Syllabus for Gateway I

Mrs. Gordon

Irmo Middle School

Course Description

Gateway to Technology (GTT) is a cutting-edge program that addresses the interest and energy of middle school students while incorporating national standards in math, science and technology. It is an activity-oriented program, showing students how technology is used in engineering to solve everyday problems. The program motivates students to use their imaginations and teaches them to be creative and innovative, while gaining the skills they need to develop, produce and use products and services. Students will explore and participate in activities for the following two modules:

Design and Modeling – This unit uses solid modeling (a very sophisticated mathematical technique for representing solid objects) to introduce students to the design process. Utilizing this approach, students understand how solid modeling has influenced their lives. They learn sketching techniques and use descriptive geometry as a component of design, measurement, and computer modeling. Using design abstracts, students create models and documentation to solve problems.

The Science of Technology – This unit traces how science has affected technology throughout history. Students learn about the mechanics of motion, the conversion of energy, and the use of science to improve communication.

Grading Policy

Gateway will be using a “total points” grading system. A student’s quarter grade will be determined by calculating points earned ÷ total points. The semester exam will count 10% of the grade. Please refer to the example on the next page.

Grading Scale:

90-100 - A

80-89 - B

70-79 - C

60-69 - D

59 and below - F


Grades for 1st Quarter:Grades for 2nd Quarter:

Quiz = 23/25 = 92 AQuiz = 36/45 = 80 B

Test = 95/100 = 95 ATest = 92/100 = 92 A

Lab = 58/60 = 97 ALab = 40/50 = 80 B

Quarter 1 Grade: 176/185 = 95 AQuarter 2 Grade: 168/190 = 88 B

Semester 1 Exam Grade: 95 A

Semester Grade:

1st Quarter (45% of semester grade) = 95 X .45 = 42.75 points

2nd Quarter (45% of semester grade) = 88 X .45 = 39.6 points

Semester 1 Exam (10% of semester grade)= 95 X .10 =9.5 points

Semester 1 Final Grade = Total points earned = 91.85 = 92 A

Classroom Materials

●Composition Notebook

●Graph Paper


●Extra pencil lead for mechanical pencils or a handheld pencil sharpener

●Optional materials – colored pencils

Late Work Policy: Late assignments will be accepted at the discretion of the teacher.

Missed Work: Students that have been absent are responsible for obtaining missed notes and other assignments upon their return.

Extra Help

Mrs. Gordon is available for extra help before school by appointment on M, W, and F. Please use the link below to schedule extra help at least one day in advance.

Mrs. Gordon's Tutoring Calendar(


School Norms: Along with all policies stated in the Behavior Code book, students are expected to:

  1. LISTEN with the intent of learning.
  2. SPEAK to share, wonder, clarify, connect.
  3. ENGAGE & explore my role as a Crew member.
  4. BE PRESENT & minimize disruptions.
  5. ENJOY one another’s company, foster humor, reach out.
  6. BE COURAGEOUS & be OK with not knowing.

Students are to base their behavior on the school-wide system known as PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support)

I – Integrity – Be honest.

R – Respect – Be kind.

M – Motivation – Be ready to learn.

O – Ownership – Take responsibility.


❖Verbal Warning

❖Time for Student to Refocus

❖Student/Teacher Conference

❖Phone Call Home

❖After School Detention and/or Parent Conference

❖Office Referral

**Severe violations result in immediate office referral.

I will follow the guidelines outlined by the school for the minor behavior infraction (MBI) and wireless communication policies.

Parent Portal: It is highly recommended that parents enroll in the district’s program for

monitoring your child’s progress in each of his/her classes via the internet. Go to

for enrollment instructions.


Phone: (803) 476-3699


Room: 809 (Gateway)

Planning: 1st Semester- 3rd Period/ 2nd Semester- 4th and 6th Period


Students should use their agendas to write down important information.

I do my best to return emails and phone messages within twenty-four hours. By far, email is the BEST way to get a hold of me!

Parents and students should enroll the Remind class. To register, please text @gateway54 to 81010. Updates will be sent regarding homework, quizzes, tests and other important information via this program.

I look forward to a successful school year!

Please keep this syllabus for future reference!


Mrs. Gordon’s Gateway to Technology I Syllabus

I have read the entire Gateway I Syllabus and promise to do my best.

Student to print their name: ______

Student to sign their name: ______

I have read the entire Gateway I Syllabus and promise to do all that I can to help my child do their best.

Parent to print their name: ______

Parent to sign their name: ______

Parent Email: ______

Parent Best Contact #s: ______


Gateway to Technology Safety

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Some of the projects this year in the Gateway to Technology (GTT) class will involve working tools. Among other things, students may use power drills, an electric foam cutter, soldering irons, sanders, handsaws, miter saws, hot glue guns, wire strippers, needle nose pliers, hammers, screwdrivers, and scissors at various times during the semester. All students will be instructed in the proper safety procedures for working with these tools. The work area will be open so that I can monitor students at all times. Students are required to wear safety glasses while working with power tools and will never be without teacher supervision.

Please sign the bottom of this form and return to Mrs. Gordon.

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Student Name______

______Yes, my child has my permission to work with the above-listed tools for GTT.

______No, my child does not have my permission to work with the above-listed tools for GTT.

Feel free to provide any additional information on the back.

The mission of Irmo Middle School is to shape a diverse communitywhere students create high quality work,care for the well being of themselves and others,and engage in meaningful service whichimpacts local and global communities.