Parish Priest Dom Simon McGurk, St Thomas’s Presbytery, Weobley HR4 8QS
Tel 01544 318325 & 07468 316 231 or Belmont 01432 374721 email
Hospital Chaplain Fr Matthew Carney of Our Lady’s, Hereford Tel. 01432 26577Dean Fr Matthew Carney.
Week 12 in Ordinary Time 25th – 1st July
Saturday 6pm Kington 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Sunday 11am* Weobley
Monday 10am Weobley Eucharistic Liturgy Feria
Tuesday No service St. Cyril of Alexandria
Wednesday 10.30 Kington Eucharistic Liturgy St. Irenaeus
Thursday 12 noon Kington SS Peter and Paul,Holy Day of Obligation
7pm Weobley (collection for Peter’s Pence)
Friday No service Feria
Saturday 6pm Kington 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Sunday 11am Weobley
*Children’s Liturgy (2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays)
Collections this week: Kington £70.90 Weobley £121.84
Collection for Day for Life: £98.54
We are conscious that there have been lots of calls on your generosity recently – and there are some further obligatory second collections to come – but we felt parishioners might like to show their support for the victims of the Kensington fire disaster. There will be a collection for them at Mass on the weekend of 2nd July, which will be sent to Caritas Westminster, the social welfare arm of the Westminster Diocese
Latest news about Father Simon – please see enclosed letter.
Parish Website To send contributions, go to the website, and click on ‘Contact’.
APF Red Boxes: Don’t forget ! these need to be in by the end of June.
Fr Aidan Silver Jubilee Saturday 24th June. Belmont 11am All welcome
Picnic and Prayer Saturday 1st July 1pm in Our Lady’s. Please join the evangelisation group for a picnic in the grounds of Our Lady’s – bring along goodies to share. Afterwards, at 3pm a Holy Hour will be offered for evangelisation in our diocese and in Hereford deanery in particular.
Parish Strawberry TeaSunday 9th July at Sarnesfield Grange.HR4 8RG. Please bring items to church for bottle stall, raffle prizes. Nearer the day please bring plants, cakes, fresh veg/fruit, preserves. Tickets @ £5.00 each, children under 10 free, on sale this weekend. Raffle tickets will be on sale next weekend.
Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment: You’ll find some copies of this booklet at the back of the church. It is part of the preparation for the next Synod of Bishops on this theme, chosen by Pope Francis because he wants the whole Church to pay attention to all that God is doing in the lives of young people today. We hope that our young people (teens upwards) will take a copy, read it and talk about it with each other and their families. Older people might also like to borrow a copy to see what it’s about!
For the time being, please send newsletter items to Joanna on 01432 760816
We pray for those of our parish or known to us who are sick or in need of special prayers: Fr Simon, Fr Antony, Elizabeth Kerr, Mary Clement, Brian & Diana Watkins, David Syder, Norman Burrows, Nora Ward, John Fitness,Andrew Pace, Joan Whitehead, and Ann Upshaw.
We remember those of our parish, relatives and friends recently dead: Frank Gilfedder, and any members of security forces lately dead on active service.
We remember the dead of our parish whose anniversaries occur about this time: Bernard Elcose, Lucy, Lady Ransford, David Parrott, Mollie Gudge, Anthony Docherty, James Middlemiss and John Birch.