Biology Classroom Orientation – Mr. Prasad 2016-17
I have one rule…
BE NICE... to each other, to me, to yourself, and to stuff J
Absence Our class is a performance class – regular attendance is crucial for student success. If you
are absent for a day, YOU are responsible for finding out what took place in class by checking
the Weekly Schedule and obtaining missed handouts from the handouts file.
Academic Academic honesty is an IHS norm. ‘Cheating’ is any attempt to misrepresent your level of
Honesty achievement or to aid another student in such an attempt ( e.g. Group work that is identical). Ask if you are unsure if something is considered cheating. You won’t be penalized for asking. Read the section on cheating in the IHS Handbook.
Begin class At the start of class read the agenda on the board & prepare for the day’s lesson.
Biobucks Students are awarded 3 bio-bucks at the beginning of each quarter. Hang onto them by making good choices. At quarter’s end, unspent bio-bucks turn into extra credit! Choosing to act inappropriately results in a bio-buck fine (e.g., an unexcused tardy costs 1 bio-bucks),
loss of earned privileges, detention, and/or removal from class. Discipline problems are communicated with parents and reported to the administration via the IHS online referral system. See the IHS Handbook for additional information.
Contact Me E-mail is best () or call (425.408.7296). I try to respond within 48 h.
Electronic In accordance with school policy, the use of personal electronic devices is prohibited during
Devices instructional time. Please keep them out of sight unless directed by me. Unauthorized use will
BYOD result in loss of BioBucks and/or further disciplinary action.
GoogleApps Frequent monitoring of GoogleApps (including Gmail/calendar/forms) is expected to stay up to date on weekly schedule, assignments, and school notifications.
Homework Homework is for lesson preparation, skill practice, and creative time. Please complete
homework in your journal unless instructed otherwise. It is always due the start of class.
Late Work Late work will be accepted ONE class day later with a penalty of 1 bio-bucks. If turned in more than one class day later, or if no more Biobucks remain, the work will be accepted for half credit or less. All late work will be due before that content’s unit test.
Making Up • Missed homework – Complete it within a grace period equal to the length of the absence.
Missed In other words, if you are absent one day, you have one extra day to turn in the work.
Work • Missed lab – Write the report using data from a partner. Cite your partner in your report.
• Missed quiz – The quiz score is usually prorated using your next quiz or unit exam score.
• Missed exam – Either take it the next day or at the next Wed. test make-up session.
Pass List If late to class, using the restroom, or leaving early, sign the pass list by the door.
Website Visit my webpage at and the Biology website at for handouts, rubrics, keys, etc.
Weekly At the beginning of the week I announce the tentative schedule for the week ahead, including
Schedule our lessons and homework assignments. The schedule will be posted online.