In the descriptions below we list each metric and how MFMP calculated it for the monthly MFMP Utilization Report. Agencies will need to access and review the reports listed below that support each metric’s calculation to obtain further insight into the MFMP Utilization Report results.

1.  Metric 1: MFMP Purchase Order and Contract Utilization


((Total PO value in MFMP+ (Total MFMP invoice value directly against an MFMP contract)) / (Expected MFMP value)


Total PO value in MFMP:

Description: The Total PO value in MFMP was obtained from orders that were issued (by ordered date) during the utilization report timeframe. Due to the nature of purchase orders, data may vary daily based on changed and cancelled orders.

MFMP Analysis Report Name: “MFMP Purchase Order and Contract Utilization – 1A-1 – Total PO value in MFMP”

Total MFMP invoice value directly against an MFMP contract

Description: The Total MFMP invoice value directly against an MFMP contract was obtained from invoices paid during the utilization report timeframe against a MFMP contract.

MFMP Analysis Report Name: “MFMP Purchase Order and Contract Utilization – 1A-2 - Total MFMP invoice value directly against an MFMP contract”

Expected MFMP Value
Description: The Expected MFMP Value was derived by excluding the designated object codes (See the “Definitions” tab on the Utilization workbook) and by excluding specific business designations (government entity and non-profits for MFMP vendors) from FLAIR payments issued during the utilization report timeframe.

MFMP Secure Reports Website Report Name:

“Utilization Details - Expected MFMP value - Q1 FY13 – V3” is the revised report for Q1 FY13. There are also individual reports for each month with the month number included in the filename (for example:
“Utilization Details - Expected MFMP value –10 FY13” is for the October 1-31 data).

2.  Metric 2: MFMP Invoice Utilization


(Total MFMP invoice value) / (Expected MFMP value)


Total MFMP invoice value

Description: The Total MFMP invoice value was obtained from invoices paid during the utilization report timeframe through MFMP.

MFMP Analysis Report Name: “MFMP Invoice Utilization – 2A - Total MFMP invoice value minus Invoices Paid in FLAIR”

Expected MFMP Value - This is the same report used for Metric 1.

Description: The Expected MFMP Value was derived by excluding the designated object codes (See the “Definitions” tab on the Utilization workbook) and by excluding specific business designations (government entity and non-profits for MFMP vendors) from FLAIR payments issued during the utilization report timeframe.

MFMP Secure Reports Website Report Name:

“Utilization Details - Expected MFMP value - Q1 FY13 – V3” is the revised report for Q1 FY13.

There are also individual reports for each month with the month number included in the filename (for example:
“Utilization Details - Expected MFMP value –10 FY13” is for the October 1-31 data).

*The reports are split this way due to row limitations in Excel. Together they add up to the October Fiscal Year-to-Date Metric.

3.  Metric 3: MFMP Catalog Utilization


(Total number of MFMP STC PO catalog line items) /(Number of All MFMP STC PO Line Items)


Total number of MFMP STC PO catalog line items

Description: The total number of MFMP state term contract (STC) catalog line items was obtained from orders issued during the utilization report timeframe for catalog line items with a method of procurement (MOP) is “State Term Contract”, “PRIDE”, “RESPECT” and a line item or punchout catalog is available for the selected State Contract ID. The Multifunction Products, Printers, Facsimile Equipment, Scanners, Related Software, Supplies, and Services State Term Contract # 600-000-11-1 has been excluded from this metric since some vendors have a catalog available and some do not. This contract will be included in the metrics once all current vendors have a catalog available.

Due to the nature of purchase orders, data may vary daily based on change and cancelled orders.

MFMP Analysis Report Name: “MFMP Catalog Utilization - 3A - Total number of MFMP STC PO catalog line items”

Number of All MFMP STC PO Line Items

Description: The number of all MFMP STC PO Line Items was obtained from orders issued during the utilization report timeframe with a method of procurement (MOP) “State Term Contract”, “PRIDE”, “RESPECT” and a line item or punchout catalog is available for the selected State Contract ID. Due to the nature of purchase orders, data may vary daily based on change and cancelled orders.

MFMP Analysis Report Name: “MFMP Catalog Utilization - 3B - Number of All MFMP STC PO Line Items”

4.  Metric 4: Receiving Goods in MFMP Utilization


(Total number of POs for goods that were received)/ (Total number of POs for goods)


Total number of POs for goods that were received

Description: The Total number of POs for goods that were received was obtained from orders issued during the utilization report timeframe where there was at least one line item with a “goods” commodity code and at least one “good” quantity was received. Excludes PCard.

MFMP Secure Reports Website Report Name: “Utilization Details - POs for goods that were received- 10 FY13”

Total number of POs for goods

Description: The Total number of POs for goods was obtained from orders issued during the utilization report timeframe with line item that has a “goods” commodity code. Excludes PCard.

MFMP Secure Reports Website Report Name: “Utilization Details - POs for goods - 10 FY13”

5.  Metric 5: Agency eQuote Utilization


(Number of eQuote events marked as “completed” or “pending selection”)/ (Number of POs with Method of Procurement "B", “F” or "16")


Number of eQuote events marked as “completed” or “pending selection”

Description: This data was gathered by querying it directly from the Sourcing application for eQuotes that were completed or in a pending selection status during the utilization report timeframe. If the agency has not completed eQuotes there will be no report in your agency folder.

MFMP Secure Reports Website Report Name: “Utilization Details – Completed eQuotes - 10 FY13”

Number of POs with Method of Procurement “B”, “F” or “16”

Description: The Number of POs with Method of Procurement was obtained from orders issued during utilization report timeframe with a method of procurement (MOP) equal to B, F, or 16. Due to the nature of purchase orders, data may vary daily based on change and cancelled orders.

MFMP Analysis Report Name: “Agency eQuote Utilization - 6B Number of POs of Procurement B or F”

Instructions for accessing the reports:

MFMP Secure Reports Website Reports:

All reports listed as available on the MFMP Secure Reports Website can be found within the specific agency folders. If your metric is listed as zero, there will not be a report in your agency folder. Please note a username and password is required for access; contact your agency system administrator for a username and password if needed.

MFMP Analysis Reports:

All reports listed as available in MFMP Analysis can be found in a folder called “Utilization Metrics” within the MyFloridaMarketPlace public reports folder. Below are the detailed steps on where to find and how to view these reports for your agency.

Step 1: Access MFMP Analysis Folder outlined in the box below. Once you have selected the MyFloridaMarketPlace folder, scroll to the end of the list to find the Utilization Metrics folder.

Locate the appropriate Report title, click on the report title, and then select open:

Hold your mouse over the right column for your agency name and click on “Detail View” to drill down into the details for your agency:

View the details (for example Invoice Reconciliation IDs):

This data can then be exported from MFMP Analysis. At the top of the page click Actions then select Configure Export.

The next page should already have the radio buttons selected to export to “comma-separated value (CSV) format” and “current pivot table contents”. Click Export Data to open and save your file.

MFMP Analysis will then export the detailed data.