Teacher: Maria José Giavedoni


Age:8 years – 13 years



In thislesson, learnerswillreviewvocabularyforsportslooking at pictures and repeatingthem after listeningand as an extended activitytheywill match themwithverbcollocations.Thentocheckunderstanding of general and specificinformation (skimming and scanning) theywillwatch and listen to a video about Lionel Messi, do a quiz, willread a short passage and answersomequestions. After that, writingskillswill be developedbymakingstudentswrite a short biographyabout George Federer. Finally, studentswillwatch and listen tothesongWakaWaka (FootballWorld Cup 2010) fill in theblanks and singitwhichwillnotonlycontributetodeveloptheirlisteningskillbutalsospeakingone.


Thislessonissuitableforstudentswhoseagerangesfrom8 to 13 yearsoldbecauseittakesintoaccounttheirbackgrounds, interests and needs. Most of them are familiar withsports, theircelebrities and haveheardthesongforFootballWorld Cup 2010.They will be motivatedbecauseeveniftheydon´tdoanysportsmost of themhavepreferencesforsome, are fans of somefamoussportsmen and likemusic.Because of allthatlearningwill be meaningful. Thereis a widerange of differentexerciseswhich are interactive and makestudents active in theprocess of learning.Theexercises are suitableforthestudents´ levelwhichisbeginnerbecausethevocabulary and structures are simple.They are neithertoodifficultnortoocomplex. They are challenging and makethem more independent.




-Towrite a biography in Simple Present.

-Toskim andscaninformation.

Studentswill revise:

-Vocabularyrelatedtosports, surroundings, clothes, colours and adjectives.

-Present Simple tense.

-Modal verbs:can.

-Existential “There”.


Formative (Process):

Studentswilldemostratetheirunderstandingbypronuncingthesportswords, matchingwordswithverbcollocations, doing a quiz, answeringquestions, writing a biography, fillingtheblanksafter listening and singingarticulatingproperly and withthecorrectintonation.I will monitor theirlearningduringthelessonbymakingquestionswiththewholegrouporindividuals, circulating and listeningtostudentssharing and handsignalstocheckunderstanding.Iwill observe howthey do theactivities and guidethemthroughquestionsencouraging,and showingthemstrategiestosucceed, praisingthem and commentingontheirwork.

Summative (Product):

I willcollectinformationaboutthestudents´ performance inthefollowingskills:

-Listening: -Quiz about Lionel Messi (video)

- Gap fillingexerciseforthesongWakaWaka

-Speaking:-Repetition of theselectedvocabulary (sports)

-Answeringquestionsusing simple structures.

-Performance of theselectedsong (WakaWaka).

-Reading:-Skimming and scanning.

-Writing: -Production of thewritingtask: biographyaboutRogerer Federer


I will measurestudent´sproficiencybyobservingthemtoseehowthey are doing in theassigments and checkingtheirresults.



-Students can recognize familiar words and verybasicphrasesconcerningsports.


-They can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences and answerquestionsaboutthepassage.


-They can write a short simple biographyabout a famoussportsmanwithguidinginformation.


-They can produce simple sentencestotalkaboutsports ,theirpreferences and surroundings.

-They can singthesongWakaWakaslowlyrepeatingit, recognizingarticulation, rythm and intonation

Lesson Plan:


Theteacherasksthestudentsto look at thefirstpicture in the Sway which has theheading “Sports” and shemakesthemthefollowingquestions:

-What are themendoing?

-Whatsports are popular in your country?

-What´syourfavourite sport?

-Do youplayanysports? Whichone /ones?

Timing: 10 minutes

2.Activity 1:

Students look at thepictures of differentsports, clickonthenames and repeatthem.Thentheteacherasksthemquestions aboutthepictures:

Picture 1:

What do theyplay?

Howmanyplayers are there?

Isit a popular sport here?

Picture 2:

What sport isit?

Can youplayit?

Istheplayer short ortall?

Picture 3:

What sport are theyplaying?

Whatcolour are their t-shirts?

Howmanyplayers can yousee?

Picture 4:

What sport isit?

Does he run fast?

Is he in thestreet?

Picture 5:

Whereis he?

Is he good at swimming?

Is he in a competition?

Picture 6:

What sport doesshe play?



Picture 7:

Whereis he?

What sport does he practise?

Is he youngorold?

Picture 8: What sport isit?



Picture 9:

What sport isit?

Whatis he wearing?

Is he in a bigcity?

Picture 10:

What sport do theypractise?

Howmanyplayers are there?

Whatcolour are theirclothes?

Timing:10 minutes

3.Activity 2:


1.Individual work (onetoone)

Studentsclickontheword “Sports” and andredirectedto a PowerPoint. Theyclickon “Editpresentation” and open PowerPoint in theirdevices. Thentheymatch thesportswiththeverbs. Once theyfinishtheexercise, theyclickontheheadphones (icon) and checktheiranswers.

2.Work withtheinteractivewhiteboard

Theteacher opens the PowerPoint, turnsontheinteractivewhiteboard and students come tothefront and do theexercise. Once theyfinish, oneclicksontheheaphones and theychecktheiranswers.

Timing:10 minutes

4.Activity 3:

Forthisactivitystudentsshouldhavethe app Kahootinstalledeithermobilephonesortablets and shouldhaveanaccount.

Theteacherasksthestudentstodo a Quiz about Lionel Messi forthistheyhavetoclickonthenamenexttothepicture (Lionel Messi).Theywill be redirectedtoKahoot.Theywillopen theapplication and insertthecodeforthequiz.Theywillwatch and listen todifferentparts of a video and clickonthecorrectanswers. They can playitplayer vs playeror in teams.Each time theyplaytheywillknowwhetherthey are rightorwrong.

Timing:5 minutes

5.Activity 4:

A.Studentsclickontheleft of theworddocumenttoseethe full screen. Theyreadthepassagewhichisrelatedtosports and theyanswerthequestions.

B.Studentschecktheiranswersby clicking ontheword“Answers”.

Timing:5 minutes

6.Activity 5:

TheteacherasksthestudentstoclickonRoger Federer´s PowerPoint and readtheinformationabouthim.Thensheasksthentoclickon “Write” and theywill be redirectedto a page in OneNote wheretheywritehisbiography. Theteacher can writecomments and guidestudentsonthe page beforetheyhavetheir final writingtaskready.

Timing:20 minutes

7.Activity 6:

Theteachertellsthestudentsthatthey´regoingto listen tothesongWakaWakato do anexercise. Sheasksthemiftheyknow and iftheydon´tshetellsthemthatitwasSouth Africa'sFootballWorld Cupsong. Studentsclickontheword “Exercise” andthey are directedtoEducaplay, Theyclickon “Start” there and onthesong “WakaWaka” in the Sway to listen toitortheteacher can projectthevideo.Theymustclickonthewordsaccordingtotheorder.

In case studentscan´taccesstheactivitytheyshouldenterwiththefollowinginformation:


Password: profesoramaria

Timing:10 minutes

8.Activity 6:

Studentswatchthe video and singthesongwhichissubtitled in English.

Forthisactivityteachers can use a video projector so thatthey can create a more meaningfulexperience,

Timing:10 minutes