Job Description

Community Mentor for CBL Placement Sites

The primary responsibility for a Community Mentor (CM) overseeing CBL placement sites is to serve as a liaison between the Community Based Learning (CBL) office and its various constituents comprised of faculty, staff, community partners, and CBL students. In doing so, CMs guide and oversee the overall CBL experience for their peers. All CMs are hired with a one semester probation period. This position sometimes begins as a CM “Semester in Training” position with the opportunity to transition into the full role in the following semester.

This position requires a consistent demonstration of maturity, attention to detail, excellent time management skills, as well as strong interpersonal and communication skills. CMs are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism and social responsibility where choices on the job, as well as off the job reflect positively on CBL, St. Lawrence University, and your assigned campus-community partnership(s).

As a CM, you have the following job expectations: (weekly hours 5-7)

Getting the Semester Started (9 - 10 hours)

·  Attend CM Training (8 hrs.)

·  Schedule logistics for on-campus CBL Student Orientation (15 - 30 min)

·  Email community partner and confirm on-site/agency orientation date/time/location (15 min)

·  Email students who are assigned to community partner placement site (15 min)

·  Email CBL staff supervisor to schedule 1:1 meeting day/time (15 min)

On-Campus CBL Student Orientation and Driver Certification (2 hours)

·  Plan and prepare for on-campus CBL Student Orientation

·  Facilitate SLU University Driver Training only for those students who have a SLU vehicle is reserved

·  Email Security to follow up on Driver Certification approval if SLU transportation is reserved

Agency Orientation (30 min - 1 hour)

·  Attend, if possible, Agency Orientation: If schedule allows, every attempt should be made to attend

On-Site Responsibilities

·  Travel to placement site for CBL Student Time Logs: review/approve time logs (15 min - Weekly

·  Enter hours in the associated Excel Hours Log on T Drive. (15 min - Weekly)

CBL Student Communication

·  Email to assess engagement and satisfaction or dissatisfaction: (15 min - Monthly)

·  Call or hold face-to-face meeting: when necessary to address placement related concerns (varies)

Community Partner Communication

·  Face-to-Face Meeting: (15-30 min – bi weekly or monthly)

·  Email or call the community partner if it is necessary (15 min – if needed)

·  End of Semester Evaluations for each CBL student (5 min for each student)

·  Write and send thank you card to community partner(s) (15 min)

CBL Professor Communication

·  Complete and submit Mid-Semester Summary (5 min per student)

·  Face-to-Face Meeting: when necessary (15 min – only if needed)

Other CBL Meetings, Obligations, and Professional Development

·  Payroll: adhere to required deadlines and formatting

·  Attend 1:1 meetings with CBL Staff: to discuss logistics (30 min – bi-weekly)

·  Attend CM Staff Meeting, Tuesdays, 11:45am – 12:30pm: (45 min – bi-weekly)

·  Attend professional development workshops. (1.5 hrs. – bi-weekly)

·  Read/answer emails related to CM or CBL (15 min - daily)

·  Active Citizenship: plan for and attend service events with fellow CM staff: (2 - 4 hrs. per month)

·  Advertising and Marketing: assist in advertising CBL related programming and opportunities (for example: student organization fair and handing out flyers) (varies)

Staff Requirements, Meetings, and Professional Development

To ensure positive group morale and to meet expected productivity standards, timely and regular attendance is an expectation of performance for all CM staff. Academic requirements (such as lab or a mandatory lecture) and religious observances take priority.

Mandatory Activities

The following activities are mandatory for all CM staff. To be excused from, arrive late to, or depart early from a mandatory meeting/activity the CM must request approval through, Lindy Pynchon , 72 business hours (M-F 8:30-4:30pm) in advance. Failure to adhere to the expectations below for correct behavior could result in dismissal from the Community Mentor Program.

Payroll every other Monday, by 11:00am (online AND summary email to CBL staff – see Payroll section)

Transportation Waiver (if using personal car)

Mileage Reimbursement Application (if using personal car)

Driver Certification Training (if needing a University Vehicle)

Staff meetings every other Tuesday from 11:45am-12:30pm

Bi-weekly meeting with CBL Staff

Festival of CBL at the end of each semester

Service Activities (up to 4 hours per month)

Newsletter Content Creation (at least one article)

Meet the CM Information Session (Spring Only)

Professional Development Workshops

Optional Opportunities
In addition to the mandatory activities above, the CBL office also plans the following:

1.  Group bonding activities

Although, these are optional, once a CM has committed to attending, they should plan accordingly to avoid any schedule conflicts. CMs that are unable to attend these planned activities must let the Lindy Pynchon know two weeks in advance.

Electronics Policy
The use of cell phones or computers is not permitted during meetings unless announced ahead of time or if the CM is designated as “Time Keeper” or “Note Taker”. Both are distracting to the user, fellow staff, and to the overall function and success of the meetings/events.

CMs are required to always exhibit a professional demeanor, to include on-campus and off-campus meetings/events, telephone calls, text messages, and email communication. Such expectations include, but are not limited to, the following:

·  Being on time and prepared: paper, pen/pencil, or other required materials

·  Arrive and maintain a positive attitude – “leave your personal business/bad mood at the door”

·  Dress Appropriately (depending on activity)

·  Use a courteous tone of voice and use appropriate language

·  Participate in discussions, planned activities, or offer help (knowledge/advice)

·  Be understanding and open about the differences of others

·  Accept responsibility and be part of the solution

·  Maintain honesty – honesty builds character and TRUST

Updated Spring 2017