Below in blue are changes that were approved by the Provost’s office on 07/15/2015.

Below in red are the proposed changes, passed by a vote of the Department of Management & Decision Sciences on 3/18/2016.



Degree: Bachelor of ScienceinBusiness Administration


Althoughstudentsmaychoosetopursueageneralmanagementmajor,andallmanagementstudentsshareacommoncoresetofmanagementclasses,studentspursuingthemanagementmajormayfocustheirattentionintooneoffiveconcentrationstosupporttheirpersonalandprofessionalgoals:entrepreneurialmanagement,humanresourcemanagement,internationalmanagement,operationsandtechnologysupply chain management, ororganizationalleadership.


Thisconcentrationenablesstudentstogainthenecessaryknowledgeandabilitiestobeinnovativeandtakeactioninstartinganewbusiness,joiningafamilyorexistingbusiness,orhelpingtorunafunds-generatingenterpriseinanon-profitorgovernmentalagency.Thecoursesthatconstitutetheentrepreneurialmanagementcurriculumcoverfourkeyareas;entrepreneurial/innovationmindsets,opportunity/innovationimplementation,entrepreneurial/innovationaction-takingandentrepreneurial/innovationpersonal skill development.

HumanResource Management




Operations and TechnologyManagement

Thisconcentrationfocusesonthedevelopmentanduseofquantitativemodelingtechniques,incombinationwithbusinesstechnologycomponentsandcomputersystems,forthepurposeofsolvingcomplexbusinessproblemsinordertomakebettermanagerialdecisions.Studentschoosingtheoperationsandtechnologymanagementconcentrationlearntheappropriateinformationtechnology(IT)andcomputingskills,alongwithoperationsandsupplychainmanagementmodelingtechniques,necessarytodevelopandimplementsophisticatedbusiness-relatedcomputerdecisionsupportsystems.Itisdesignedtopreparestudentsforcareersinsuchfieldsas:businessanalyst,consultant,businessconsultant,systemsanalyst,systemsdeveloper,managementanalyst,projectanalyst, database developer, oroperations manager, amongothers.

Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)

This concentration covers the techniques of operations management as it applies to organizing and managing the delivery of goods or services produced. It focuses on the tools, techniques, and models used to optimize plant or service outputs while controlling the delivery of material / services into the process and the distribution of products / services out of the system. The impact of operations management in the day-to-day success of the organization is emphasized.


Studentsthatselectthisconcentrationwilllearnwhatitmeanstobealeaderfromavarietyofperspectivesinavarietyofdifferentorganizationalsettings.Studentswillbeexposedtoessentialconceptsrelatedtoworkingwithandleadingothersinsmallgroupsandteams.Studentswillreflectuponwhatitmeanstobeaninnovativeandentrepreneurialleaderandhowthis relatestotheirownabilities.Inanexperientialsetting,studentswillleadbothprojectsandpeopleinanefforttodeveloppersonalleadershipskillsimportanttosuccessinthediverseworkingenvironmentthatcharacterizestoday’sworkplace.

Studentscompleting themanagementmajorwillhavecompetenciesinbasicmanagementprinciplesandconceptsincludingunderstandingtheeffectsofadiverseenvironmentonmanagement decisions and effectivelymanaging relationships.


I.CORE CURRICULUM (39-44 Credits)...... 39-44

II.FRESHMANGRADUATION REQUIREMENT(0-3 Credits)Minimum grade of‘C’ is required.

UNIV 110 TheFirst-YearExperience...... 0-3

UNIV110isrequiredforallnewenteringfreshmenandfornewtransferstudentswithfewerthan12transfercredithoursunlessthetransferstudenthassatisfactorilycompleted acollegetransition course.


Minimum grade of‘C’ is required in all foundation courses,except for PDA 110B,PDA 120B, PDA130B,and PDA 140B, which requirean ‘S’grade.

PDA110BExploringMajor andCareerOptionsin Business...... 0

PDA120BExploringExperientialOpportunities in Business...... 0

PDA130BBuildinga ProfessionalProfile...... 0

PDA140BTransitioning from Student to Professional...... 0

CSCI110 EnterpriseBusiness Applications...... 3

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

ENGL290* Businessand ProfessionalCommunication(3)CBAD 290*IntegratedBusinessCommunication(3)

MATH132*+ Calculus for Businessand Social Science...... 3

PHIL318Business Ethics...... 3


+PlacementintoMATH132bytheMathematicsPlacementTestorsuccessfulcompletionofMATH130CollegeAlgebraorMATH130ICollegeAlgebraIntensiveStudywith agrade of ‘C’or better is required.

IV.BUSINESS CORE REQUIREMENTS (39-45 Credits)*Minimum grade of‘C’ is required in all business corecourses.Lower Level BusinessCore(15-21 Credits)

CBAD 120*Introduction to the Global Cultureof Business...... 3

CBAD 201 Financial Accounting...... 3

CBAD 202 ManagerialAccounting...... 3

CBAD 291*Business Statistics...... 3

CBAD 292 DecisionAnalysis...... 3

ECON 201 Macroeconomics...... 3

ECON 202 Microeconomics...... 3

Upper Level Business Core(24 Credits)

CBAD 301 ManagementandOrganizations...... 3

CBAD 344Legal Environment of Business...... 3

CBAD 350 Marketing...... 3

CBAD 363BusinessFinance...... 3

CBAD 364 OperationsManagement...... 3

CBAD 373BusinessIntegrationandApplication...... 3

CBAD 393 ManagementInformationSystems...... 3

CBAD 478 Strategic Management...... 3



Minimum grade of‘C’ is required in majorrequirements.

Management MajorRequirements(ifno concentration is selected)(18Credits)Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits) 3

MGMT 306 Organizational TheoryBehavior(3)MGMT 309LeadingHigh Performance Teams (3)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 307Fundamentals of HumanResource Management(3)MGMT 308 ManagingHuman Capital (3)

MGMT 308 Managing Human Capital...... 3

MGMT 309 Leading High Performance Teams...... 3

MGMT 480Leadership in ProjectManagement...... 3

MGMTInternationalSelective (chooseonefrom the following) (3 Credits)...3CBAD 402* StudyAbroad inInternationalBusiness (3)

MGMT 362 GlobalLeadershipDevelopment (3)

MGMT 423 StudyAbroad in EntrepreneurshipInnovation(3)MGMT 461 Cross-CulturalManagement(3)

MGMT 462 OrganizationalGrowthand Development in aGlobalizedWorldCompeting in Foreign Markets [ES1](3)

MGMT 482 Global SupplyChainManagement(3)

MGMT GeneralSelectives(choose anytwo MGMT courses that are300

level or aboveand arenot alreadyused to satisfydegreerequirements).....6


EntrepreneurialManagement(EM)Concentration(18 Credits)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 306 OrganizationalBehavior(3)

MGMT 309LeadingHigh Performance Teams (3)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 307 Fundamentals of HumanResource Management(3)MGMT 308 ManagingHuman Capital (3)

MGMT 308 Managing Human Capital...... 3

MGMT 309 Leading High Performance Teams...... 3

MGMT 320 EntrepreneurialLeadership...... 3

EM Implementation Selective (Choose one from the following): (3 Credits).3

MGMT 421Initiation and Management ofNewBusiness Enterprise (3)MGMT 422 Managing Family/SmallBusinessGrowthandInnovation (3)

EM Action Selective (chooseone fromthe following)(3Credits)...... 3

CBAD 497BusinessInternship(3-12)

MGMT 497 Management Internship (3-12)

MGMT 423 StudyAbroad in Entrepreneurship andInnovation(3)MGMT 429 Practicum in EntrepreneurshipandInnovation (3-6)

EM General Selective (chooseone from the following):(3Credits)...... 3

MGMT 420Current Topics in Entrepreneurship andInnovation(3)

MGMT 497 Management Internship (3-12)


AnyWall College ofBusiness course, 300 level orabove, that isnot alreadyused to satisfydegreerequirementswith the departmentchair’sapproval.

Any concentration course alternative listed above that was not used for satisfying that part of the concentration requirements.

Any MGMT course, 300 level or above, that is not already used to satisfy degree requirements

Any course in a business discipline that is not already used to satisfy degree requirements (must be approved by the Department Chair)

A course outside of the business disciplines may be proposed but must have the approval of thestudent’s faculty mentor and the Department Chair.

HumanResource Management(HRM)Concentration (18 Credits)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 306 Organizational TheoryBehavior(3)MGMT 309LeadingHigh Performance Teams (3)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 307 Fundamentals of HumanResourceManagement (3)MGMT 308 ManagingHuman Capital (3)

MGMT 308 Managing Human Capital...... 3

MGMT 309 Leading High Performance Teams...... 3

MGMT 340 Attractingand AcquiringTalent...... 3

MGMT 341 ManagingTalent andDeveloping21st CenturyLeaders...... 3

MGMT 440 RetainingTalent and Maximizingthe Value of Human Capital...3

MGMT General Selective (Choose any MGMT course, 300 level or above, not already used to satisfy degree requirements)…………………………………………...3

InternationalManagementConcentration (18 Credits)*

Chooseone from the following:(3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 306 Organizational TheoryBehavior(3)MGMT 309LeadingHigh Performance Teams (3)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 307 Fundamentals of HumanResource Management(3)MGMT 308 ManagingHuman Capital (3)

MGMT 308 Managing Human Capital...... 3

MGMT 309 Leading High Performance Teams...... 3

CBAD 401InternationalBusiness...... 3

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

CBAD 402* StudyAbroad inInternationalBusiness(3)


Anapprovedcourse transferredfrom a studyabroadexperienceinInternational Management.

MGMT 482 Global SupplyChainManagement...... 3

IMSelective (chooseonefrom thefollowing) (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 362 GlobalLeadershipDevelopment (3)MGMT 461 Cross-CulturalManagement(3)

MGMT 462 OrganizationalGrowthand Development in aGlobalized World Competing in Foreign Markets [ES2](3)

*Note: This concentrationrequiresstudents to studyabroad.

Operations and TechnologyManagement (OTM)Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) Concentration(18Credits)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 306 Organizational TheoryBehavior(3)MGMT 309LeadingHigh Performance Teams (3)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 307 Fundamentals of HumanResource Management(3)MGMT 308 ManagingHuman Capital (3)

MGMT 308 Managing Human Capital...... 3

MGMT 309 Leading High Performance Teams...... 3

MGMT 480Leadership in ProjectManagement...... 3

MGMT 482 Global Supply Chain Management ...... 3

OSCM Selective (Choose one from the following:) (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 481 Quality Process Management (3)

MGMT 483 Business Process Management (3)

MGMT 484 Business Decisions Support Systems (3)

MGMT 485 Process Planning and Control (3)

MGMT General Selective (Choose any MGMT course, 300 level or above, not already used to satisfy degree requirements)…………………………………………...3

MGMT 481 QualityProcessManagement...... 3

MGMT 483 BusinessProcessManagement...... 3

OTMSelective (chooseone from the following) (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 482 Global SupplyChainManagement (3)MGMT 484 BusinessDecisionsSupportSystems(3)MGMT 485 Process Planningand Control (3)

OrganizationalLeadershipConcentration (18 Credits)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 306 Organizational TheoryBehavior(3)MGMT 309LeadingHigh Performance Teams (3)

Chooseone from the following: (3 Credits)...... 3

MGMT 307 Fundamentals of HumanResource Management(3)MGMT 308 ManagingHuman Capital (3)

MGMT 308 Managing Human Capital...... 3

MGMT 309 Leading High Performance Teams...... 3

MGMT320 EntrepreneurialLeadership...... 3

MGMT341 ManagingTalent andDeveloping21st CenturyLeaders...... 3

MGMT362 GlobalLeadershipDevelopment...... 3

MGMT 480Leadership in ProjectManagement...... 3

VI.ELECTIVES(7-23 Credits)...... 7-23


[ES1]Pending course change proposal

[ES2]Pending course change proposal