Dealingroom / Towards sustainability of various oil palm production models in Indonesia: a need for integrated and participatory land use planning I
Chair: Pita Verweij, Paul Burgers / Towards sustainability of various oil palm production models in Indonesia: a need for integrated and participatory land use planning II
Chair: Pita Verweij, Paul Burgers / Discussion session: Oil palm
Stijlkamer / Land governance in the artisanal and small scale mining sector I
Chair: Chris Huggins / Land governance in the artisanal and small scale mining sector II
Chair: Chris Huggins
Schatkamer / Land governance and local outcomes
Chair: Guus van Westen / Can Jatropha have a second chance? Insights based on past experiences
Chair: AkliluAmsalu, Richmond Antwi-Bediako / Game: Land rush – an introduction into a simulation game on land dynamics
Chair: An Ansoms, Giuseppe Cioffo