Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation:

An Osteopathic Approach to Trauma (NM1)

Pre-Study Material

We leave it up to each prospective student to assume responsibility foradvance preparation; we cannot screen students for their level of readiness.You may, however, find yourself frustrated and left behind if you do notstudy before hand. It is suggested that you readTrauma: An Osteopathic Approach text book and look up the terms for the following lists ofterms and structures provided. It is also recommended that you begin yourstudy well in advance of the scheduled workshops to allow for unforeseeninterruptions and a comfortable learning pace. We want this to be aninteresting and intriguing educational experience for all of you.

The following is a list of terms and structures that are important in yourpreparation for this course. In addition, referencing these terms andstructures from good anatomical texts such as the current British Edition ofGray's Anatomy, Clemente's Anatomy and/or Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomyare highly encouraged (a few images from Thieme follow). These anatomy books are available through TheBarral Institute.

Relationship of Spinal Nerves to Dura

  • Brachial Plexus
  • Lumbar Plexus
  • Sacral Plexus

Layers of the intracranial membrane system

Cranial Suture Anatomy – coronal, sagittal, lamdoid

Craniospinal Juncture Anatomy

Pelvic Ligaments – sacrotuberous, sacrospinous

Tentorium Cerebelli – anatomy of intracranial attachments

Brachial Plexus

Femoral Nerve

Sciatic Nerve


Here is a small quiz to help you prepare for the class. Answers are on the bottom of the page.

1. Thecoronal suture is between what 2 bones?

2. The occipito-mastoid suture/jugular foramen is between what 2 bones?

3. The falx cerebri is under what suture?

4. The attachments of the tentorium cerebelli are:

a. frontal bone, petrouss part of temporal bone, occiput

b. occiput, parietal, temporal, bones, anterior and posterior clinoid processes of sphenoid bone

c. occiput, parietal and temporal bones, maxilla


1.frontal/parietal 2. occiput/temporal 3. sagittal stuture 4. B