Brown County EDUCATION Action Team

Monday, January 4th


Mission Statement: Raising Expectations to Improve Education

2009 Goal: Teacher Morale/Retention

Co-Chairs: Kelly Grady/Daina Howell

Attendees: Jennifer Ingram, Erin McCaskill, Merle Kenady, Ben Ellefritz, Allan Koch, Kriss Johnson, Marsha Wagner, Susie Lerch, Linda Clark, Emily Smith, Carol Barnett, Rachel Saxer, Amy Johnson, Jean Buckley, Sue Kenady, Chris Brierton, Daina Howell, Kelly Grady, Angela Salrin

Welcome to the Real World Seminar – Jean Buckley:

−Jean passed out a handout that discussed the seminar held for the juniorsat the High School. The seminar helps show a correlation between education, finding a job and the income you will earn. All juniors will be bused to the YMCA in the morning. The University of Illinois Extension provides the training and explains the seminar to the students. The students select a job and are given the subsequent salary and then they go through the real life simulation. The simulation will take them through balancing a checkbook, paying bills and experience unexpected expenses. The simulation will last for one hour. The students will have a discussion afterwards to go over what they learned. A couple of people from Focus on Results and a JWCC educational advisor will be there to help explain and discuss the simulation.

−The seminar has been done for the last three years. Do we want to continue to offer the seminar?

−Survey from the students stated the seminar ranked an average of 3.5 out of a scale from 1-4, 4 being a positive experience.

−We would need about 20 volunteers to help with the seminar. Survey from the volunteers stated it was a good experience. From the school’s stand point, it is a good experience. It is a good place to get ideas from different people on how real life is and how to handle it.

−The consensus was we will continue the program. Jean, however, cannot chair the program this year. She has a checklist of things that are needed and the U of I Extension does the majority of the work. Basically,the chair would need to meeting with Mr. Wilson to discuss particulars and make sure volunteers are there. Our committee would help with contacting potential volunteers.

−The potential date is May 13 from 8:30 – 11:00 am.

−Ben, Jennifer and Erin will be co-chairs.

Supporting Extracurricular Activities:

−Mary has sent out the Christmas cards to the extracurricular activity groups at the schools. The purpose was to wish them a Merry Christmas and ask them to provide us with a list of needs and wants for their activities. From this list we can help support their groups. She has not received any feedback yet.

Flu Shots for Teachers:

−Moreland & Devitt was able to come to the schools, sometime in December, to give the teachers regular flu shots and H1N1 flu shots.

−25 teachers received the regular flu shot and 6 teachers received the H1N1 flu shot.

February Fling:


−Country Inn & Suites in Quincy will be the location of this year’s February Fling. The United Way approved the funding.

−It was brought to our attention that Country Inn & Suites will be hosting a Bridal Expo at the Civic Center that day as well, which does not affect us directly. However, they do allow brides-to-be to come to the hotel until 6 pm that day to view the ballroom and their facilities. We have our social hour starting at 5:30 pm. Do we want to move our social hour to 6 pm to avoid people coming in to view the room?

−The decision was made to leave the social hour at 5:30 pm. Most of our guests would not show up until 6 pm anyway.


−Sometime during the beginning of February, Erin and Kelly will be going to Country Inn &Suites to taste test the food.

−No drink tickets will be needed due to the free wine and champagne bar that will beavailable during social hour.


−The list of prizes we have so far is below.

  • Cardinal baseball tickets, possibly make this a weekend getaway package with hotel accommodations for one night and a Resturant.com gift certificate.
  • Hornet Bag and blanket
  • Gift certificates ex. Lia Sophia, Pampered Chef, inSPArations in Quincy
  • Movie money and passes to Kerasotes Theaters
  • Country Inn & Suites weekend getaway package
  • Homemade jewelry
  • Jeff Kassing’s Ozark condo

−Others idea for prizes are;

  • Gift certificates from local stores and shops
  • Another hotel getaway package
  • Fox Theater tickets
  • Wine baskets from the local wineries
  • Free day off for a teacher/staff member with a substitute
  • Casual Day
  • Party for the teacher/staff member and their classroom

−We would like to acquire free gifts and prizes before we allocate money from the budget for prizes.

−If anyone has any other potential prize ideas, please contact Jennifer.

−Last year there were 12-15 prizes.

−We will use tickets to win prizes like they did last year. Each teacher/staff member will be given 5 tickets and they may use their tickets for a chance to win whichever prizes they would like.

−Prizes are only available to teachers and staff members. Administrators or spouses are not eligible to win.

−Ben will get the tickets from the school for us to use.

−Kelly will make the signs for all the prizes and get the photo frames from Jean to put them in. The signs and prizes will be displayed on a prize table. Jean needs to know how many signs we will need to get the correct number of frames.


−Kriss will make the invitations and email them to the faculty and staff.

−We reviewed the invitations.

  • RSVP date will be Friday, February 12.
  • Possibly add the menu to the invitation. If not, it can be sent separately at a later date.
  • Will state on the invitation if anyone has any special dietary needs to please indicate so when they RSVP.
  • Add that bus transportation from the school will be available and a RSVP for the bus will be needed as well.


−We need hosts and hostesses to be available that night to greet people and to help at the welcome table.

−Guests must sign in, receive a name bag and be given the networking ice breaker game card.

−Jennifer, Kriss and Angela will work the welcome table. If anyone else is interested, please let Kelly know.

−The hotel will have coat racks available for our use. Chris will help organize the coats.

−Kelly will speak with Mary about making name tags. Amelia Baugher from Dot Foods made them last year.


−Decorations will be done by Kelly and Erin the day before. If you would like to help, please let one of them know.

Fundraising Ideas:

−As a committee we would like to be self sufficient when it comes to funding. The United Way has always been willing to provide use with funding for the February Fling, but we cannot always rely on the funding being available.

−We would like to get ideas for fundraisers we could do throughout the year to help with our events.

−Potential ideas are;

  • 50/50 raffle
  • Reverse raffle
  • Send all parents in the school district a letter informing them of our committee and the activities we do and ask them for donations.

−We are staying away from asking businesses in Brown County for support due to the fact they are solicited for many other causes.

−Angela will check with Dot Food’s Charitable Committee to see if the BCEAT could become an approved organization for TLC Volunteers to give their contribution incentive to.

−We cannot perform fundraising during the United Way Campaign which runs from September through October. Also, the Strong Kids Campaign for the YMCA runs from the end of January to the first of March.

−Possibly do our fundraising during the summer when there is a less likelihood of competing with other fundraising activities.


Youth Involvement Team

January 4, 2010, BCMS @ 5:15 p.m.

Attending: Brad Henry, Clayton Yingling, Jared Fry Cassie Lipcaman, Aimee Kerley, Anna Koch, Haley Hill, Alyssa Gragg, Renee Childers, Melissa Machino, Josh Jennings, Dale Poe, Lorie Poe, Barbara Poe, Aaron Hughes


  • Two grants have been submitted
  • Brad presented two new grant opportunities that he will be submitting application
  • Brad reminded the youth to please have an adult member review any grant before submitting


  • Group agreed to raffle Chicago trip
  • Tickets will be sold for $5 each or 5 for $25 at basketball games
  • Each Youth member will take a sheet of tickets to sell
  • Anna & Cassie will make signs for the fundraiser
  • Volunteers for games are as follows:
  • January 18: Lori, Barbara, Alyssa, Renee
  • January 22: Lori, Barbara
  • February 1: Lori, Barbara
  • Brad will text follow up to get rest of volunteers
  • Volunteers will help clean up bleachers after ballgames they work at as a service project

Next meeting: Feb 1, 2010

Notes taken by: Barbara Poe


Community Betterment Team

January 4, 2010, BCMS @ 5:15p.m.

Attending: Holly Gallaher, Brandon Gallaher, April Cline, Steve Gragg, Roger Bullard

New Business

  • The team received two donations; $250 from Judge and Marianne Slocum and $500 from the TFF
  • We will send Thank you notes


  • Judge measured 4’ to 8’
  • Holly contacted express signs and called Quincy to use a student design student design for the sign
  • Kris McCaskill will have a contest in Media Class
  • We need two signs and two property owners that would let us place them and maintain them/cost of electricity if not solar powered
  • Brown county logo/slogans?
  • Contact company’s on cost


  • Ideas include calendars possibly with photo’s taken by Mitzae Mullens, bake sale, soup supper
  • Contact Connie Cooley about food suppliers and ok with Merle Kenady Soup supper
  • Ask for free will donation
  • Will be held on Friday night basketball game
  • Possible have art fair


Contact Dot for paper productsBrandon Gallaher

Contact Mrs. Eveland about art projects

Volunteers for Main Street

Notes taken by: April Cline

Next meeting: Feb 4, 2010, BCMS @5:15p.m.


Housing & Economic Development

January 4, 2010, BCMS @ 5:15 p.m.

Attending: Glen Koch, Carolyn Kassing, Bryan Hills, Greg Wort, Blanche Shoupe, Dave Ferrill

  • Dave will check w/ Philip on his meeting w/ Jim Tracy
  • Discussed surveying those employees that commute to work in BC. WIA would be interested in sharing the cost of the survey if they could ask a question(s) about the workforce
  • TIF #2 would have to connect to existing TIF
  • Jeff Seefeldt offered at Dec. meeting to conduct home ownership classes on Saturday for Dot employees


Cost of living chart for home buyersBlanche

Include Focus on Results figures & UE rates for BC & surroundingBryon

Contact Bryan Gallaher re: ESB equip. available in BC & photosDave

Notes taken by: Dave Ferrill

Next meeting: Feb 1, 2010, BCMS @ 5:15p.m.


Health and Social Services

January 4, 2010 @ BCMS, 5:15p.m.

Attending: Paula Hannant, Carolyn Wort, Lisa Surrat, Tonya Newell, Deb Meservey, Kristen Schenk, Kevin Knight, Joe Blasko, Jerry Allen, Jori Bottorff

  • Set date for fundraiser event; June 12th
  • Discussed possible raffle ideas; big screen, guns, meat, quilts
  • Group will ask Patti Scranton to take the lead on the silent auction
  • The group discussed recognition of survivors/memorials; we will possible do something similar to Blessing Hospital’s memorial Christmas tree
  • Discussed having 4-way stop blitz for raffle ticket sales
  • Discussed collection cans and need for more and what to use; all agreed Pringles cans would work best (see Paula’s note on locations and who is responsible)
  • Thank You cards are being taken care of for memorials, we will check into color copy prices rather than printing our own
  • Discussed how to make people aware that there are funds available from BCAC
  • Discussed waiting for Cancer Directory until after the fundraiser
  • Tonya Newell provided resources about Blessing Hospital’s Community Outreach Clinic
  • Discussed having a Facebook page for the Cancer group


Letter for Corporate sponsorsPaula

Let people know about BCACALL

Check into hot air balloon ride/plane ticketsJoe

Bring ideas for corp. donation places & addressesALL

Next Meeting: Feb 1, 2010, BCMS @ 5:15 p.m.

Notes taken by: Cathleen Koch