Early Years Improvement Team

Early Years Mathematics Learning Environment Audit

A tool for settings

Any actions identified should feed into the setting improvement plan.

The Indoor Learning Environment / Yes / Partly / No / Evidence, Comments and Actions
Is the setting bright, well organised and inviting to walk into?
Are the resources and working areas clearly labelled – with words, pictures or real objects where appropriate to enable independent selection and return?
Do resources reflect all families and cultures?
Is there an accessible number track or number line displayed at child height, with picture clues where appropriate?
Are larger numbers displayed eg. a hundred square?
Do displays include numbers that have been typed and handwritten, by both adults and children?
Are numbers written in other relevant languages and scripts?
Do displays celebrate children’s achievements in mathematics and support children’s future learning?
Are there interactive displays/ investigation areas which promote children’s exploration of mathematics?
Do leaders and managers monitor mathematical learning and teaching to ensure high quality? How?
Opportunities for mathematical learning within the continuous provision / Yes / Partly / No / Evidence, Comments and Actions
Are resources that support Mathematical development high
profile in all areas of the continuous provision?
Can practitioners identify when resources need to be added to an experience to enhance mathematical learning?
Are children encouraged to transport resources to support their mathematical learning to other areas of provision?
Are there story and information texts which support children’s understanding of number and shape, space and measures?
Is there a height chart showing standard and/or non-standard
Is there a wide range of natural resources e.g. pebbles, fir cones, shells?
Is there a wide range of commercially produced resources to support exploration of number and calculating, sorting, shape, space and measures eg. tape measures, balances and scales, rulers, sorting sets, dice, stop watches, clocks, timers, 2D & 3D shapes, number cards etc?
Can children access games independently e.g. lotto, snap,
dominoes, track games?
Are there ‘collections’ of things for children to investigate, sort and sequence e.g. boxes, buttons, socks, coins, beads, keys?
Is there a display which draws attention to numerals in the environment/ everyday life?
Can children display their early attempts at recording independently?
Is there a washing line at child height so that children can peg numerals in the correct order?
Are there opportunities for children to match 3D objects to 2D silhouettes in storage e.g. water play, sand play?
Are there books/cards with words of number songs and rhymes in the music and sound making area with number
props e.g. five frogs, ten in a bed?
Are there empty boxes and packaging, reclaimed materials, materials to encourage exploration of pattern in the
creative workshop?
Are books which support Mathematical development high profile in the book area with story props?
Are numerals explicit in small world, imaginative play and role play e.g. road signs?
Are there practical, hands on opportunities to explore shape, space and measures e.g. sand, water, play dough, clay?
Does the large block area/small construction area have visual images of things children can construct, photos of children’s constructions and a range of construction equipments, including reclaimed materials?
Are there tape measures, and spirit levels in the construction/block area?
Is snack time used as a mathematical opportunity eg counting how many, use of language more and less than, matching and sorting etc?
Do children have opportunities to cook regularly? Are mathematical opportunities identified?
The Outdoor Learning Environment / Yes / Partly / No / Evidence, Comments and Actions
Does the outdoor environment complement and extend the indoor environment?
Is the area well organised, inviting and challenging every day?
Can children access resources and return them independently?
Are there opportunities for children to explore maths through movement e.g. obstacle courses, den making, travelling games, tracks, construction on a large scale?
Are there natural resources for children to explore eg sticks, twigs, leaves, stones, logs etc?
Are real materials accessible for children to use to understand concepts of weight, size, pattern and shape eg real bricks?
Is there a washing line at child height so that children can peg numerals in the correct order or socks/T-shirts to make repeating patterns?
Are there opportunities to draw shapes, patterns or numerals on a large-scale e.g. chalking on floors, large scale chalk boards, easels, ‘painting’ with water and decorators’ brushes?
Are there permanent playground markings or chalked markings which support mathematics e.g. shapes, numerals, tracks, parking bays for bikes?
Is there a number line and height chart?
Are there small resources and ‘targets’ to support scoring e.g. basketball hoop, beanbags, quoits, skittles, knock–down
Is there an outside clock?

(adapted from “Numbers and Patterns” DCSF 2009)