‘A handy reminder, and an idiots guide’

Show requests / Fill out the Show request forms - they are on the London regional section of the England Boxing website.
Book should include the venue details and weigh in time.
Venue / Book Venue for dates confirmed, this usually means leaving non-refundable deposit.Confirmed show dates/venues:
Total cost of ...... (Cheques made payable to ...... ). Tel......
Invoice & Permit / London Boxing will email the club contact an invoice, please pay this promptly (28 days prior to show) Await permit release. (Open show £80, Dinner £140 includes resus levy of £20). This guarantees the appointment of Judges/Referees and aSupervisor, all official’s paperwork, resus kit, scales (if needed) And covers the show as a tournament governed by AIBA rules.
Temporary Events Notice (Drink & Entertainment Licence) / A recent change in legislation now makes it a legal requirement to make application to hold any event where alcohol is sold for gain (private or charity) and also most ‘sporting events’. This application must be made to the Local Authority at least 15 working days prior to the proposed show. A copy of the TEN’s application also needs to be sent to the Chief of Police for that Borough.
For further information, callLocal Authority. This is approx. £21 payable to Local Authority but can vary form borough to borough. (Not as complicated as it looks!)
Ring/Scales PA / Book with a reputable Ring supplier who can also supply the use of calibrated scales & PA System. All rings must be ABAE approved. Ring Hire (usually includes scales, PA system and a bell). Call Ring Hire company and book well in advance - ensuring they supply calibrated Scales & PA system. Cost is usually around £350 (at present). Arrange with ring supplier exactly where you want the ring set-up. They usually get to the venue 3 - 4 hours before the show to set up.The ring should be 16ft sq minimum.
Hospital Notification (By letter) / England Boxing rules make it a requirement for the nearest hospital to the venue (with a Neurological Dept) to be notified by the host club of the intended date of the proposed show - at least 28 days prior to the show:
Send letter of confirmation of the show to detailing the show arrangement and the mix of people taking part (incl ages):
Local Hospital -
FORM T6 must also now be signed by the hospital prior to the show. The club secretary will need to verify that this has been done.
Hospital Notification (By phone) / The above hospital should be reminded of the show 24 hours prior to the show - by telephone. Make a record of the name of the person notified.
Trophies / Order at least 44 trophies for any show. Half should be slightly bigger/better. Make sure engraved with Club name, show date and venue - Winner/Runner-up.
Best Boxer / Best Bout Awards / Suitable ‘Special’ Trophies/Awards should be made available for awarding, where agreed:
Best Home Boxer Best Visiting Boxer
Best Visiting Boxer
MC / Book the services of an England Boxing registered, DBS cleared and qualified MC well in advance. Don’t just assume anyone can do it - there’s an art to it!
Doctor (Medical Officer) / When booking the services of a qualified Doctor it is always best to ensure that the doctor is also qualified in the use of breathing resus equipment (as required by the Eng Boxing). The Doctor must be on the approved England Boxing list.
If additional medicals, they must be agreed prior to the show and the supervisor informed.
Recorder / A vital job which needs to be completed by a suitably competent person (DBS/CRB cleared etc). Someone who is able to read & write legibly.
The club must provide a recorder.
Posters / Ensure posters which advertise the event are printed and available at least 4 weeks prior to the show date - detailing the date, venue cost etc. Get the boxers/parents to display the posters in nearby shops, library and public notice boards.
Meal Tickets / You must feed officials, who have often come straight from work. It can be a buffet or dinner meal if working on a dinner show. Always offer officials TEA! Everyone is happy when they have tea.
Refreshments / You are not obliged to offer boxer meals but it’s still a nice gesture to offer traveling boxers and coaches a meal ticket. Some may have travelled a long way to attend your show and some coaches may have come straight from work.
If supplying boxers & Coaches taking part -
Filled Sandwich, Drink, Snack (Crisps/Chocolate)
Always good to know dietary needs well in advance (Halal meet, vegetarian etc.)
10oz = u/64kg
12oz = over 64kg / Gloves are the responsibility of the club hosting the show.
No fewer than 3 sets of Eng Boxing (AIBA approved) gloves should be available on the night. Always have spares in case of damage occurring during a bout. Also hygiene wipes to clean them after use (it’s also good to have spare head guards aswell).New Rule - must have 10oz & 12oz Gloves. Advisable to have different makes so weights easily identifiable.
Top Ten blue and Red set Under 64kg = 10oz
Sting blue and Red set 64kg+ = 12oz
All Junior or Female use 10oz gloves
VIP’s / Always good to have a local boxing star at any show - more so at Dinner shows. Make sure all VIP’s are duly invited to attend the show with plenty of notice, and add their name to a ‘VIP Guest List’ to be kept at the door. VIP’s should be asked to present trophies - don’t assume they’ll do it. Make sure their names are added to the Guest List.
Glovers / Make sure glovers & whips are appointed by the club management. Gloves should be released in order of bout sequence and then collected (by whips - young helpers) prior to the decision being announced. They should then be cleaned with disinfectant wipes before being released again. Many choose to glove up ringside now, it’s easier to keep hold of equipment.
Trophies Presenters (VIP’s) / It’s handy to have the glovers at the same table (or near to) the Trophies table so that they can also hand the trophies to any VIP’s who are presenting the trophies. Trophy presenters should be clearly named by the MC and directed to the trophy table.
Sponsor Slips / Make sure there is a good supply of sponsor slips with clear instructions for use printed on them. It’s good practice to leave these on seats or inside each program.
Head Guards / Although it is the responsibility of a boxer/club to provide their boxers with Head Guards - there should be approved spares available from the host club.
Headguards are only for use in Female, Youth & Junior bouts. Seniors no longer wear them.
Photographer / The host club should book the services of an England Boxing Ltd registered, DBS cleared photographer who can provide still photos for sale on the night. Details of who this is must be provided to the Supervisor for inclusion in his/her show report. And don’t forget that the Junior boxers are supposed to get a disclaimer signed by the parents (giving permission for them to be filmed).
Videographer / The host club should book the services of an England Boxing approved, registered and DBS cleared Videographer for the sale of Videos/DVD’s on the night. Details of who this is must be provided to the Supervisor for inclusion in his/herreport.
Also good Standard Operating Procedure to display ‘NO FILMING’ signs around the boxing ring. The videographer will have been appointed for the purpose of this.
Anybody else filming/photography should be asked to stop or leave.
Door Staff / Security / Nobody likes to be stuck outside all night - missing the action. Make sure a number of competent door staff who understand who pays how much are available. Don’t leave it to one person, and make sure that there is never just 1 person on the door with what could be a lot of cash.
Door staff to issue Refreshments to Boxers/ Coaches at the point of entry. This helps to establish who needs to pay entry fee:
1 bag, containing fresh filled sandwich or Roll, packet of crisps, drink and bar chocolate, piece of fruit.
Tickets/Wrist bands
Entry Rules/ Refunds / Pre show tickets are always important - especially when inviting VIP’s/Sponsors etc. Make sure tickets are numbered so that you can keep count of Pre sales, and this gives you a good idea what numbers to expect on the night. Those who provide a ticket upon arrival should then be fitted with a wrist band. Also those paying at the door for entry should be fitted with a wrist band. Ensure the wrist bands are fitted securely and ensure a display sign notifies the spectators of the entry conditions - eg. No Refunds, No re Entry, No Discounts, No Filming, No Flash Photography etc.
It’s good practice to have a selection of different coloured wristbands which are STAMPED on the inside with the DATE or the CLUB Logo. Different colours can be used to differentiate between different Groups - OFFICIALS/COACHES/BOXERS etc etc.
This allows you to keep track of numbers entering (a Health & Safety requirement), and also helps monitor how many people have paid.
If Pre-show tickets have been sold, seats will need to be reserved for those who have paid the entrance fee.
Guest LIST / Ensure a list of invited guest’s is located at the entrance to avoid any embarrassment (with a note of the number of guest’s permitted to FREE entry).
Also ensure a suitable seating area is made available near to the Trophy presentation area so that the VIP’s don’t have to walk too far to present the awards. It’s good practice to also have a list of clubs attending, allowing for a maximum of 2 per club - so that every other person can’t blag their way in as a Coach.
The same applies for Officials (Judges/Referees etc).
Setting Up / Make sure enough volunteers are on hand to set up the event. In the hall, chairs need to be arranged, signs for boxers/toilets etc, and also if a bar needs to be set up prior to starting time. SIGNS are very important:
‘Weigh-in’ area - especially if female boxers are taking part. NO PARENTS IN DRESSING ROOM - strictly only those with ABA ID Lanyard in the Dressing Rooms.
Stewarding / It is good practice to arrange suitably qualified stewards/security to man all Entrances/Exits - but this is NOT an ABAE requirement.
It’s good practice to invite Local Police - Safer Neighbourhood Teams as this ensures good partnership and awareness and cohesion for possible situations of public disorder. Usually, The Police will be aware of the show through the TEN’s application.
Pregnancy Test / All female participants MUST sign this England Boxing Pregnancy disclaimer form prior to any participation. Juniors (under 17 years) must also have a parent/carer sign the same disclaimer.
Available online ABAE website under useful forms (indemnity forms) : The supervisor should have these but advisable to inform them prior to the show that women are boxing so they can be prepared.

Program / The program should include the Club host’s name, venue, date & time the show starts, all matched bouts (in age order - starting with youngest). Dates of birth must be on the programme. The host club’s Secretary name, contact address & phone number should also be included.
All matched bouts should be clearly displayed in the program - and ALL MUST BE NOTED AS ‘SUBJECT TO CHANGE’
Program Advertising / This is an important Job which can create huge revenue - especially at Dinner Boxing evenings. Ensure each Program sponsor provides their Company logo and s short message of support to go with their Advert. Make sure the Advert prices are clear:
¼ Page = £25 ½ Page = £50 Full Page = £100
Show Sponsor / Having a good show sponsor can mean the difference between making a profit and losing money. It should be agreed in advance what is expected by the sponsor, and what amount the sponsor is. Usually, a show sponsor will be plastered all over the ‘Official Program’ and on a banner for public viewing and also on the ring rope covers or the corner posts. Possibly also on the ring canvas.
Think about getting the Club Sponsor on Vest’s?
Corners / Check all corner men have an Eng Boxing ID Lanyard with up to date registration, enhanced DBS clearance and current First Aid certification. Ensure that all corner men and volunteers have I.D on display and make sure they have arranged who is going to work which boxers corners (have a list of bouts in dressing room with Coaches names indicating who will be in the corner).
Resuss Kit / Arrange for the breathing apparatus to be brought to the show and also for a person competent in the use of the equipment - this is an ABAE requirement. The supervisor will bring this with them.
Also ensure the Doctor in attendance knows it’s whereabouts. It’s also now good practice to test the equipment prior to commencement of the event.
Drink/Bar / Arrange for the purchase of suitable alcoholic beverages, making sure that enough of the required drinks are available on the night. Also arrange optics, mixers and Ice, along with large containers half filled with Ice/water. MUST HAVE PLASTIC GLASSES. And also signs displaying cost of each drink.
Bar staff / Arrange for competent bar staff who are familiar with measures/prices. Make sure price list’s are also printed and clearly displayed at the bar.
Raffle / Arrange for raffle booklets to be purchased. Appoint an organiser who must buy prizes for the raffle and ensure we sell as many tickets as possible on the night.
Who sells the raffle tickets: ………Tora Wheeler……….
Tote /
Roll-Over / Make sure Tote slips are printed and sold on the night with the collectors/adjudicators appointed. Be clear about the winning pot.
Who sells/Collects:
Heads & Tails / Simple way to increase revenue. Ensure that each person who enters the Tote completes an envelope with their name on the front and £5 enclosed. At the end of the Heads & Tails game - this needs to be checked prior to awarding the cash prize. MC conducts the game.
Toilets / Ensure that toilets are clearly sign posted for all users (Ladies/Gents).
Music / Entrance music to be played, needs to be arranged prior to the show - and a nominated volunteer needs to be able to play the music between bouts.
May require adapter for PA system to play downloaded music from Smart Phones.
Awards / Awards to be presented:
Who presents what award? And when? For What?
To meet / Arrange times when the show seating, tables, chairs and bar area need to be set up. The more helpers - the less time it takes. Have a clear time and place which everyone who can help knows of.
Risk Assessment / A ‘Risk Assessment’ for the venue is now a requirement of the ABAE ltd rules and SOP’s. The Risk Assessment will generally be attached to the TENs application and so a copy should be kept with the event organiser and all the relevant H&S material should be discussed and arranged in accordance with the premises licence.
White Board & Board Markers
(for Bout Order) / Ensure a sizeable White Board is available to display the list of bouts - and be sure to appoint somebody who is familiar with the layout of this display (Red corner is ALWAYS on the LEFT column, and Blue Corner is on the RIGHT column.
Make sure there are plenty of RED/BLACK/BLUE pens, plus a cloth/wipes to clean the board after use.
The White Board should display the correct BOUT ORDER, as agreed by the Boxing Supervisor
OFFICIAL ABA PAPERS & POSITIONS / The Show ABA Permit MUST be displayed in the Weigh-In area along with any ABA issued Permit to film/photograph.
Boxing Supervisor - Ted GOREHAM
Judges - Tommy Smith, Micky Quinn, Jason Bull,
Annie Petrie
Referee(s) - Brian Ewin & Keith Mills
Timekeeper - Mick Lawler
Recorder - Dave Tipler
Doctor - Dr Bim Shrestha
MC - Dan O’Sullivan
Recorders Sheet / MO’s Official - an often overlooked role at the show. These Positions are to arranged by the HOST CLUB. They should be provided with an A3 Recorders sheet (form T6) which must be fully completed by a competent person, ideally an ABA Official from the Host Club.
Judges Score Sheets - new forms/old Judges slips ?
Tally Sheets - new forms for scoring to be added up, should be supplied and used by the OIC (Boxing Supervisor).
Have SEATING CARDS FOR ALL OFFICIAL (including the Ring Announcer)
Bouts / Prior to the show, a competent Matchmaker (Competition Secretary) must arrange for the optimum number of fairly
London Boxing advise: