Membership application
Last name*:First name*:
Gender: / Male Female
Date of birth*:
State/Province (if necessary):
Zip Code *:
*Mandatory field
I wish to apply for/renew my/ membership to the International Association of Penal Law as:
Benefactor Member Collective Member (University, institute, etc.) National GroupThese types of membership include subscription to the RIDP as well as online access. / 110 €
Individual Member / I wish to receive the International Review of Penal Law
This type of membership includes subscription to the RIDP as well as online access. / 85 €
I do notwish to receive the International Review of Penal Law
This type of membership does not include subscription to the RIDP or online access. / 40 €
Retiree Student Young penalist* Reduced-fee country member*
These types of membership include full access to the electronic archive (incl. RIDP libri) but no paper version of the RIDP. / 45€
I wish to apply for membership to the National Group of my country of residence * / (1)
* See information onwww. penal.organd on next page (1) Check with the national group for any membership fee
I pay the membership fee as follows:
/ By check to the order of : AIDP/International Association of Penal Law / By Bank transfer. Account details:
Bank: BNP PARIBAS Bordeaux Chapeau Rouge BIC : BNPAFRPPBOR IBAN : FR76 3000 4003 2000 0104 3882 870
Card #: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Expiry date: | | |/ | | |
Cryptogram: | | | | | (Visa/Mastercard: 3 last digits at the back; American Express: 4 digits on the front side of the credit card)
Personal details
Fill in legibly in capital letters your personal details.
It is necessary to provide an email address, as information on the Association’s activities is disseminated by electronic mail.
Membership Type
Benefactor Member: You wish to provide extra financial support to the Association. You will receive a Membership card which can be used as a certificate for tax purposes.
Collective Member: Universities, associations, institutes, etc.
National Group: AIDP/IAPL members have established in numerous countries a National Group, which carries out its own scientific activities. Each National Group, in addition to the fees for each individual members, have to pay to the AIDP/IAPL a membership fee which entitles the national group to participate in the Board of Directors and to receive two copies of each issue of the International Review of Penal Law.
Young Penalist: AIDP/IAPL members under the age of 35 may join the Young Penalist Group, which carries out its own activities and elect representatives to the organs of the AIDP/IAPL.
Joining the National Group of your country of residence: If you tick in this option, we will submit to the National Group of your country of residence your contact details. It will keep you informed of the scientific activities of the National Group, and may claim a specific membership fee (usually modest). Check online ( the existence of a National Group in your country and the contact details.
Reduced-fee countries: If you are residing in a country listed on the “reduced-fee” country list, you will be entitled to full membership, including subscription to the International Review of Penal Law, for a limited membership fee. You can check the list on the AIDP/IAPL website then click on join/renew membership
Payment instructions
By check: Join your check to your membership application form and mail it to: AIDP, c/o The Siracusa International Institute,Via Logoteta 27, 96100 Siracusa, Italy
Bank transfer: The bank and account details are on the membership application form. Once the bank transfer is done, send your membership application form together with a copy of the bank transfer order by fax or email, or by mail to the secretariat of the Association. The identity of the sender does not appear on the bank statement and if you donot send a copy of the bank transfer separately, we will not be able to credit the transfer to your membership.
Payment by credit card: The cryptogram is the three-digit number on the reverse side of your credit card. It is necessary for payment. Do not forget to sign your application. Please return the form by fax or email, or by mail.
Personal data is collected for the purpose of your membership application. They are subject to electronic data processing and are destined to the secretariat of the association. In accordance with Article 39 et seq. of the Law of 6 January 1978 (as amended), you are entitled to access to, and rectification of, your personal data. If you wish to exercise this right and get access to your personal data, please contact the secretariat of the association. You may also oppose the publication of your name in the directory of members which is posted on the website.
Secretariat : AIDP, c/o The Siracusa International Institute, Via Logoteta 27, 96100 Siracusa, Italy
Tel: +39 0931 414515Fax : +33(0)
BNP PARIBAS Bordeaux C Rouge N° IBAN : FR76 3000 4003 2000 0104 3882 870