Arts Award
St Thomas More introduced The Arts Award last year and 42 students successfully passed.
The Arts Award which runs alongside the extra-curricular programme. The award is nationally recognised with both the bronze and silver awards being on the qualifications and credit framework. To achieve the arts award students take on challenges in an area of the arts, participate in arts activities, experience arts events and become inspired by artists and by leading others. Students will have the opportunity to achieve this award through the wide variety of extra-curricular clubs within the school.
Students can take part in many different ways, not only as creators of their own work, but also as performers, backstage team members, front of house staff, technicians, camera operators, writers, editors, promoters, DJ’s, costume designers, prop makers etc.
We will be offering students from KS3 the opportunity to complete the bronze award. Students in KS4 and those who have completed the bronze award are able to sign up for the silver.
Bronze Award
This single unit qualification encourages students to develop their enjoyment of the arts as a participant and an audience member. Students will research an artist/craftsperson who inspires them and pass on their skills to others.
Students will record their activities and achievements in a portfolio / arts log.
It is a level 1 qualification on the QCF (Qualifications and Credit Framework)
Silver Award
Unit 1 – Arts practice and pathways
Students set themselves a personal artist challenge appropriate to their understanding and ability. They develop their critical understanding of their chosen art form and its role within their community and explore their options for future development in the arts.
Unit 2 – Leadership
Students plan and deliver an arts project that involves leadership and responsibility for a specific area or activity. Examples might include organising an arts event as part of a team, running a club, workshop or rehearsal (as a one off, day-long event or a series) or working one to one to assist skills development.
Students record their progress and achievements in an arts portfolio.
It is a level 2 qualification on the QCF (Qualifications and Credit Framework)
Students are expected to be committed to achieving the art award and complete a number of hours independently, as well as attending specific extra-curricular clubs and be committed to keeping their portfolios up to date. Each portfolio will be moderated by an external examiner and then certificates will be awarded to all successful students.
If you wish your son / daughter to be involved in the arts award a fee of £30 for the Bronze Award and £34.50 for the Silver is payable via wisepay. This payment must be made by Friday 17th November. There will be a limited number of spaces in the first instance and then further opportunities later in the year, places are on a first come first serve basis. The students will receive a guide book and online resources to assist them in completing their portfolios, as well as guidance from staff.
If you require further information then please do not hesitate to contact me via email .
Yours sincerely,
Mrs R Knott
Associate Assistant Principal / PE Teacher