Minute of the Annual General Meeting

of the Morningside Heritage Association

held in Morningside Parish Church Hall

on Tuesday 09 December 2014 at 7.15 p.m.

Present : Jill Powlett Brown (Convener), Fiona Brownlee (Events Coordinator), Bob Cunningham (Treasurer), Marjorie Duvall (Archivist), Clive Davenhall (Co-opted Treasurer), Edward Duvall (Secretary), Janette Gollan (Co-opted Events and Publicity), Frances MacLeod (Co-opted Events and Publicity), Margaret and Mike Pringle (joint Programme Secretaries), Eleanor Updale (Membership Secretary), 23 ordinary members and guests.

Apologies : Aileen Paterson.

Best wishes were extended to Aileen Paterson on her 80th birthday.

1 Minute of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Minute of the Annual General Meeting held on 10 December 2013, having previously been made available to members and on the MHA website, was noted and approved.

Proposed by : John Scott

Seconded by : Arne Strid

2 Membership

The Membership Secretary spoke to encourage members to continue their support for the Association, thus enabling the rich heritage of Morningside to be protected.

3 Annual Report 2013-2014

The Convener delivered the first Annual Report since the award to the Association of charitable status on 12 November 2013, which had previously been made available to members and on the MHA website. The Report was noted and approved.

Proposed by : Colin Dale

Seconded by : Doris Laing

4 Approval of Accounts for the Year from 01 October to 11 November 2013, and of the Accounts for the Year

from 12 November 2013 to 30 September 2014

The Treasurer presented the Accounts for the year to 30 September 2014, clarifying that the requirement for two sets of accounts for the financial year to 30 September 2014 arose from the award of charitable status on 12 November 2013, six weeks after the start of the financial year, and the consequent change in the Association’s legal status.

Members noted that although total income and expenditure were both slightly lower in 2014 than in 2013, subscription levels and visitor income increased (by £65 and £179 respectively). The membership subscription rate remains £12. Although there had been an encouraging reduction in postage and printing costs, from £478 in 2013 to £318 in 2014, meeting costs had increased from £135 to £301 as a consequence of the move from the Old Schoolhouse to Morningside Parish Church.

The Accounts were approved.

Proposed by : Edward Duvall

Seconded by : Doris Laing

5 Nomination of Auditor for 2014-15

The nomination of Mr Bill Reid to continue as Auditor for the current year was noted and approved.

Proposed by : Mike Pringle

Seconded by : Clive Davenhall

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6 Elections to the Committee

The following nominations were approved :

·  Convener (December 2014 – December 2018) : Bob Cunningham

Proposed by : Jill Powlett Brown

Seconded by : Joan Maudsley

·  Treasurer (December 2014 – December 2015 in the first instance) : Clive Davenhall

Proposed by : Eleanor Updale

Seconded by : Jennifer Meiklejohn

·  Secretary (December 2014 – December 2017) : Jill Powlett Brown

Proposed by : Bob Cunningham

Seconded by : Arne Strid

·  Events and Publicity Co-ordinators (December 2014 – December 2017) : Janette Gollan and Frances MacLeod

Proposed by : Marjorie Duvall

Seconded by : Jennifer Meiklejohn

The Convener thanked retiring committee members for their contributions to the work of the MHA.

7 Summer Visits 2015

The following visits were planned to take place between May and September 2015 :

·  Lauriston Place Fire Station

·  Lyceum Theatre

·  Trinity House

·  National Library of Scotland

·  The Royal Observatory

Full details, including how to book, would be available at the meeting on 3 February 2015.

8 Any other Business

Members approved a formal vote of thanks proposed by Dr Edward Duvall to the Morningside Parish Church officers for meeting arrangements, in particular improvements to the sound.

Dr Duvall then proposed a vote of thanks to Jill Powlett Brown and Fiona Brownlee, demitting committee office, and to Doris Laing and Joan Maudsley in recognition of their willing help with meeting refreshments, and presentations were made to them.

The meeting was followed by a presentation by Sandra Dixon on the work of the Open Door.