Lotus Quickr 8.2 Services for Lotus Domino (IBM i)

Consolidated Fixpack for Domino 8.5.0

PTF LQ02352 for product ID 5724S31

August, 2009

Table of Contents

About the Fixpack


Installing the Fixpack

Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases

Upgrading offline installations

Documentation Updates / Addendums

Additional information for special fixes


Quickr 8.2 Fix List

About the Fixpack

·  This Fixpack package includes the following files:

o  Readme document: this file

o  LQ02352: a savefile containing the fixpack that is built and applied as an IBM i PTF to Lotus Quickr 8.2 for IBM i (5724S31).

·  August/2009 - QuickPlace 6.5.1 and 7.0 migration to Quickr 8.2
Migration from QuickPlace 6.5.1 or 7.0 to a new Quickr 8.2 server with Quickr Fixpack version is now supported. Detailed documentation for migration is available in the Lotus Quickr Wiki:

·  August/2009 – New option added to “qptool upgrade” in FP When running “qptool upgrade -f -a” as specified in this documentation, some Form customizations may be lost. Those customizations are now retained if you use the new qptool upgrade switch -saveformprefs. The customizations that will be retained are the “hidden” status of the form and also the “order” in which the forms are displayed

·  This fixpack can only be installed on Lotus Quickr version 8.2 and is intended only for Lotus Quickr 8.2 servers running on Domino 8.5.0. . Do not install the PTF if you plan to run your Lotus Quickr server on any level of Domino other than 8.5.0.

·  This fix only includes the changes to the Quickr Domino services code. You should also obtain the latest available version of the 8.2 Quickr Domino Connectors update from Fix Central and copy the update to your server. The latest Quickr connectors update is included in the recommended fix group for 8.2 Quickr services for Domino on IBM i. The Connector updates are intended only for Lotus Quickr version 8.2 but are independent of the level of Domino

·  If you have previously installed any Quickr 8.2 PTFs, remove them before installing this PTF. It is not necessary to remove connector updates before installing a later level.

New Quickr installation:

·  If you are deploying Lotus Quickr for the first time and have never installed an earlier Quickr or QuickPlace release, you should first install Domino 8.5.0. Then install this fixpack and also install the latest connectors update before configuring your Lotus Quickr server.

·  For more information, see the Lotus Quickr 8.2 information center, which is available from the Lotus Quickr documentation site: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/documentation/quickr/

Upgrade from an earlier release:

·  Before installing this fixpack or a connectors update, Lotus Quickr 8.2 must be installed. Therefore, if you are using an earlier release of Quickr or QuickPlace, first complete the upgrade to Quickr 8.2.

·  You can install this PTF and the connectors update before or after installing Domino 8.5.0 and upgrading your Quickr server to Domino 8.5.0. However, complete the Domino upgrade and install the fixpack before you start the server and attempt to use Quickr.

·  If you have multiple Quickr servers running in the same IBM i LPAR, they must all be running Quickr 8.2 and Domino 8.5.0 in order to use this fix.

(Domino multi-versioning permits you to run other Domino or Sametime servers in the same LPAR using different Domino releases if you prefer.)


Before installing this fixpack:

· 5724S31 V8R2M0 Quickr 8.2 for IBM i must already be installed on your system.

Installing this Fixpack (PTF LQ02352)

This fixpack installation procedure requires a user profile with command line capability and a user class of *SECOFR.

The PTF is provided as IBM i save file called LQ02352.

1. Establish a 5250 session with the IBM i server and sign on with the appropriate user profile.

2. Run the following command to create a temporary library:

CRTLIB LIB(MYLIB) TEXT('Library for Quickr 8.2 Fixes')

3. Run the following command to create the necessary Save file:

CRTSAVF FILE(MYLIB/LQ02352) TEXT('Quickr 8.2 Fix LQ02352')

4. Transfer the PTF save file from your workstation to the System i server.

From your workstation, enter the following commands and responses when prompted:

cd xxx [change to the directory on your workstation that contains LQ02352]

ftp: [your System i name or IP address]

Name: [Enter your user profile name and press ENTER]

Password: [Enter your password and press ENTER]


Representation type is binary IMAGE.

ftp>put LQ02352 MYLIB/LQ02352


5. To end any active Quickr servers, enter the following command:


Use option 6 (End Domino server) to end each active server that is running Quickr.

Use the Work with Active Job (WRKACTJOB) command to determine when all Quickr servers have ended. Wait until the servers have completely shut down before continuing to the next step.

6. Determine if any Quickr hot fixes are currently installed by running the following command:


If any PTFs are currently applied, remove them using the RMVPTF command.

7. Run the following commands to load and apply the Quickr PTF:



8. Now you can start the Quickr servers.

Use the WRKDOMSVR command and select option 1 (Start server).

Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases

After upgrading the files on your Lotus Quickr server, you should upgrade the place templates and other Quickr Domino databases so that they reflect the most current changes to the files you’ve upgraded. Complete the following steps on each Quickr server:

· Make sure the Quickr server is running.

· From the Domino Console type the following commands:

Note: Wait for each of command to finish before proceeding to the next command. You will know that the command has finished when you see a message in the console such as qptool: command finished: {the command performed}

Command / Action It Performs
load qptool unlock -a / Unlock all the places.
load qptool upgrade -f -server / Upgrade all the databases on the server.
load qptool upgrade -f -a / Upgrade all the places and PlaceTypes.

Upgrading offline installations

When you install a Quickr Domino fixpack, you also receive the latest files needed for your offline installations. Clients taking a place offline for the first time after applying the fixpack will automatically get the latest version of the offline support files installed to their machine.

For client workstations that already have offline places installed on their machine, the following steps are recommended for updating the client with the latest offline support files:

1.  Take note of all the subscription names from the Domino Sync Manager.

2.  Synchronize all the places to deliver any changes from the offline places.

3.  Delete the subscriptions from the Domino Sync Manager.

4.  Uninstall the Lotus Domino Sync Manager to remove it from the machine.

5.  Go to the online places that were noted and take them offline.

This will ensure that the latest version of the offline support files have been installed on the client machine.

Documentation Updates / Addendums

Applying a Fixpack to Quickr 8.x servers in a cluster

For the Quickr cluster to run properly, each server in the cluster needs to be using the same release and fixpack. To upgrade Lotus Quickr servers in a cluster to the new fixpack, perform the following steps:

*Please note: It is highly recommended that you first backup all places and PlaceTypes.

1.  At the Domino console, use the “load qptool unlock -a” command on only one server in the cluster to unlock all the places.

2.  Stop every Lotus Quickr server in the cluster.

3.  Upgrade all the servers with the Fixpack.

4.  Restart each of the servers (cluster replication and qptool replicamaker tasks should remain running).

5.  Use the “load qptool upgrade -f -server” command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade the design of databases.

6.  Use the “load qptool upgrade -f -a” command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade places and PlaceTypes.

7.  Let replication pass the design upgrades to all servers.

Your Quickr 8.x servers should now be upgraded to the latest Fixpack.

Additional Information for special fixes

*Please note: Each row in the following table represents a specific issue as described by the SPR / Description column. These special fixes only need to be applied by following the steps in the Instructions column if you encounter that specific issue. Applying these fixes if you do not encounter the issue specified may cause unexpected results and is not recommended.

SPR / Description



MMOI7SEK8B - qptool settheme does not replace theme of subrooms if theme in subroom has been changed


Use new qptool settheme parameter -includerooms for all rooms to be updated to the new theme.


· If users have unexpected results after applying this update, they should clear their browser’s cache. The user can also clear the Java cache, which is located in the Control Panel and may be named something like Java Plug-In or Java Control Panel. Go into this applet and find the Cache settings; you should be able to clear the cache from there.

·  If users have problems using Internet Explorer, they should remove the Lotus Quickr ActiveX control (instructions below). Then install it the next time they are prompted by Quickr when browsing to a Quickr Place.

·  To remove the ActiveX control:

1.  Close all instances of Internet Explorer

2.  From the Windows Control Panel, open Internet Options.

3.  Complete the steps below for your version of Internet Explorer:

Internet Explorer 6:

·  On the General tab, press the Settings button.

·  On the Setting dialog, select View Objects…

·  Select the Lotus Quickr Class (qp2.dll) and press the Delete key on your keyboard.

Internet Explorer 7:

·  On the Programs tab, press the Manage Add-ons button.

·  On the Manage Add-ons dialog, select the Lotus Quickr Class (qp2.dll).

·  Press the Delete button.

Lotus Quickr 8.2 services for Domino: Fix List

07/16/2009 / TPEA7RADGB / qpconfig setting <use_whole_dn_for_member_nsf_lookup enabled="true"> displays DN instead of CN displayed in member view.
07/16/2009 / ESEO7S6PKV / Regional preferences are not saved when changing them via the Select Time Zone link.
07/16/2009 / DAMC7TAHDF / Files uploaded by Connectors to 'Editor-In-Chief' Workflow folder not displayed correctly in web UI.
07/16/2009 / KABS7TFJAN / Newsletters are not sent out if Quickr uses the Domino LDAP task on the Domino same server as Quickr.
07/16/2009 / KABS7TFK39 / Room creation fails if the room is being created in a place that has been unregistered.
07/16/2009 / KABS7TPV9R / Removing a group from the Members page results in that group appearing as No Access
07/16/2009 / DAMC7AEGQU / In connectors, if “Show Views” is selected on a place, checked out and draft documents in subrooms are not shown, only those documents in the main room are shown.
(see fix DAMC7AEGQU in “Additional Information for special fixes” section)
07/16/2009 / MPUL7TDKH7 / External Groups starting with a special character (eg: #) cannot be added to Room Security.
07/16/2009 / RTIN7C7MQ3 / When creating a Link Page in older themes, the option for the link to open in a new window does not work correctly, the link does not open in a new browser window.
07/08/2009 / MMOI7STSYW
XNXN7T5DGU / Cannot check both checkboxes in “Grant Access To Everyone” dialog within Member Management.
07/08/2009 / KABS7TCJCL / qptool register -install does not work well with non-ascii characters
07/08/2009 / MPUL7QGM8T / Local user who has same username and password across places can not sign in after signing in and out of first place.
07/06/2009 / MPUL7EUC7E / When editing a post, the cursor may jump to the top of the page after different operations.
07/06/2009 / KCLU7QFKNP / The More Actions option of a Connections Business Card does not display any options when clicked.
06/30/2009 / CSTS7T3RCE / Unable to import an html page when that page contains a flash (swf) file.
06/30/2009 / THES7BSN7M / After Quickr server is just started, if web client enters a URL to a place and that URL has a special character at the end such as a period, you can no longer get into the place even with the correct URL until the Quickr server is shut down.
06/30/2009 / PKAY7SKRU4 / When logasio is run as a Domino task, Quickr will not shutdown when the Domino server is shutdown.
06/30/2009 / PKAY7S8JAF / Setting the Domino config setting Domino Web Engine / POST data / Maximum post data to 0 prevents Quickr from being able to create a new place or post.
06/30/2009 / CLOH7SV634 / If using Quickr Blog within another site in an iframe, clicking some of the blog links removes the iframe.
06/19/2009 / JSHN7QFU9T / In IE7, embedded objects added to the Rich Text Editor when editing in HTML mode doesn’t display correctly if, after checked in, you check out the document.
06/19/2009 / MROI7SXNEB / In certain circumstance some cached pages are not refreshed after logging off and then logging back into Quickr
06/19/2009 / ESEO7QG24R / With Internet Explorer, launching an attachment will sometimes give an error that there is no application associated with it even though the association is known to the operating system.
06/19/2009 / XNXN7T5DGU / Cannot check both checkboxes in “Grant Access To Everyone” dialog within Member Management.
06/18/2009 / RALF7RAKHZ / From Connectors, dragging and dropping a folder from a Room to your desktop results in folders being created with no files.
06/18/2009 / SSHD7PJUTG / Log out from a place fails in Firefox if accessed through a Proxy.
06/18/2009 / JRIE7QNLA4 / Running "qptool upgrade -f -a" as required in the upgrade documentation of a Fixpack removes some custom properties.
(See “Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases” section for the new parameter
-saveformprefs to resolve this issue)
06/18/2009 / MMOI7S9HS4 / In IE6, when uploading multiple files via the Library Upload control, the time to reload the page is noticeable.