September Speech Calendar 2015

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
How many days are in a week? / 2
How many months are in a year? / 3
In what month is your birthday? Tell your birthday and include the year. / 4
A piano is a musical instrument. How many musical instruments can you name? / 5
Would you like to play a musical instrument? Which one? Why? Pretend to play a musical instrument.
A book is something you can read. Name 3 more things you can read. / 7
Tell the opposites:
deep / 8
Finish this sentence: If I were the principal, I would. . . / 9
Close your eyes. Describe the room you are in. / 10
Tell three things you learned in school today. / 11
Ocean is to wet as desert is to. . . / 12
Is your chin above your nose? Are your eyes below your eyebrows?
Mystery word:
Clues: what has eight legs, lives in the ocean, ends with the letter "s" / 14
Tongue twister (say it 3 times fast): She sells seashells by the sea shore. / 15
What do you like on your pizza? Tell how to make a pizza. / 16
Fill in the blank:
I live in a . . .
I like to play. . .
I sleep in a . . .
I ride . . . ? / 17
You blow out candles, eat cake, and open presents. Where are you? / 18
Act out these verbs in order: pick, peel, eat / 19
Some apples grow in an orchard. What is an "orchard?" Draw a picture of an orchard.
Which words tell about an apple: stem, crisp, hairy, crunchy, lumpy, delicious / 21
Apples grow on trees. Name 5 parts of a tree. / 22
Look at a tree and point to the parts (leaves, branches, trunk, bark, roots). Which part is under ground? / 23
If you plant an apple seed you get an . . . ? / 24
Name 3 colors of apples. Which is your favorite? Describe the taste, color and smell. / 25
Apple pie is made from apples. What else is made of apples? / 26
Tongue twister (say it 3 times fast): Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.
An apple is a fruit. Name as many kinds of fruit that you can think of. Try to name one for each letter of the alphabet. / 28
Apple juice is a beverage. What is a "beverage?" Name 5 more beverages. / 29
Tongue twister (say it 3 times fast): A skunk sat on a stump. / 30
The season of fall begins in September. Tell another word for fall. (Hint: it begins with "a") / Turn in your calendar on September 25thfor a prize!