AUP Library-Interlibrary Loan Policy


The purpose of interlibrary loan is to obtain, upon request of a library user, material not available at this library.

AUPlibrary is part of a network of free lending libraries (AMICAL and a few French University libraries) that provide materials to our patrons at no cost and we do reciprocal lending. In addition, we have the possibility of ordering from libraries nationwide and abroad for a fee that the library pays.

For our patrons:

Who may borrow:

Current AUP Students (Undergrad & Grads), AUP faculty, and AUP Staff may place requests for interlibrary loans at no charge.

Alumniand Dependents will have to pay a 30 € feeper item.

What may be borrowed :

Patrons may not order anything the library already owns, and should instead get the itemwithin our library. There may be limitations as to what we can order due to copyright laws. There is no limit to the number of materials requested.

Lending Period :

The lending library will set the due date, and whether or not items may be renewed.

It is in the patron’s best interest to pick up interlibrary loan requests promptly.

Patrons who do not return items on time or in good condition are subject to loss of interlibrary loan privileges.

Only Faculty, Staff and students can takeInterlibrary loan booksoutside the library.

Preferred method of request submission

You can submit your request using :

Our forms from the catalog web page :

For articles

For books

From OCLC Worldcat () or use

From our databases ()

Or by e-mail :

For libraries borrowing from our library:

What we will lend

We lend returnable (books) and non returnable items (article, book chapters). Because of copyright issues, we do not lend any DVD’s and CD’s. No e-book loan in their entirety (up to 10 % of an e-book can normally be loaned).

Lending Period

Our lending period is 4 weeks. Renewals may or may not be allowed for another 4 weeks if not requested by one of our users.Please contact our staff for arrangements.

Delivery methods.

Our library ships materials through the REGULAR French postal services.

Materials from the States are mainly shipped by the regular postal service.

Contact Information:

Please contact:

  • Isabelle Dupuy ( 01 40 62 05 54),
  • Iulia Lupu ( 01 40 62 58 15)