UK Microwave Group

Members Survey 2006

Please mark the answer that most reflects your perception

1.Thinking about the benefits of membership, how satisfied
were / are you with the UKuG overall?

Extremely satisfied_____ Comments:

Very satisfied_____

Fairly satisfied_____

Fairly dissatisfied_____

Very dissatisfied_____

2.Would you encourage / recommend new members to the UKuG
in future?



Might or might not_____

Probably would not_____

Definitely would not_____

3.How often do you look at the UKuG website (

More than once per week_____

Once per week_____

Once or twice per month_____

Less than once per month_____

Never_____- if never do you have internet access? _____

4.How does our website layout and content compare with others?

Much better_____Comments / reasons:

Slightly better_____

Neither better nor worse_____

Slightly worse_____

Much worse_____

5.How satisfied were / are you with the committee and the running of the UKuG?

Extremely satisfied_____ Comments:

Very satisfied_____

Fairly satisfied_____

Fairly dissatisfied_____

Very dissatisfied_____

6.How satisfied were / are you with the level of representation that UKuG enjoys with RSGB and OFCOM?

Extremely satisfied_____ Comments:

Very satisfied_____

Fairly satisfied_____

Fairly dissatisfied_____

Very dissatisfied_____

7. How satisfied were / are you with our efforts to encourage “new blood” into microwaves, including beginners workshops?

Extremely satisfied_____

Very satisfied_____

Fairly satisfied_____

Fairly dissatisfied_____

Very dissatisfied_____

8. Do you have any suggestions of how to increase activity on our microwave bands?

9. How satisfied were / are you with the contests organised by the UKuG?

Extremely satisfied_____ Comments:

Very satisfied_____

Fairly satisfied_____

Fairly dissatisfied_____

Very dissatisfied_____

10. How satisfied were / are you with the services provided by our ‘ELMERS’?

Extremely satisfied_____ Comments:

Very satisfied_____

Fairly satisfied_____

Fairly dissatisfied_____

Very dissatisfied_____

11.Do you envisage using the Elmer service in the near future?_____

12.What would you like an Elmer to be able do for you?

13. Where would you go to get a Noise Figure and / or power output test carried out?

Local Amateur_____
Round Table_____
Do it myself_____

Don't know_____

14. How satisfied were / are you with our publication Scatterpoint?

Extremely satisfied_____ Comments:

Very satisfied_____

Fairly satisfied_____

Fairly dissatisfied_____

Very dissatisfied_____

15.Do you have any preference for future Scatterpoint articles?

16.Would you be prepared to make a contribution to Scatterpoint in future?

17. How satisfied were / are you with our Round Tables?

Extremely satisfied_____Comments:

Very satisfied_____

Fairly satisfied_____

Fairly dissatisfied_____

Very dissatisfied_____

18.Do you have any preference for future topics / talks?

19.Would you be prepared to present something at future round tables?

20. What microwave bands do you have working equipment for?





Other GHz / THz?_____

21.What do / did you like MOST about the UKuG?

22.What do / did you like LEAST about the UKuG?

23.Please comment on and list any areas for improvement of UKuG’s services.

24.Are you interested in contributing to the UKuG either as committee member,
ELMER, representative, mentor for beginners etc.?


All replies will be recorded and reviewed, any concerns that you have expressed will be discussed by our committee and corrective action(s) discussed / taken.

Your feedback can remain anonymous if you wish, otherwise please state your call-sign

Call-sign ______

Thank you for taking time to provide us with your feedback.

Ian Lamb

Secretary UKuG