DIRECTORS PRESENT: Myron Hansen, Dan Bumgarner, Alan Sewell, Ken Hofmeister, Woody Miller, Mark Craig, Roger Blanton.

BUDGET/FINANCIAL REPORT: Roger Blanton reported a balance of $5,681.06—with $710.00 in renewals.

MEMBERSHIP:New member: Paul Zimmermann.

ON THE FLY: Bill AuCoin was commended upon an outstanding September newsletter.

WEB SITE: Woody Miller acknowledged that updates were needed.

PROJECT HEALING WATERS: Alan Sewell reported that Pat had returned from a successful trip out West and had received Orvis gear. Board agreed that this was newsworthy and that Bill AuCoin should pursue articles on her rod-building award with Tampa Bay Times, FFF newsletter, and Florida Sportsman Magazine. Vet’s PHWFF trip with guides is scheduled for November 17 at Bradenton Yacht Club. SFF members will be asked to volunteer to assist on this venture (which doubles as SFF monthly outing).


October—Charlie Most; November—Craig Crumbliss; December—no program.


October—Terry Kirkpatrick; November—Craig Crumbliss; December—no program. Tom Gadacz was encouraged to contact Leigh West, Tommy Thompson, Rick Grassett, and Jeff Klinkenberg for 2013 program presenters.


October—Hillsborough River and Carl Hanson Tournament with Tampa Bay Fly Fishers; November—Bradenton Yacht Club with PHWFF vets (or fishing Manatee River if not assisting vets). December—Ft. DeSoto Park in Don Coleman Classic (with invitations to Tarpon Coast, Mangrove Coast, Tampa Bay Fly Fishers). Alan is to coordinate with Dick Mieka on our role as host for the Carl Hanson Tournament.

FLY CASTING: 6:00-7:00 Casting instruction resumes. New fly fishers invited to practice with feedback. Introduction to Fly Fishing Class members were interested in this offering by SFF.

FLY BOX EXCHANGE: Myron Hansen received commendations on another good event and he reported that the November exchange would be “fish species” specific or “surface flies.”


Marine Quest: October 27 (Saturday 10:00 – 4:00) with Bill AuCoin coordinating. Sign up at October meeting.

SFF HOG ROAST: Board agreed that March 23 would be the preferred date and Tom Gadacz will communicate to Richard Oldenski and Marianne Hays.


SHAD OUTING: Myron Hansen reported that the outing date will be announced shortly.

SFF BANNER: Mark Craig proudly unfurled a beautiful SFF banner with new logo to applause of board. Business cards were distributed and we’re working on the brochure.

FLORIDA GULF COAST FISHING CENTER AND INTERACTIVE MUSEUM: Ken Hofmeister reported successful completion of first Introduction to Fly Fishing Class. Participants could tie a nail knot, loop knot, and demonstrate a roll cast and an overhead cast. They also tied a schminnow and a spider fly. They could remove hooks from fish and people and find the SFF Web site for continued skill/knowledge development.

Richard Oldenski is coordinating our first venture into school fishing clubs at Pinellas Park High October 24. Volunteers will be enlisted to help with casting and fly tying.


Tom Gadacz was commended upon completing a grant request for equipment in connection with Florida Gulf Coast Fishing Center fly fishing youth programs. Rods, reels, and vises were requested.

INTERNATIONAL FLY FISHING FILM FESTIVAL 2013: Board recommended we contact Enver Hysni and Robert Fisher to determine feasibility of this venture. SFF would pay $600.00 for film and assume other expenses and administration/promotion. Suitable location would be one issue. Revisit at November Board meeting.

SFF DONATION TO FFF: Board discussed contribution to FFF.


Board reviewed rationale for SFF participation and agreed that it was in harmony with and not contrary to our mission, by-laws, and values. Consensus was that our support should not be for financial gain; rather, it should be to introduce people to fly-fishing and to educate them in the sport with no monetary expectations.

Board discussed what to recommend we invest in the History of Fly Fishing Wall Display at the Museum. The proposed exhibit would be of durable, museum quality materials/modules that could be removed for future exhibits (temporary or permanent). After reviewing options and quotes, Woody Miller made the following motion:

That SFF invest up to $600.00 in the exhibit, and that the balance of estimated cost would be secured from other sources. We would review our relationship with the Fishing Center after a year and decide whether to continue our support. We will review responses to FFF and Fish Florida and in-kind requests and revisit at the November board meeting.

Myron Hansen noted that Tom Gadacz invested personal funds for the current display and we should consider compensation for him. That discussion was tabled for the November board meeting.

Submitted by Ken Hofmeister, Secretary, Suncoast Fly Fishers