Xi Lambda Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Xi-Lambda Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon

to provide an atmosphere for the development of its members.

Under these terms we work with one another to identify our

strengths and weaknesses for our improvement. We recognize and

value the differences that each frater possesses, because it is

only through our understanding of these distinctions do we become

well-rounded men.

We regard the absolute integrity of a man, the respect he holds

for others, his loyalty to his brothers, and his ambition to become

a leader to be essential for the chapter¹s growth. It is the common

Bond that we share that unites our chapter and adds fire for our

drive to become better men. The objective we share is to excel in

all areas of our lives; in our scholarly endeavors, through our

leadership positions, in our relationships, and in our athletic

competitions. We will include others' concerns in our thought

processes and outward activities.

We have high regard for our reputation in the Athens community

and on our campus. To prolong this positive relationship, the

chapter will work on service projects to enrich the lives of the

Athens and University of Georgia communities. We strive to maintain

this mission and to treasure our times together while we are at

college, keeping in mind our Fraternity is for life and we are

Fraters in the Bond till our death.

Vision Statement

It is the vision of the Xi Lambda Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon to

be the model Greek chapter at the University of Georgia and the

best TKE chapter in the world. We will be well-known and

respected by all members of the University of Georgia community;

Greeks and non-Greeks, students and faculty, alumni and


Other fraternities will fear us in rush, because we will

continually dominate in recruitment. We will offer the most

complete undergraduate experience. The Teke image will be one

of gentlemen who provide for the community, who are involved

in all facets of the University system and its organizations,

and who continually prevail academically and athletically.

The Teke house will be the center of activity. The environment

provided will allow for all purposes - academically and socially.

This atmosphere will be made available not only for Fraters, but

for friends and family alike.

All Fraters initiated or affiliated with Xi Lambda will stay

active as alumni and continue to live the TKE experience through

their lives