SupplyWeb Basic Supplier Training Guide
This basic supplier training guide will cover preferences setup, part maintenance, container maintenance, the demand, shipments, receipts, and registration modules of SupplyWeb. The demand function will cover the following items in detail; schedules, discrete PO’s, blanket PO’s and demand summary. Training will include navigation through, preferences setup, part maintenance, container set up, the planning and firm requirements, demand schedules, net change percentages, shipping schedules, material releases, discrete PO’s, blanket PO’s and Supplier Performance functionality.
The preference setup section assist in flexibility of Supply Web by selecting alerts for easier notification of changes to supply web’s data.
Discussing the maintenance setup that needs to be performed per part and container one time..
The shipments function will walk users through the creation of shippers based on customer demand, creating and sending ASN’s, responding to and initiating AETC requests, and reprinting and purging labels.
The receipt function will demonstrate how to view receipts both by shipment as well as by part number. Queries and filters will be reviewed in order to fully utilize functionality. Receipts will also be viewed from a CUM level.
Overview of Supplier Performance functionality, defective material notification, delivery performance report, supplier’s score card.
The help section will cover how to launch help and view the launch tutorial for quick reference. This section also demonstrates how to contact support, view release notes that indicate what changes have occurred from the previous versions, and viewing data templates for reference with loading documentation.
Once you have reviewed and understand the material in this training guide, you should be able to perform the following:
ü Preferences Setup
ü Part maintenance
ü Container Setup
ü View and understand customer releases and schedules
ü Understand discrete and blanket PO information
ü Create shipments based on customer demand
ü Send ASN’s
ü Create a AETC request
ü Respond to AETC requests
ü View receipts by shipment and by part number
ü Reports
ü Supplier Performance modules.
ü Utilize help functionality
ü User Setup and Security for Administrator
Table of Contents
Start Page
Preferences Setup ……………………………………………………… 4
Part maintenance ……………………………………………………… 9
Container Setup ………………………………………………………. 14
View and understand customer releases and schedules ……………… 15
Understand discrete and blanket PO information …………………… 18
Create shipments and send ASN …………………………………… 23
Create and Respond to a AETC request ………………………….. 28
Vew receipts by shipment and by part number …………………… 30
Reports …………………………………………………………….. 32
Supplier Performance modules ……………………………………. 33
Utilize help functionality ………………………………………….. 42
User Setup and Security for Administrator ……………………….. 45
Edit User Profile:
This section will allow the user to setup their name, job title, edit passwords, setup formats, languages, and contact information.
Configure Alerts:
The user can select the corresponding alerts in order to receive email notification on activity. The edit button to the left of the console allows the users to define which product group they want to be notified on.
Configure EMC:
This console allows users to setup their Event Management Console located on the home page. The user needs to define the categories that they want to be notified about on the right hand side of the screen, and have the ability to edit the tolerances and define product groups by selecting the edit button on the left had side.
Define Product Groups:
By selecting the define product groups section, the user has the ability to assign part numbers to groups. In the example below, the user has created a group for plastics and resin. Groups can be added, deleted and edited from this page.
After selecting the Add or Edit button, below is an example of how to edit a group name, description, and how to assign part numbers to the groups.
Part Maintenance
Edit each part with part piece weight. Click on pencil to edit.
Click on part edit button.
Option to add supplier part number and description.
Enter piece weight and Update.
Click on the Add button to add the container to the part.
Select a Container Type and assign the Std Qty and Units Per Container.
Container Set up:
Click on container tab. Here you will update the containers that you assigned to the parts list. Here you enter the container weight.
Demand Function:
SupplyWeb schedules are available by expanding the demand tab on the main page and selecting “schedules” within the demand tab.
1. Schedules can then be viewed by running a filter to view the corresponding data.
2. Once the schedules are displayed, the demand screen will display ship to’s, part numbers, and detail.
1. By selecting the eye glasses under the schedule section, detailed releases by part number will be displayed.
2. If previous releases are available, the drop down section in the upper right hand corner will allow the user to compare releases.
At any time in the application, the user can select the search releases button on the bottom of the screen to return to the filter screen.
Discrete PO’s:
By selecting the discrete PO’s module under the demand section, users have the ability to search for discrete PO’s by facility, PO status, ship to, PO number and PO date.
Blanket PO’s
By selecting the blanket PO’s module under the demand section, users have the ability to search for blanket PO’s by facility, ship to, PO date and PO number.
1. Once the purchase order list is displayed, the user can view more detail on each blanket PO by selecting the eye glasses under the view column for each individual PO.
2. Each line item for that PO will also be displayed on this screen, as well as additional detail under the eye glasses in the line items section.
Demand Summary
The demand summary module allows users to quickly view any requirements that are due within the current week.
Demand summary can be filtered by facility, ship to, and ship from.
The demand summary is displayed based on the filtered criteria.
Shipments Function:
How to Create a Shipper
Shippers can be filtered by facility, ship to, ship from and shipper numbers are automatically generated by SupplyWeb, but can be manually overridden.
Alps has only one facility, Alcom and the majority of the shipments will be ship to Branch Plant of ALM.
Please override the shipper number to match the same document number that will be attached to your shipment.
1. Once the filter is selected, requirements are displayed on the screen.
2. The user needs to enter information into all fields marked with an asterisk (*), and may enter additional information into the blank fields.
3. The user then needs to select the parts that their facility is shipping, and populate the suggested ship quantity field with the actual ship quantity.
4. Once this is complete, the user will select the create shipper button on the bottom of the console.
1. The user has the ability to edit the header information in order to add any additional detail to the shipper. Add carrier (SCAC code), Air Bill # ( Pro Number) required.
2. Also in the header section, the supplier can request an AETC from the customer for any additional freight expense.
3. Under the line items section, the user may enter additional part detail such as engineering level, PO number, model year, lot number, CUM shipped or any remarks.
4. The user may choose to select the Print Shipping Documents button in order to print shippers, bill of ladings, or packing slips for the shipment.
5. In order to save the shipper, and not send an ASN to the customer, the supplier will select the validate button.
6. Once the shipment is ready to be processed, the supplier will select the publish button. This will send an ASN to the customer automatically.
View Shippers
1. The view shipper’s module allows users to search for any open shippers. These shippers can either be published and send an ASN, or they can be deleted.
2. The edit button allows the user to correct any errors in the shipper.
View ASN’s
1. The view ASN’s module allows the users to search for any open ASN's. These are ASN’s that have been sent to the customer, but the customer has not received the material into their system yet.
2. By selecting the eye glasses under the view column you can see what information was sent on the ASN.
3. From here you can cancel the ASN, resend the ASN, or view history on each ASN.
Supplier request for AETC
Suppliers may be required to request an Authorized Excess Transportation Cost (AETC) number when freight costs exceed the contractual terms. The AETC authorization is requested during shipper generation.
If an AETC number is requested, the shipper cannot be published until the cost is approved and the customer assigns an AETC number to the shipment.
View AETC Requests
1. This module allows suppliers to view any AETC requests sent from their customers after the request has been submitted by the supplier.
SupplyWEB is used by automotive manufacturers to publish demand (requirements) and Advance Ship Notices (ASNs) to the Web. The exchange of information takes place between two groups - customers and suppliers.
Receipts Function:
Receipts by Shipment
This function allows the user to sort for receipts by shipment. The eye glasses under the view column allow the users to gain detail on quantity shipped, ASN quantity, quantity received, quantity rejected, engineering level, etc.
Receipts by Part
This function allows users to sort by facility, part number, ship to, ship from, and receipt dates in order to view receipts by part number.
Three types of reports currently available, Release Report, Load Sheet Report, and Shipment History Report, in PDF format
The Release Report lists schedules and requirements, including quantities and requirement dates.
The Load Sheet report is a demand projection based on requirement dates and transit times for shipping. The load sheet can be used to plan upcoming shipments
The shipper report list contains shipper numbers, the ship date, the quantity of parts the shipment contained and the shipper status (ASN sent or Staged). If your customer tracks in-transit shippers, you can also filter by in-transit status.
Supplier Performance Modules
Supplier Performance Modules consist of Delivery Performance (DPR), Defective Material Notification (DMN), Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), Parts Per Millions, and Supplier Performance (score card)
Delivery Preformance Reporting
Customers can notify suppliers of delivery issues by creating and publishing a Delivery Performance Review (DPR). DPRs rely on customer-defined reason codes to assign demerits for early or late shipments, over or under quantities, and other delivery issues. The demerit system helps customers to track performance based on the severity of issues, not just the number of issues. Customers have the option of manually creating DPRs through the application or sending (importing) DPR files into the application.
On the DPR, customers can require suppliers to respond with the corrective action taken to correct the delivery problem. The customer may also require the supplier to fill out and attach a DPR Corrective Action Form. The customer can then accept or reject the corrective action. When a corrective action is accepted, the DPR moves from open to closed status. If no corrective action is required, the DPR moves directly to closed status when it is published.
The DPR module is fully integrated into the application. Users can select to receive DPR alerts and to view DPR events on the Event Management Console. DPRs are also included in the Metric module to be optionally included in metric performance evaluations.
Defective Material Notification
Defective Material Notices (DMNs) are an efficient means of communication to ensure quality materials and timely responses to material defects. Customers can notify suppliers of defective material by creating and publishing DMNs. Customers have the option of manually creating DMNs through the application or sending (importing) DMN files into the application.
On the DMN, customers can require suppliers to respond with a short term (containment) and/or long term (corrective) action to correct the problem. The customer may also require the supplier to fill out and attach a DMN Corrective Action Form.
The customer can then accept or reject the containment/corrective action. If no action is required, the DMN moves directly to closed status when it is published. If only a containment response is required, the DMN moves from open to closed status when the containment response is accepted. If a corrective response is required, the DMN moves from open to closed status when the corrective action is accepted.
The DMN module is fully integrated into the application. Users can select to receive DMN alerts and to view DMN events on the Event Management Console. DMNs are also included in the Metric module and can optionally be included in metric performance evaluations.
Production Part Approval Process
The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) module helps customers collect and maintain data surrounding the testing of supplied production parts before they are used in manufacturing. When suppliers send sample parts for approval, customers can use the PPAP system to record the quality of the receipt, rating the sample status as fully approved, conditionally approved, or rejected. The PPAP rating measures the ratio of fully or provisionally approved samples divided by the total number of submitted samples in a given time period. The more often a supplier submits an up-to-specifications sample on the first try, the higher this rating will be. Customers have the option of manually entering PPAP information through the application or sending (importing) PPAP files.
The PPAP module is fully integrated into the application. Users can select to receive PPAP alerts and to view PPAP events on the Event Management Console. PPAP is also included in the Metric module and can optionally be included in metric performance evaluations.