Study Guide, Unit Two Test


What’s the generally-accepted length of time it takes for something to become fossilized?

The history of Life provided by fossils is called the ______.

Scientist who study fossils are called…

Fossils of burrows , tracks , or footprints trails are called ______fossils.

If you were to see a fossil of a complete dragonfly, what kind of fossil would you be looking at?

Most fossils are formed by organisms or their traces are buried by/in ______

Which organism do you think is probably most likely to be preserved as a fossil – one that is buried quickly, or one that is buried slowly?

Is a scavenger that feeds on a dead animal considered a biotic factor or an abiotic factoriaffectingfossilization?

This is the name of the process that occurs when minerals carried in water build up in the spaces of an organism and eventually become rock

The fossils created by an organism being pressed in sediment are called impression

Is it possible for an organism to become a fossil without undergoing mineralization? If so, give an example.

Tree sap that hardens over time is called


Which are most likely to fossilize - hard body structures or soft body structures?

Why is it difficult for an organism that lived in a rainforest to become fossilized?

Bodies of dead organisms can become trapped in layers of dirt and silt called ______.

According to many estimates, what percent of organisms alive today will eventually become fossils?


True or false: once the fossil is formed it can be easily destroyed.

Please give one reason why fossils from animals that were once in the ocean can be found on mountain tops

Name one of the three types of rock where paleontologist might find fossils?

igneous sedimentary and metamorphic

What type of rock appears as layers, and is most likely to contain fossils?

In sedimentary rock, which layer is thought to be the oldest?

Do fossils give a complete picture of life in the past? Yes or no.

Which one would most likely fossilize: a caterpillar, Wooly Mammoth, or a leaf?

Rapid burial is important in fossilization because:A. it causes erosion B. protects a dead organism from compression C. It protects a dead organism from physical and biological destruction D it leaves an impression.

Biodiversity, Evolution, Chapter Four…

What is the short definition of evolution?

What do we know about the offspring of members of the same species?

What is biodiversity?

Where is biodiversity the greatest (in what part of the world)?

Give an example of the value of biodiversity.

What is the main purpose of adaptations?

There are several types or categories of adaptations. In what type or category of adaptations is webbed feet?

For what reason might Canadian Geese fly south for the winter?

Define “population.”

Estimates are that, about 140 million years into the future, a day will be how many hours long?

Many scientists conjecture that, because fish and humans look similar at certain points in the developmental process, fish and humans descended from a ______ancestor.

Give one example that shows change over time.

In order for inheritance to occur, the parents have to be from the ______.

Give an example of a body organ or part that was once thought to be “vestigial” – a useless, evolutionary remnant.

What molecule is considered the “molecule of life?”

What needs to happen for evolution to occur?

What is a “trait?”a genetically determined characteristic

Please define “natural selection.” the process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully than less well adapted organisms do.

What are the four ingredients necessary for natural selection to occur?

The fact that all existing species have DNA or RNA suggests what? (Two possibilities)

Many scientists believe the Earth is how many years old?

It is estimated that the Moon is moving away from the Earth at the rate of how many centimeters per year?

Is the Earth’s rotation speeding up or slowing down?

In the natural selection simulation we watched, what specific adaptation helped the brown furred bunnies survive against wolves?

Who came up with what we now refer to as the “theory of evolution?” When?

DNA is an incredibly complex molecule.In the natural selection simulation we watched , when bunney fur changes color from brown to white, does that mean that new DNA has been added to the gene in the bunny that dictates fur color?

If one species where to have changed into another species over time, you would expect to see these in the fossil record. What would you expect to see?

What is change over time known as?

Give one kind of evidence that shows that organisms have changed over time

If members of two different species successfully produce offspring,is that offspring likely to be fertile or infertile?

Chapter Five – will be included to the extent we cover it.

How do scientists determine the age of objects (like fossils) in sedimentary rocks?Two methods.