HHS – Research Awareness Trivia Quiz 2011

Hamilton Health Sciences

Research Awareness Trivia Quiz 2012

Please complete this quiz electronically using the tab key to move the cursor from field to field. Save your completed quiz as a Word document and send to Donna Catherwood, via email by October 31, 2012.

Please be sure to include your name, extension and department below so that we may contact you if you are the winner of the grand prize a IPad 3. The draw for the grand prize will be held on Monday, November 5, 2012.

Please note: Only entries from HHS employees will be accepted.

Name: Department/Program:

HHS Employee ID #: Floor/Room #:

HHS Site: Extension:


  1. What is Hamilton Health Sciences’ Research:

a) Mission

b) Vision

  1. Name the HHS program that provides funding for novice investigators to assist with developing research careers, and how much does HHS invest annually to sustain this program?
  1. Name the HHS program that provides salary support and protected time for novice investigators to pursue research in their specialty area. What is the amount of the award granted and how long is the funding term?




  1. What governing body provides strategic guidance to Hamilton Health Sciences on future research priorities?
  1. List the Research Themes for the following sites.

1.Hamilton General

2.Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre


  1. Name two (2) research training and education resources that HHS has available for its research community to ensure best practices are followed in conducting research.



  1. What is the mandate of the Office of Integrated Research Services (OIRS)?
  1. What are the objectives and purpose of the CHORD Funding Program?




  1. Name the four services support areas of OIRS:

1. 3.

2. 4.

  1. Name the research publication that highlights and promotes key research programs of HHS


  1. Name the research programs/interests for the 3 investigators listed below who are profiled in Windows on Research 2011:

1. Dr. Mikie Bhatia

2. Dr. Peter Rosenbaum.

3. Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky

  1. What does REB stand for and what is its mandate?
  1. Name the five types of REB applications (categories)
  2. 3. 5.
  3. 4.
  1. What report was published to help promote Clinical Health Professionals Research Activily?
  1. What are the two (2) funding programs that were established to support Clinical Health Professional research?



  1. List the four RFA Strategic Initiatives high priority areas?

1. 3.

2. 4.

  1. What annual province-wide youth outreach research program supports researchers and acts as an internship work placement for high school students?

b)What is the value of the each award granted?

c) How many students have gone through the program since 2004?

d)To date what is the percentage of students that have pusued health/life science studies?

e)Who are the corporate sponsors of this program and how much have they contribituted to date?

  1. Name two research posters and their respective lead authors exhibited across HHS sites during Research Awareness Month.



  1. What annual province-wide youth outreach program aims to attract high school students toward a career in health science and technology?

b) How many schools participated in 2012 event?

  1. What are the clinical health professional roll descriptions that are defined for the following occupations in the 2011 Clinical Health Professionals Research Inventory Report:

1. Clinical and Organizational Ethicist:

2. Nursing:

3. Physiotherapy:

Thank you and good luck!