Bennett, Cameron


Name (Current): Cameron Bennett

Status: Active

Area of Interest: New York City

Creature Type: Kindred

Gender: Male

Apparent Age: Adult., Neonate




NYC Anarchs (Lucas Brighton)

NYC Camarilla

NYC Sabbat

Contact Information:

Primary Phone: (phone number)

Secondary Phone: (Lucas’ haven phone)

E-Mail: unknown

Mailing Address:

(Lucas’ address)

Haven: (further details: Y )

(Lucas’ address)

Resources and Capabilities

Disciplines of note:

Obtenebration (assumed)

Abilities of note:


Other Resources:


Sabbat Specific Information Summary

Title: None

Role: Unknown

Status (or equivalent): Unknown

Notes: Bennett is close to leaving the Sabbat for the Anarchs

Anarch Specific Information Summary

Title: N/A

Role: Citizen

Status (or equivalent): N/A

Notes: Bennett is close to leaving the Sabbat for the Anarchs. He is a close friend of Lucas Brighton.

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Other Notes

Threat Assessment

General Capabilities

Clan: Lasombra

Generation: unknown – presume 11-12

General Age: Neonate

Physical: high (7-9 ?)
Weaknesses: None known

Social: mid-high
Appearance: 2, Alluring, Magnetic
Weaknesses: None known

Mental: High (11)
Weaknesses: None known

Other Notes:

Known natural abilities

Combat Skills

Firearms: Beginner+- (5)

Melee Weapons: Beginner+- (5)

Hand-to-Hand: Novice+ (5)

Dexterity: Beginner+ (5)

Obtenebration Theory: Proficient+ (5)


Social Skills

Etiquette: None (5)

Politics: None (5)

Mental Skills

Academics: Beginner+- (5)

Finance: None (5)

Languages: English, others unknown

Occult: Proficient+ (for Obten use)

Awareness: Beginner- (1, failed to notice repeated telepathic contacts)

Other Notes:

Known Supernatural Abilities:

Obtenebration: Proficient+. (5)

Discipline Vulnerabilities: Fire? Dominate

Miscellaneous Strengths and Weaknesses: Multiple Personality Disorder

Notes on Operating Patterns: Mr. Bennett tends to stick close to Mr. Brighton and now Natalie Hemming. He does not like violence but is a capable soldier if the need arises.

Other Notes:


Estimated Net Worth: Low

Primary Assets: Unknown

Vehicles: Unknown

Noteworthy possessions: None known

Other Notes:

Mortal Associates and Contacts

Indirect Contacts

Influence Type and size:

None known

Direct Contacts and Retainers

None known

Personal Information

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Name in Use: Cameron Bennet

Current Aliases: Xander

Birth Name: Unknown

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Physical description and common attire: Usually wears a dark shirt and dark trousers.

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Nature: Penitent


Path of Enlightenment: Unknown.

Derangements: MPD

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Mannerisms: Soft spoken except when angered.

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Generation: Unknown – presume 11-12

Thrall(s): Natalie Hemming (2)

Regnant(s): Natalie Hemming (2)

Sire: Unknown

Childer: None known

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Notes: Mr. Bennet has two other personalities, Xander and one other whose name is currently unknown.

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Contact Information:

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Primary Phone: (phone)

Secondary Phone: (Lucas’ haven phone)

Fax: unknown

E-Mail: unknown

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Mailing Address: (Lucas’ haven address)

Haven: (further details: Y )

(Lucas’ haven address)

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Background Information

Mr. Bennett has previously been a member of the Sabbat. He defected to the Camarilla, then to the New Camarilla and then returned to the Sabbat. Currently, he is considering a switch to the Independents.

Social Summary

Friends and Allies:

Lucas Brighton. Friend. Mr. Brighton and Mr. Bennett are working together to promote peaceful relations between the Sabbat and Camarilla. Mr. Bennett also havens with Mr. Brighton. The details of their friendship are unknown. Their friendship has been strained over Ms. Hemming.

Natalie Hemming. Lover. Ms. Hemming and Mr. Bennett are having an affair (began between December 8, 2006 and January 19, 2007 (precise date unknown)). Distinctly visible at Elysium January 19, 2007. Mr. Bennett appears to be more smitten with Ms. Hemming than she with him. During the time before and after January 19, 2007, the couple semi-regularly had sexual intercourse. Mr. Bennett may have attended a performance of Cabaret and had sexual intercourse with Ms. Hemming following the show (It was noticed that she had several gentlemen callers and Mr. Xerices identified them as himself, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Brighton). Ms. Hemming and Mr. Bennett had unprotected sexual intercourse on a total of at least two occasions. While living with Mr. Brighton et al, Ms. Hemming began to feel frustrated with Mr. Bennett’s bouts of depression.


Darren West. Enemy. Mr. Bennett feels very strongly against Mr. West, who he sees as throwing away an opportunity to finally establish peace in New York City.

Other notable Relationships

Adam Jones. Associate. Mr. Jones and Mr. Bennett have talked on a few occasions. Although both remain guarded, Mr. Bennett is warming to Mr. Jones as he is the only of the perceived decision-makers in the Camarilla to remain open to the Anarchs and Independents and has repeatedly advocated for them in meetings with the Prince.

Haven Information

Address: <address>

Phone Number: unknown

Official Owner: Occupied by Lucas Brighton. Title-holder unknown.

Notes: The apartment has two bedrooms and a common room with a couch, video games, comics and other materials suitable for a college student. One closed door has a spiderman poster. One heavily padlocked door – off-limits to the girls while locked, open otherwise. This is Lucas’ ‘Office’. The apartment is currently occupied by Dylan, Alex, Cameron Bennett, Liz Grant, Dylan’s puppy, ‘Slimy,’ and Lucas. The common room is decorated with many drawings by Dylan. In the basement is a very large computer Lucas is working on. The apartment contains a circle for use by Auberon Xerices for the purpose of casting ‘Escape to True Friend.’ Natalie Hemming is staying there on a temporary basis. It also contains a Certamen circle. Located in the former Staten Island Chantry. Technomatic security systems are being installed (January 19, 2007).

Boons and other Obligations


Boons Held:

Boons Owed:

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron


Boons Held:

Boons Owed:

Other Obligations Held:

Other Obligations Owed:

Boons/Obligation Transaction Record:


Faction Political Position Summary: Sabbat

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Title: None

Role: Unknown

Status (or equivalent): Unknown

Personal Loyalty: Low

Overriding Loyalties: Lucas Brighton, Natalie Hemming

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Ambitions: Prevent another war and see the spread of peace between the major sects.

Personal Factional History:

Several years ago: A member of the Sabbat in good standing until he defected to the Camarilla. At the time, he felt that the Sabbat was composed of barbaric Kindred. He feels the Sabbat pack currently in the city is much more reasonable.

September 15, 2006: Made an appearance at Esbat. Likely also attended Esbat at this time.

September 15 – December 8: Presumably regularly attended Esbat and took part in Vaulderie.

January 5, 2007: Presumably attended Esbat.

January 19, 2007: Took Vaulderie at Esbat with Layla Reese, Maria del Torro, Bran, a woman with dark hair and a tall man with an insufficiently strong grip.

February 2, 2007: Presumably attended Esbat


Faction Political Position Summary: Camarilla

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Title: None

Role: Potential Enemy Combatent

Status (or equivalent): Tolerated (Xander)

Personal Loyalty: None

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Ambitions: Prevent another war and see the peace between the major sects.

Personal Factional History:

Spring 2003/Fall 2004 (?): Defected from the Sabbat to the Camarilla before leaving for the New Camarilla.

November 10, 2006: Attended Elysium (not Court) with Mr. Brighton as Xander.

December 8, 2006: Attended Elysium. Brought several intimidating friends. Requested and received a meeting with Prince West.

January 5, 2007: Attended Elysium. Briefly spoke with Mr. Jones by phone.

January 19, 2007: Attended Court and Elysium. Was very unhappy following Mr. West’s speech

February 2, 2007: Attended Elysium briefly to speak with Mr. Brighton.


Faction Political Position Summary: Anarchs (Lucas Brighton)

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Title: N/A

Role: Citizen

Status (or equivalent): N/A

Personal Loyalty: Strong

Overriding Loyalties: Natalie Hemming (?)

Last updated: February 3, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)

Bennett, Cameron

Ambitions: Prevent another war and see the peace between the major sects.

Personal Factional History: Mr. Bennett and Mr. Brighton were friends from their time in the New Camarilla.


Involvement in Events of Note

Bennett Meeting with Darren West

Date/Time: December 9, 2006, approximately 12:30- 1:00 a.m.

Location: Elysium

Summary: Cameron Bennett and four ‘friends’ came to Elysium. Bennett met with West alone to advocate peace between the sects. Mr. West listened politely but was not swayed.

Separate Events Summary: Yes, attached

Meeting with Adam Jones

Date/Time: January 30th (apprx.), early morning

Location: Haven of Lucas Brighton

Summary: Mr. Jones and Mr. Bennett discussed several topics, including Mr. Bennett’s feelings towards the Sabbat and Natalie Hemming. Mr. Jones encouraged Mr. Bennett to stand aside in the coming war and informed him that he (Mr. Jones) felt confident that if Mr. Bennett did not render aid to the Sabbat, the Camarilla would not attack him. Mr. Jones emphasized the stress that such a situation could cause Ms. Hemming and that it would destroy her ability to remain an effective Primogen. Mr. Bennett informed Mr. Jones that he had previously left the Sabbat (the first time) because he felt that they were barbaric and inhuman, but that the current Sabbat did not suffer from this problem. Mr. Jones pointed out that Layla Reese’s pack was an anomaly. Just as any Camarilla prince of New York would did not pursue the war would be removed by Camarilla authorities, Ms. Reese would be eventually replaced with a more traditionally minded leader. Mr. Bennett informed Mr. Jones that he would have to things about things but appreciated Mr. Jones coming to him to have the conversation. They swapped phone numbers.

During this time, Mr. Jones established telepathic contact with Mr. Bennett. He determined that Mr. Bennett was a penitent at heart, that he had taken Vaulderie on January 19, 2007, who else was present at that Vaulderie and some basic information about Vaulderie. Specifically, after taking Vaulderie, one feels good because on is consuming vampiric vitae. Further, one feels a greater sense of camaraderie towards the others who took part in it and in general feels surer of themselves.

Separate Events Summary: No

Other Events

Late December 2006: Began an affair with Natalie Hemming. Had unprotected sexual intercourse with her at least two times. One of these times was after a performance of Cabaret in Ms. Hemming’s dressing room. At least one occasion occurred in the residence of Lucas Brighton.

Tremere Only Notes:

Thaumaturgical Knowledge

Has witnessed, been informed of or demonstrated knowledge of the following capabilities:


Levinbolt (entirety)

Technomancy (basic levels)


Blood Contract

Ward vs. Ghouls

Notes: He has spent a considerable amount of time in the company of Mr. Brighton and likely has seen him perform thaumaturgy on multiple occasions.


Title: Bennett Meeting with Darren West

Other Commonly Used Designations: N/A

Summary: Cameron Bennett and four ‘friends’ came to Elysium. Bennett met with West alone

Timeframe: December 9, 2006, approximately 12:30-1:00 a.m. (comp)

Event Clusters: Lucas Brighton Peacemaking efforts

Location: Elysium (Mansion near Navy Yard)

Factions involved: NYC Camarilla

Individuals involved:
Cameron Bennett (and friends)
Adam Jones
Samuel McCoy
Emmanuel James Richardson IV
Darren West


Cameran Bennett arrived at Elysium with a violent-looking group of four other Kindred at approximately 12:30 a.m. (comp). After a brief confrontation with Regent Primogen Adam Jones and Keeper Jamal Assara (?) (Richardson as well?), Bennett and his associates were granted entry. At that time, Apprentice Sheriff Samuel McCoy was not present at Elysium and no other officers present realized that Bennett was a member of the Sabbat. Previously, he had introduced himself as Xander and claimed acknowledgment in the Camarilla (See Elysium notes for November 10, 2006). Acting on a vaguely recalled list of names of Sabbat members, Mr. Jones suspected Mr. Bennett of, in fact, being a member of the Sabbat. After contacting Mr. McCoy for confirmation and authorization to use telepathy in Elysium, Mr. Jones informed Prince Darren West, who had already agreed to a private meeting with Mr. Bennett. Mr. West confirmed Mr. Jones’ permission to use telepathy. While Mr. Jones and Mr. West were talking in the hallway outside of the main room of Elysium, Bennett walked out. Jones asked West if West would like Jones to be present for the meeting. Bennett requested Jones not be present. West obliquely instructed Jones to use telepathy on Bennett and then entered the meeting. Jones successfully established telepathic contact with Mr. Bennett before he left line-of-sight.

Summary of the meeting between West and Bennett:

Bennett requests that surveillance be turned off. Bennett was acknowledged under Evans and took part in the war amongst kindred. He then joined the New Camarilla and tried to exterminate the Sabbat. He has no one left to vouch for him. If have anyone monitoring conversation, please turn it off. (after West turns something off). Acknowledges that he is nervous around the Camarilla. Wants to end the struggle between Sabbat and Camarilla. Gives a speech about this. Says he knows that West is a good man, wants to help build a new society , make NYC a bulwark of what our kind can do together. Sabbat power base in New York is humane, logical, sees little difference between current Sabbat and Camarilla. Better than sees an opportunity to create a new society. He wants to end the war. Offers a new dream. Bennett has allies in the Sabbat. Offers meeting with Reese (Bennett is not aware of an intention of betrayal in this meeting). Bennett advocates freedom. Gives a speech. Offers to set up meeting with Reese. His allies are strong, can fight against those who do not want peace. Tired of war. Continues speech.