Bobcat News
Friday, October 7
1. FOOTBALL: The football team will play Mulcahy (Tulare) in the first round of the playoffs on MONDAY. Good Luck!
2. VOLLEYBALL: The volleyball team ended their season yesterday. Turn in your uniforms to Mr. Santos or Mr. Gutierrez ASAP!
3. X-COUNTRY: At the Whiney League Championships yesterday, Jorge Gallardo was the Boys’ Champion for the 2nd year in a row. Alex Ventura finished 3rd. The boys were 3rd overall, missing out on 2nd by 2 points. Guadalupe medaled for the girls. 35 out of 50 runners had personnel best times. Great job! You made your coach and Bartlett proud.
4. THE GROVE: The Grove candy sale ends FRIDAY! We have started dropping people and adding from the waiting list. If we add you, you will receive a message from Mr. Koop or Mr. Spann. Get your money in TODAY! Don’t chance being removed from the trip. There are 13 boxes remaining. They need to be sold!
5. ACADEMIC VOCABULARY: This week's words are INTEGRATE and RELEVANT.INTEGRATE is a verb which means to bring people or different things together. For example: Teachers like to INTEGRATE variety into lessons using technology. The second word is RELEVANT which is an adjective. RELEVANT means directly related to a situation or topic. For example: When reading an article, you should pay attention to the RELEVANT information.
6. ANTI-BULLYING CLUB: The next ABC meeting will beMONDAY in room 7. Be looking for Mrs. Nicholls in the MPR at lunch. See you there!
7. GEEK SQUAD: Yesterday we held our elections and are happy to announce that the following students were selected as officers:
President: Ali Starling
Vice President: Natalie Diaz
Secretary: Alexis Ferrer
Treasurer: Hailey Brannan
Director of Communications: Jareli Tapia
Sergeant of Arms: Monique Navarro
Congratulations to all who were nominated, gave a speech, voted, and to our newly elected officers!
8. CHESS CLUB: TheChess Club will meet on TUESDAY and THURSDAY in Room 2. You may meet Mr. Duboski in front of the MPR to get your lunchand eat in Room 2 or go to Room after you eat.
9. SPELLING BEE TEAM: Spelling Bee Team meets TUESDAY at lunch in Mrs. Starling’s room (14).
10. EXPANDING YOUR HORIZONS COFERENCE: 7th grade girls comelearn about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math at theExpandingYour Horizons Conference,SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5. Getyour application atthe student window and turn in byMONDAY, OCTOBER 10to Ms. Beltran.
11. EMERGING AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY CAREER FAIR: 8th graders,joinus for a Career Fair at Strathmore High School onTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3to learn more about careers in agriculture, technology and veterinary medicine,get your permission slip at the office student window or with Ms. Beltran.Must be returned byMONDAY, OCTOBER 10 to Ms. Beltran.
12. GIRLS’ BASKETBALL TRYOUTS: Tryouts for both JV and Varsity girls’ basketball will begin on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 4:00 in the MPR. You must sign in to the YES Program and have a grade check with your 1st quarter grades signed by all of your teachers. See Mr. Ennis for more information.
13. BOYS’ SOCCER TRYOUTS: Tryouts for boys’ will begin on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 4:00 on the soccer field. You must sign in to the YES Program and have a grade check with your 1st quarter grades signed by all of your teachers. See Mr. Garcia for more information.