Pupil premium grant expenditure, Berger Primary School
Pupil premium grant expenditure2015 - 2016
Overview of the school
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) receivedTotal number of pupils on roll / 497
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 246
Amount of PPG received per pupil / £1320 (2x £1500)
Total amount of PPG received / £325,080
Provisions within the school 2015/2016
Provision / CostPhonics intervention groups in year 2
- To continue to ensure that pupils at Berger with PPG do as well or better than pupils with PPG nationally.
- To close the gap between the attainment of pupils with PPG in phonics and other pupils at our school/all pupils nationally.
Phonics intervention groups in year 1
- To continue to ensure that pupils at Berger with PPG do as well or better than pupils with PPG nationally.
- To close the gap between the attainment of pupils with PPG and other pupils at our school/all pupils nationally.
Reading intervention groups in year 2
- To close the gap between the attainment of pupils with PPG in reading and other pupils at our school/pupils with PPG nationally/all pupils nationally.
Maths intervention groups in year 2
- To continue to ensure that pupils at Berger with PPG do as well or better in Maths at KS1 thanpupils with PPG nationally and all pupils nationally.
- To close the gap between the attainment of pupils with PPG in Maths at KS1 and other pupils at our school.
Writing intervention groups in year 2
- To close the gap between the attainment of pupils with PPG in writing at KS1 and other pupils at our school, pupils with PPG nationally and all pupils nationally.
Specialist Maths support delivered through:
-Interventions run by specialist teacher two days a week.
-Additional teaching staff to support smaller class sizes for maths lessons in years 5 and 6.
To close the gap between the attainment of pupils with PPG in Maths at KS2 and other pupils at our school, pupils with PPG nationally and all pupils nationally. / £51,160
Reading intervention groups year 6
- To close the gap between the attainment of pupils with PPG in reading at KS2 and other pupils at our school, pupils with PPG nationally and all pupils nationally.
Additional teaching staff in order to support smaller class sizes for literacy in year 6
- To close the gap between the attainment of pupils with PPG in writing at KS2 and other pupils at our school, pupils with PPG nationally and all pupils nationally.
SPAG intervention groups year 6
- To ensure there is no gap between the attainment of pupils with PPG in SPAG at KS2 and other pupils at our school, pupils with PPG nationally and all pupils nationally.
Maths interventions years 3 and 4
- To provide daily specialist Maths support for Target pupils in years 3- 4 who are not making expected levels of progress with the aim for the meet to meet or exceed expected levels of progress.
Learning mentor support
- To facilitate the implementation of our Behaviour policy by providing a space for alternative provision within the school. A high percentage of pupils who require alternative provision receive the PPG.
- To facilitate restorative justice sessions, circle of friends, counselling etc. as and when the need arises.
Speech and Language interventions run by a Tala
- To offer follow up sessions as advised by S+L therapists for pupils who require speech and language interventions. A high percentage of these pupils receive the PPG grant.
- To offer Word Aware sessions to help pupils who do not come from Language Rich environments. A high percentage of these pupils receive the PPG grant.
Breakfast and After-school club
- To offer provision for parents who are working before and after school.
- To create language rich opportunities to learn new skills e.g art, story-telling, cooking etc.
School resources team
- To ensure that all classrooms are resourced for fully inclusive practice.
Pupil based TALAs for PPG pupils with statements
- To offer one to one support for pupils with statements and PPG in the morning.
Specialist P.E teaching
- To improve attainment, progress and engagement in P.E by having lessons taught by a P.E specialist.
- To ensure general levels of health and fitness of pupils
- To provide extra-curricular opportunities in P.E
School dinners
- To support families who need assistance with school dinners
Total number of pupils benefitting from provisions / 367
Total number of PPG pupils benefitting from provisions / 205 (164 non PPG)
Total PPG received / £325,080
Total PPG expenditure / £330,695
PPG remaining / £0