“Yahoo’s” House

08 November 15

ª  Call to order: 1500

ª  Members present: CEB- (4)

Chapter Commander – Scott “Smoke” Hafner

Chapter Executive Officer – Becky “Red Ryder” Ward

Chapter Treasure – Andrew “Kato” Chope

Chapter Secretary – Kevin “Gator” Armstrong

o  FM- (22) Hoss, Big T, Debo, Fireman, Shadow, Bozo, Yahoo, CE4, Yo-Yo, PaPa Smurf, Vintage, Nayla, T.I.T., Grizzly, Spectre, Ed, Amber, Wolf, Nathan, Timothy, Chief, Bug.

o  Aux.- (6) Treetop, Toy Box, Lady, Pixie, Java, Sebrina Sawyer

o  Support- (0)

o  Total Present – 32

ª  Pledge of Allegiance (Yahoo)

ª  Patched new member(s): None

ª  “Gator” requested a motion to accept last month’s minutes as they were posted on members only site. Motion “T.I.T.” by 2nd by “PaPa Smurf”, no discussion, 1 x abstain, motion passed.

ª  Treasurers Report read by “Kato”. Discussed Chapter accounts balance; Chapter funds, poker run fund and charitable fund. Motion to accept treasures report made by “Big T”, 2nd by “Fireman”, no discussion, motion passed.

ª  Quartermaster Report read by “Smoke” due to “Hog Riders” absence ;

o  Discussed sales and purchases for the last month and the QM account balance.

o  Amount to be transferred from QM account to Chapter account.

o  Discussed storage unit renewal, motion made by “CE4” to have funds come from chapter funds versus quartermaster funds, 2nd by “Yo-Yo”, no discussion, motion passed.

ª  Old Business:

o  “Smoke” discussed details for this year’s Christmas Party (12 DEC 15) that were hashed out at last month’s meeting.

-  Motion made by “Debo” to purchase a gift for Deanna with a cap of $100, 2nd by “Shadow”, discussion was what gift to get, motion passed.

-  Santa Suit has been purchased by “Wow” as discussed at last month’s meeting. The total for the suit to include shipping was a little over the cap voted on by membership. Motion made by “CE4” to use chapter funds offset the difference as to not have “Wow” come out of pocket at all. 2nd by “PaPa Smurf”, no discussion, 1 x abstain, motion passed.

o  “Smoke” discussed that he has only received two possible names for CPA’s and he will look into them to see the viability of hiring them for our books, he will update the chapter when he has more info.

ª  New Business:

o  “Vintage” discussed a local veteran that has a service dog that is in need of a surgery and asked if the chapter could possibly assist. Chapter asked a few details that “Vintage” could not answer at the moment. “Vintage” called the individual to get details asked by membership. Service dog needs a hip replacement and the veterinarian has already discounted the price of the surgery. Amount needed total comes to $534; another association has already donated $200. Ed asked to “pass the hat”, “PaPa Smurf” made motion to use chapter funds to pay the difference after donations are raised by passing the hat and that the funds are paid directly to the veterinarian clinic versus the individual. 2nd by Ed, no discussion, motion passed. Approximately $250 was raised by passing the hat.

o  Motion to accept new business by “Big T”, 2nd by “Yahoo” no discussion, 1 x abstain, motion passed.

o  “Shadow” discussed the Poker Run AAR comments from the meeting.

ª  Good of the Order:

o  “Red Ryder” discussed details for the next visit with the vets from Dogwood bend assisted living home. Visit will be on 21 NOV 15 @ 1200, monies raised in the past will be used to purchase hotdogs, buns and chips for lunch with the vets. One veteran from Dogwood has left but contacted the nursing home to ask to see if we can still visit him. XO will look into it for more details. “Grizzly” has extra popcorn from the Boy Scouts that can be donated as well.

o  “Red Ryder” discussed the items that have been collected to date for the gift bags for the veterans at the nursing homes and that the bags will be filled on 05 DEC 15 @ 1400 at “ToyBox’s” house for those that want to help. The bags will be delivered to the veterans on 19 DEC 15, timeline to follow.

o  “Gator” discussed having draft letters for major corporations donating to us. Additionally, continuing to look for more local veteran organizations to donate to within Clarksville.

o  “Gator” discussed an idea for the chapter to purchase lumber and spikes to use at Patriot Park when we place the flags for the fallen. Total cost would be around $165, Deanna volunteered to donate $100 and “Fossil” volunteered to pay the $65. Motion by “Shadow” to have the chapter pay for the materials versus having individuals pay with a cap of $200, 2nd by “T.I.T.”. Ed said he would donate approximately 100 red stakes. “Bug” mentioned that he has an acquaintance at Lowes in the paint department and he will look to see if they would donate the paint. “Fireman” asked the details for maintaining the project and the chapter was in agreement to pay for maintaining the project. No further discussion, motion passed.

o  “Shadow” discussed the ticket sales to date for the gun raffle to be held at the Christmas Party.

o  “Smoke” discussed with the chapter that if you hear of anything don’t immediately post it to Facebook, ensure you contact the CoC to check validity first.

o  “Smoke” asked to have membership sign condolence cards on the table for Reverend Johnny Conway.

ª  Upcoming events:

o  “Shadow” discussed the TN Vets Home poker run on 19 DEC 15, more to follow.

-  A few MC open houses are coming up; an email will be sent out with all events for the month.

ª  Location of next meeting:

o  Next chapter meeting will be held at the Bud Barn for the Christmas Party on 12 DEC 15 (Saturday) @ 1400.

o  Next BOD meeting will be at “Smoke’s” house, 02 DEC 15 @ 1800.

ª  Motion to adjourn by “Grizzly” and multiple 2nd at 1604.