
Secondary (Gr. 7-12) IEP Meeting Notes for LEA

Student: ______School: ______Date: ______

_____ A required Release of Information form (M-13) must be obtained for any person(s) attending this IEP meeting that were invited by the parent(s)/guardian(s).

_____ 1. Introduction of all Participants and their Roles in the meeting

Name / Role / Name / Role
LEA (required)
Case Manager (required)
RegEd Teacher (required)

Parents attended: ⃝ in person ⃝ by phone ⃝ permission to proceed ⃝ 2nd attempt (not in attendance)

Permission to Proceed received by ______

_____ 2. READVERBATIM District Recording Policy :

According to Policy #2420, recording meetings is not permitted. If recording is needed as an accommodation, consult the policy. The entire policy is available on the Wentzville School District web site.

_____ 3. Purpose of Meeting: ⃝ Initial ⃝ Annual ⃝ Other: ______

_____ 4. Present Level:

  1. _____ Background Information ⃝ transfer information (within 2 years) ⃝ medical information

⃝ hospitalizations ⃝ manifestations ⃝ foster placement or relevant guardian information

⃝ district center placement ⃝15 years or older post-secondary goals in ed./training, employment, independent living

  1. _____ How disability currently affects involvement and progress in general education-

⃝All disabilities are addressed

⃝ 15 yrs or older How will disability affect them reaching post-secondary goals

  1. _____ Strengths of the Child-

⃝ 15 years or older How their strengths relate to post-secondary goals


  1. _____ Concerns of the parents/guardians-

⃝ 15 yrs or older Expectations after leaving high school


e. _____ Changes in functioning from previous IEP-

Does the child receive adult support? ⃝Yes ⃝ No

If “Yes” how the student is supported is discussed.

⃝ Last IEP’s goals and percentages attained are reported

⃝ 15 yrs or older Report the impact the changes have on their ability to reach post-secondary goals

⃝ 15 yrs or older Report previous transition plan


f. _____ Summary of the most recent evaluations/ re-evaluations-

g. _____ Summary of district and state test results-

h._____ Statement of Formal or Informal age appropriate transition assessments-

i._____ Statement of Alternative Assessments-

j. _____ Other:

Discussions: (Statement regarding modified credits for graduation.)

_____ 5. Form C: Post-Secondary Transition Plan (for 15 yrs or older) ___:Old Form Handouts Given: Yes or No

  1. ______Education/Training Goal
  2. ______Discussion of Responsibility of ⃝School ⃝Parent ⃝Student ⃝Agency
  3. ______Discussion of Course of Study (4 year plan- discussion of courses)
  4. ______Employment
  5. ______Discussion of Responsibility of ⃝School ⃝Parent ⃝Student ⃝Agency
  6. ______Discussion of Course of Study (4 year plan- discussion of courses)
  7. ______Independent Living
  8. ______Discussion of Responsibility of ⃝School ⃝Parent ⃝Student ⃝Agency
  9. ______Discussion of Course of Study (4 year plan- discussion of courses)
  10. ______Release signed for outside agency involvement


_____ 6. Special Considerations: State/Federal Requirements-

⃝All areas on this page were read as questions for the team to answer

⃝ If student qualifies for ESY and ESY Planning Worksheet must be filled out during this IEP

⃝ If student is 16 years explanation of transfer of rights and district brochure provided

_____ 7. Goals ⃝ Is there a goal for each area of eligibility? ⃝ Are the goals measurable?

⃝ Are the goals achievable in one year? ⃝ Has the goal changed from the previous IEP?

Notice of Actions Needed for Changes in Goals: (addition, deletion of goal area)
Proposed/Refused: ______

_____ 8. Reporting Progress (only IEP goal pages and quarterly should be marked)

_____ 9. Services (always consider the least restrictive environment)

Notice of Actions Needed for Changes in Services: (any increase, decrease, addition, deletion or change in location)
Proposed/Refused: ______

_____ 10. Transportation-

⃝ Regular ⃝ Regular with Accommodations ⃝ Special Education
Notice of Actions Needed for Changes in Transportation: (addition or deletion)
Proposed/Refused: ______

_____ 11. Regular Education Participation-

a. ______Physical Education ⃝ Regular ⃝ Regular with Accommodations ⃝ Excused

b. ______Participation in Program Options, Nonacademic, and Extracurricular Activities


_____ 12. Placement Considerations-

⃝Divide total minutes in Special Education setting (including related services) by 2055 Middle
School / 1950 High School, placement is at least 80%.

⃝Divide total minutes in Special Education setting (including related services) by 2055 Middle

School / 1950 High School, placement is 40-79%.

⃝Divide total minutes in Special Education setting (including related services) by 2055 Middle
School / 1950 High School, placement is less than 40%.

⃝ Homebound

⃝ Private Separate Day Facility

Notice of Actions Needed for Changes in Placement: (any change in placement)
Proposed/Refused: ______

_____ 13. Form B ESY: (This form is only presented when the student qualifies)

  • Remember this is a maintenance program and minutes are NOT to exceed 720 minutes.


Notice of Actions Needed for Changes in ESY: (qualifies for/does not qualify and parent requests)
Proposed/Refused: ______

_____ 14. Form D: State Assessments and Accommodations

⃝ accommodations being proposed are utilized on a daily basis and are related to student’s eligibility

⃝All high school students eligible for MAP-A will mark accommodations even if it is not a testing year

⃝ 8th grade student, NAEP was addressed (or 7th grade and in NAEP time cycle)

⃝ If ELL student, WIDA accommodations are denoted (all grade levels)

_____ 15. Form E: District-Wide Assessments and Accommodations

⃝ accommodations being proposed are utilized on a daily basis and are related to student’s eligibility

_____ 16. Alternate Form F: Modifications/Accommodations/Supports for School Personnel

⃝ accommodations and modifications are above and beyond what is done for ALL students

⃝ accommodations and modifications are related to student’s eligibility


_____ 17. Multipurpose Page-

⃝ Explanation of service minutes on service summary page

⃝ Statement for extracurricular/nonacademic activities support

⃝ Explanation of support minutes (if applicable)

⃝ Reference of Behavior Support Plan (if applicable)

Additional Notice of Actions Needed:(addition of BIP, adding new behavior to BIP)
Proposed/Refused: ______

****When to write a Notice of Action*****

Any change in service: type, amount, location (see page 2)

  • Deleting an existing goal/adding a goal in an area where there had not been one before.
  • Development of a BIP.
  • Rewriting a BIP that focuses on a completely new behavior.
  • Qualifies for ESY.
  • Does not qualify for ESY but parent requested it.
  • If a parent requests a service and it is refused by the district.

Additional Discussion: