Sustainable Development Law and its Changing Substance
in a Comparative Perspective
19 June – 4 July
PPCU (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)
The course takes 12 days from 19 June to 4 July
- 12 lecture days – 4-5lecture hours per day– 48-60 hours + 3-4 hours per day reading excercise with a discussion/consultation at the end of the day (this means additional 36-48 hours), altogether 96 hours in the 12 days.
- we are working on offering some internship places for the interested participant, most probably with REC (Regional Environmental Center - and law firms (such as EMLA – Environmental Management and Law Association, public interest litigation,
We plan to collect and distribute reading materials beforehand, thus students are requested to have some preliminary preparation.
The curricula and the lecturers are listed below with an approx. timing as we are still amidst of clarifying the details.
19 June: Sustainable development from WSSD to SDG – conceptual issues
Special site: Szentendre, the REC conference hall
János Zlinszky, PPCU and REC (Director of Sustainable Development Academy,
Content: SD as the concept of development, its scientific background, implications.
20 June: Sustainable development and the ethical considerations
Fr. Dan Griffith - University of St. Thomas (Minnesota -
Content: The development of the ethical vision of the catholic church from the social teaching to Laudato Si’
21 June: Environmental democracy, environmental justice
JonasEbbessonStockholmUniversity, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Chairman of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee,
Content: The concept of environmental democracy and also environmental justice with a special focus on public participation with the case-law of the CJEU and ACCC (this may also serve as the basis of seminar work)
22 June:Sustainable development as an economic concept
Ákos Szalai, PPCU ( )
Content: The new tendencies of environmental economics, from Pigou via ESI to public choice, CSR and others
23 June:Human rights with an environmental orientation
Gyula Bándi, Director, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, PPCU
( )
Content: The emergence of the environmental content of human rights, procedural rights, merits, current situation. ECHR judgments – this may also serve as the basis of seminar work. A practical example for the emerging new concepts might be the right to water, thus the special directorate of the President of the Republic might also be involved.
July 26: Human Rights with an environmental orientation
Rodrigo Crespo Plaza – Universidad de San Francisco De Quito, Ecuador
June 26 and 27:Sustainable development issues in competition and consumer law
Tihamér Tóth, PPCU
Content: The collision of market and environmental policy and law within WTO
and EU. This might also be combined with the on-site presentation as the one of
the proposed professors is from Brussels. Competition law aspect of nvironmental issues, e.g. state subsidies, etc. Case law of this collision (this may
also serve as the basis of seminar work)
June 28:Sustainable development from WSSD to SDG – international legal aspects
Marcel Szabó, PPCU, judge of the Constitutional Court in Hungary ( )
Content: The emergence of international documents, a survey and evaluation of their content. The elements of SD – mostly generational equity. Cases of the international courts, from Bős to Paper Mills (this may also serve as the basis of seminar work)
29 June:EU principles and legislation on climate change and energy reform
Gerd Winter, Bremen University( )
Content: Climate change and its risks will be summarized. Principles, strategies and the core legal acts towards greenhouse gas emission reduction, energy efficiency and renewables will be critically examined. Actions challenging governmental passivity before national courts will be discussed, including a recent model action before the EU General Court.
302 June: Environmental Liability
Gyula Bándi, Director, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, PPCU
( )
July 3:The current trends, problems of environmental liability
Rodrigo Crespo Plaza – Universidad de San Francisco De Quito, Ecuador
Content: Polluter pays principle as the basis. Different fields of environmental liability and their common elements. Emerging harmonization issues – ELD in EU, environmental criminal law, liability for environmental damage within the Council of Europe, etc.
July 4:Conclusions, summary, closing discussion and remarks by profs. Gyula Bándi and Tihamér Tóth