

The President /Co- President

Asha for Education

5235 Balch Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853


Dear friend,

We are submitting herewith the project budget on 'Look for the light

by rural children' and 'Outreach for slum children'.

Project location: Barasat -Dist- 24Prgs (North) and Kidderpore slum

(Kolkata City).

These proposals for continuation of the projects which were supported by Asha for Education during past two years and the children are facilitated

by the support.

Looking forward for your support and cooperation to strengthen the

project work for the children who are in distress.

Name of the project: 'Look for the light by rural children' in Barasat


v  Twelve number of village meetings will be organised

v  Survey for dropout and non going school children

v  Film show for cultural enhancement of children

v  Regular primary education class for 300 children

v  Workshops on drama and recitation

v  Camp on school health and hygiene

v  Quiz contest for school children

v  Workshop on recitation

v  Development of educational material

v  Teacher's training (Refresher course)

Details of Workshops, Drama, Recitation, Quiz contest

1) Drama Workshop - Resource person will be invited to organise the


Workshop theme will be designed from the content of their book such as,

'Sahajpath' is a selection of their class lessons. When the children will learn their lesson through Drama Workshop and role play it will be interesting for them and

will help them to memorise the content.

Every month a cultural programme will be organised where the school children will perform what they have learnt in their class, which will make more interested to follow the syllabus.

This drama workshop will be

v  Organised twice in a week for each class and

v  Once in a month final workshop will be held.


In the classroom the children read poetry/rhymes etc. but as the rural children

have some difficulties in pronunciation it is sometimes difficult for them to learn

the meaning of poetry and rhymes.

So this year we have decided to teach them poetry and rhymes with a

special workshop method. For that we will invite resource person who will take the workshop on recitation and rhymes where both existing teachers and students will participate. So that teachers can take up the follow up measures.

This process will continue throughout the year. But every month there will be a

competition among the students where outside children may join.

Quiz Contest

Quiz Contest will be held mainly based on General Knowledge. Here also resource person will be invited to organise this contest. Outside school children also will be invited. There are General Knowledge classes in regular routine of school children. Through the contest it will be helpful to access how the children are following General Knowledge.

Total no. participants in each workshop / 120
Total time / Five hours
Total Group (3 children in each unit
3x4) 12
/ 24
Time span for each group / 30 minutes

Development of Educational Material

Total no. of students - 250

Nursery - 60

Class I - 50

Class II - 45

Class III - 50

Class IV - 45

In each class educational material will be developed following their syllabus, if

the children are taught by educational material which would be developed

from their content of syllabus it will be interesting for them and they would be

able to memorise it properly.

Most of the material will be developed within the class and some of them will be purchased from outside which would be suitable to syllabus of specific class. So each class we have students as mentioned above. We have calculated

it as class wise expenditure. It may vary little bit.

The amount includes some books which will be purchased from outside

to support their syllabus content from different suitable publishers.

(Cost break up of each class)

1) Stationery, chart paper, colour etc.- Rs1000/-

2) Materials like clay/paddy and other

grains/wax/plaster of paris /plastic

materials Rs 750/-

3) Books and others Rs 1250/-


Expenditure for workshops on drama
Recitation,quiz contest etc.
(12 nos) @2000/- per workshop / Rs24000.00
Development of educational material
@Rs3000x5 classes per class / Rs15000.00


1 / Educational material / Rs25000.00
2 / Resource persons and community worker for
Education programme (2 nos)
@Rs2000x12 / Rs24000.00
3 / Teacher 1 no @Rs1500x12 / Rs18000.00
4 / Teacher 1 no @Rs1000x12 / Rs12000.00
5 / Teacher 2 nos @Rs600x2 = Rs1200x12 / Rs14400.00
Total proposed Expenditure for the
Year 2003-2004 / Rs1,32,400.00

Name of the project: 'An outreach of slum children' -KIDDERPORE

In the proposed project activities it is the deprived slum children will be

the target of our project, where the children will get scope to express themselves by extra curricular activities, cultural enhancement including non-formal education. The children who are dropped out from the school

due to poverty and ignorance will get preference at our target group. So

with five components of the project activities the proposed project (An

outreach of slum children) -Kidderpore will be enriched.


v  Non-Formal Education class for slum children

v  Coaching class for Secondary class students

v  Music and dance class

v  Workshop on drama and games

v  Excursion visit for children

Kidderpore Project

1) Drawing Workshop-

Participants of children's class:

Number 50 per workshop time 4 hours.

The workshop will be for four round:

1st round - will draw as they think

2nd round - will draw same time by all

3rd round - they have to tell first what they want to draw

4th round - they will draw in group of 5 persons

v  Intended result: development of imagination

development of creative thinking

development of group work and cooperation assessment

of child's mental set up.

Music Workshop: 1. Listening music and to tell the song

2.Exercise of rhymes through music

3.Music learning in groups

4.Presentation of music by groups and competition

among them.

Participants 50 in each workshop.

v  Intended result: 1.Cultural awakening among children

2.Outreach of slum children from their daily monotonous


3.Development of cooperation among each other.

Games Workshop: Through this workshop sentence making/Mathematics-

calculation presence of mind will be developed.

Participants 100 in 5 groups.

Drama Workshop : 1.Roleplay with their lessons.

2.Roleplay with the theme of social issues and their

practical life situation which will enable them to be

more conscious about the society.

Video film: Place of show Kidderpore Centre.

1.Films will be hired from British Council and other producers on

a) Problem of child labour

b) Leadership - Initiative

c) Story on :(a) Practical life situation

(b) Satyajit Roy's films

Excursion and Sports:

1.Excursion to museum and exchange with other schools at Barasat and Jaynagar and arrangements of whole day picnic, which will be helpful to

exchange with others.

2.Sports will be organised at the field of local polytechnic college field, which

is a big ground for sports.


1 / Honorarium for two teachers @600x2 / Rs14400.00
2 / Expenditure for Resource person of
Coaching class 2 persons / Rs24000.00
3 / Workshop expenditure (10)nos
(Drawing/Recitation/Games/Drama/Music) / Rs20000.00
4 / Video film shows (12)nos / Rs12000.00
5 / Excursion and sports for children / Rs 5000.00
6 / Educational material / Rs20000.00
Total Project Expenditure / Rs95400.00
(Ninety five thousand four hundred only)

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,


Hony.General Secretary.