Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.

Auto Care Association Member Intro Email

Revise this email as needed to fit your voice, then send it to your staff or members to help drive people to the campaign site to join the effort. Before sending, use this form to request a unique, trackable action link that will allow us to see and give you credit when people from your organization take action.

SUBJECT A: Learn what car data could do for your business

SUBJECT B: We’re launching something big...

PREVIEW TEXT (some email tools allow this, some don’t. If you’re unsure, ignore):

We’re putting car data back in the hands of car owners. Here’s how you can help:


Introducing the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. campaign
Automakers are using their exclusive access to the data today’s cars collect to steer car owners to their own dealerships for parts and repairs -- shutting out independent auto care businesses like yours. That’s why we’re launching Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.Sign up to learn more and help us pull car data out of the dark.


As a member of the [[COMPANY NAME]] family, you know that today’s cars can tell you a lot about what they need to operate safely, efficiently and reliably. Whether it’s for an oil change or new brakes, the data cars collect could be invaluable to our industry -- but only if we have access to it.

Right now, automakers have total control over this valuable data. And they’re using it to push car owners to higher-priced dealerships for their car care needs -- shutting out independent auto care providers like us.

That’s why I’m proud to announce [[COMPANY NAME]] is joining the Auto Care Association’sYour Car. Your Data. Your Choice. campaign to educate our industry and put car data back where it belongs -- in the hands of car owners.

Your voice as an auto care professionals is critical -- so click here to learn more and join me in taking the pledge to get involved.

By the year 2020, over 90 percent of new cars will be equipped with the technology to gather critical car repair data. Independent auto care professionals like us need to know what data cars will be able to collect and how to access it in easy-to-understand ways.

If owners don’t gain access to this data, automakers can continue to:

Cut independent repair shops out of the picture. If automakers and their chosen partners remain the only ones with access to this data, they’ll deny us the chance to compete on fair ground for new customers.

Steal customers. If we don’t break their monopoly on car data, automakers will continue steering car owners, including our customers, to use their own higher-priced dealer service departments.

Monopolize innovation.With access to this data, independent auto care businesses could receive customers’ car data directly, and use it to deliver a better customer experience.

This is your chance to join the 93 percent of auto industry employees who think car owners should control their own data.

Don’t let automakers cut you out of the picture. Sign the pledge to learn more and help put control of car data where it belongs -- in the hands of car owners.

I’m asking everyone here at [[PARTNERSHIP NAME]] to join me in this important effort to shape our industry for years to come. The first step is getting educated and spreading the word. I hope you’ll answer the call.

Let’s make this happen,