Beresford City Council

February 6, 2006

The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on February 6, 2006, at 7:30 p.m.

Members present: Mayor Brent Palmer presiding, Rich Spaans, Dan Cotton, Wayne Akland, Chuck Von Eschen, Gary Lambert, Pete Womack.

Also present: Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator; Kathy Moller, Finance Officer; Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.

Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Spaans, second by Lambert, motion carried.

Minutes: Minutes from the meeting held on January 17, 2006, were approved on a motion by Cotton, second by Womack, motion carried.

Department Head Reports:

Todd Hansen – E911 Information: Todd invited Dean Putnam from SDN Communications in Sioux Falls to present the Council some information regarding E911 services that SDN can provide. Mr. Putnam is the Sales Engineer in the Technologies Division of SDN and presented a slide presentation of SDN services in regard to Enhanced 911. The City currently has basic 911 service with ANI (automatic number information), which does not include calls from cellular phones. SDN can provide E911 service with ALI (automatic location information) in which personnel can dispatch assistance to callers without the caller having to say a word – their location would be shown via ALI. We would need additional mapping software to support this capability. The quote SDN provided of $38,843.00 includes training, installation, hardware, and five years of maintenance on the program. Todd will also be researching additional costs that would be required with the E911 service.

Unfinished Business:

Step Pay Increase: A step pay increase to $16.28 for Jerry Antonson was approved on a motion by Womack, second by Cotton, motion carried.

Extension of 16th Street into New Industrial Park: Jerry and Tom Frieberg met with Phil Peterson regarding the sale of ½ of the lot just west of Wells Fargo that is owned by Cenex. The south side of the street that runs between Jerry’s Chevrolet and Weatherton’s is currently 47 ½’ in width; anything shorter than that on the north side will make it difficult for large trucks turning in from Cedar Street. Jerry will visit with Weber Realty and Phil Peterson regarding the width of the street and report back to the Council at the next meeting.

Sidewalks on Dignity Drive: Jerry has received information from Banner Engineering regarding costs for installing sidewalks on Dignity Drive. He will contact the homeowners on that street, along with Cy Smolik, and invite them to the next Council Meeting to discuss a solution to the sidewalk issue.

New Business:

Full-time Hire for Electric Department: Jerry Zeimetz, Jay Nordquist and Travis Watkins interviewed 4 applicants for the Electric Department. Jay recommends hiring Joe Knutson for the position. A motion to hire Joe Knutson at $17.50/hour was made on a motion by Akland, second by Von Eschen, motion carried. Joe will go through the step pay increases and will be on probation for six months.

At this time Jay brought up the subject of burying electric service for city residents. Currently we do not charge customers to bury the electric lines if we require it, but we do charge if a customer requests it. This summer the Electric Department will be burying several entire neighborhoods and would like to change the policy so that the cost is split between all the neighbors that it would affect. Jay will get more information from Brookings on how they dealt with this issue and bring it to the next Council Meeting.

Part-Time Hires for Bridges Clubhouse: Mike Conklin would like to hire some part-time help for the Bridges Clubhouse to cover busy times and hours he is not scheduled to work. On a motion by Spaans, second by Lambert, the following people will be hired on a part-time basis at $7.00 per hour: Barb Anderson, Richard Johnson, Deb Conklin, and Harold Conklin, motion carried.

Gas Quotes: Total Stop submitted the only gas quote for $2.19 for no lead and $2.16 for ethanol. Motion to accept the quote was made on a motion by Spaans, second by Lambert, motion carried.

Authorize the Purchase of Greens Mowers and Fairway Mower off City of Vermillion Bid, Lease Purchase Financing: The Bridges Golf Course is looking to purchase a new greens mower and fairway mower. The city of Vermillion bid both of these last year with Midwest Turf and Irrigation the bidder on both items. Their bids were $26,379 for a Toro Reelmaster 5200-D Fairway Mower and $20,709 for a Toro Greensmaster 3150 greens mower. Midwest Turf and Irrigation has agreed to honor those bids if the City of Beresford would like to purchase them off of the City of Vermillion’s bid. The Council consensus was to purchase from that bid. Jerry will draw up the financing resolution for the next meeting. The Park Department and Golf Course will also be purchasing a mower that can be used to mow the roughs at the Golf Course, the ball fields, and other park property. The golf course/parks mower would be paid ½ from the park fund and ½ from golf course funds. A lease purchase financing package will be worked up and presented at the next Council Meeting.

Discussion and Information Items:

Nuisance Properties: Jerry reported on the following properties that were sent letters regarding their properties:

Fodness – continue to see big improvement

Lammey – property sold to Jet Service and is being cleaned up. There will be

cars in and out of the Quonset building there.

Saunders – property is in foreclosure

Blumer – repairs will be made in the spring/summer

Laundromat – plans are being made to repair the roof

There have been complaints from some of the neighbors regarding the woodpile at Ken Kaltenbach’s rental house on W. Oak Street. The pile has gotten very large and neighbors think it has gotten out of control and poses a threat to children who may try to play on or around it, and also feel it has become harborage for rodents. A letter will be sent to Mr. Kaltenbach regarding the complaints.

Community Dinner: The Council Members were reminded of the Community Dinner being held on Saturday, February 11th.

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Next Council Meeting: The next meeting will be held as usual on Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 20, 7:30 p.m., despite the Presidents Day Holiday.

Approval of Travel Requests:

The following travel requests were approved on a motion by Von Eschen, second by Lambert, motion carried:

Minnesota Telephone Alliance Convention, Minneapolis, Feb. 27-March 1, Hansen, Van Ballegooyen

Payment of Bills:

A motion was made by Lambert, second by Akland, to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.

Arlt, Ryan & Angela, refund, $12.51; Besta, Brian, refund, $7.42; Bovill, Kim, refund, $17.38; DIA Investigations, refund, $38.86; Deuel, Dan & Marcia, refund, $21.00; Duininck Bros., refund, $28.77; Hazel Eidsness, refund, $13.09; Falk, Melvin, refund, $44.42; Green, Beulah, refund, $4.66; Hathaway, Bob, refund, $86.19; Hopp, Marvin, refund, $46.38; Hornig, Andrew, refund, $6.64; JBI Products, refund, $31.00; Johnson, Hans, refund, $41.20; O’Connor, Travis, refund, $26.55; Rittberger, Melanie, refund, $18.24; Smith, Brad & Mary, refund, $22.24.

Ulven, Kirk, refund, $6.25; Van Hove, Brittany, refund, $24.06; A-Ox Welding Supply, chemicals, $726.96; Amsterdam Printing, applications, $151.16; Beresford Community Education, 2006 subsidy, $13,500; Border States Electric, supplies, $432.85; Boyer Trucks Sioux Falls, vehicle exp., $64.60; Brookings/Swiftel, toll settlement, $40.00; Cellular One AZ, phone, $144.90; Claritus, postage supplies, $30.95; Clay County Hwy Dept., bridge planks, $4,360.00; Cutler-Magner Co., TNS Hydrate, $2,653.32; Dakota Entertainment, Karaoke, $300.00.

Diesel Machinery, trailer, $15,300.00; Jean Doty, AC site rent-library, $300.00; Drake Equipment, tools, $244.10; Eastway Auto, tires, $546.96; Edwards Glove Co., gloves, $221.55; Faith in Action, 2006 subsidy, $5,600.00; Family Memorials by Gibson, tee markers, $3,600.00; Fedderson, David, repair, $230.00; Geyer, Barbara, travel, $31.15; Hawkins Water Treatment, chemicals, $3,920.45; Janitor’s Closet, supplies, $57.45; Jerry’s Chevrolet of Beresford, vehicle exp., $12.50; Jet Truck Plaza, fuel, $183.42; Kaeser & Blair, Inc., pens, $122.08.

Kast, Robert, water heater rebate, $200.00; Knudson, Dana, haul bridge, $125.00; Menard’s, supplies, $148.39; Metro Fire, repairs, $298.42; NECA Services, toll settlement, $33.65; Northern States Supply, tools, $274.00; Northern Truck Equipment, supplies, $60.00; Pedersen Machine, vehicle exp., $71.99; Printing Plus, office supplies, $364.05; Safety Kleen, supplies, $141.80; Sanitation Products, vehicle exp., $221.37; Sioux Falls Two Way Radio, annual maintenance, $1,608.00; SD Dept. of Health, lab fees, $37.00; SD Municipal Electric Assoc., conference fees, $100.00.

SD Municipal League, fees, $60.00; SDML Work Comp Fund, 2006 work comp billing, $16,767.00; SDN, Int. access, $339.15; Stan Houston Equipment, supplies, $27.42; SD State Radio Com., teletype service, $1,800.00; SEAFOG, dues, $60.00; Steckelberg, David, travel, $231.50; Telec Consulting Resources, consulting fees, $3,972.70; Tomark, Inc., supplies (to be reimb. By Booster Club) $309.35; UPS, shipping fees, $101.48; USAC, USF clearing account, $2,111.56; Wesco, supplies & transformer, $7,035.91; Zeimetz, Jerry, travel & car allowance, $572.20.

Ackerman Heating, repair, $685.55; Appeara, maintenance, $319.30; Argus Leader, subscription, $195.00; Audio Adventures, books, $26.00; Baker & Taylor, books, $1,165.36; Cotton, Daniel, travel, $326.48; Dakota Beverage, beer, $2,239.18; Demco, Inc., CD storage, $40.17; Fiesta Foods, $supplies, $441.34; Gale Group, books, $86.33; Gaylord Bros., supplies, $69.74; Iowa Office Supply, office supplies, $586.13; Johnson Brothers, liquor, $5,850.52; Kruse Building Center, repair, $232.92; Lewison, Tyler, repair, $120.00; Midwest Tape, movies, $227.89.

Muller Auto Parts, repair, $860.48; Olson’s Hardware, supplies, $536.47; Queen City Wholesale, resale mdse, $1,392.09; Sodak Distributing, liquor, $4,399.10; Sprint PCS, cell phone service, $594.37; Total Stop Convenience Store, fuel, $1,058.77; Walt’s Homestyle Food, resale mdse, $50.00; Zep Mfg., supplies, $176.00; AFLAC, group insurance, $1,616.78; Beresford Cablevision, monthly billing, $144.50; Beresford Mun. Telephone, monthly billing, $3,929.75; Beresford Mun. Utilities, monthly billing, $10,034.85; Larry Christensen, travel, $9.00.

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DakotaCare, group health insurance, $25,552.71; First Savings Bank, federal excise tax, $1,408.52; Hansen, Todd, travel, $9.00; Kansas City Life Ins., group insurance, $153.00; LECA, toll settlement, $15,061.00; Moller, Kathy, travel, $40.15; New York Life Insurance, group insurance, $219.95; SD Community Foundation, Vietnam War Memorial Fund, $500.00; SD Dept. of Revenue, January 06 sales tax, $14,028.83, Missouri Basin Municipal Power, electricity, $83,085.15; Sioux Falls Sanitation, January contract & fuel surcharge, $4,794.00.

January 2006 Payroll: Finance $4,078.89; Gov’t Bldg. $196.73; Police $14,605.97; Dispatch $10,729.53; Street $9,948.78; Parks $3,076.80; Liquor $5,930.52; Water $5,881.26; Electric $13,244.73; Sewer $5,284.77; Telephone $22,543.54; Rubble/Recycling $1,043.25; Mayor & Council $4,350.00; Library $5,297.82; Bldg. Inspector $120.00; City Admin. $4,616.00; Golf Course $756.51.

Executive Session: At 9:24 p.m. on a motion by Von Eschen, second by Womack, the Council moved to Executive Session to discuss a legal issue, motion carried.

The Council reconvened at 9:38 p.m.

Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:39 p.m. on a motion by Akland, second by Lambert, motion carried.

Kathy L. Moller, Finance Officer

Recorded by Beth Rasmussen

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