King AbdulAziz UniversityCourse Plan

Course Syllabus
Introduction To Database
CIT 176


Name: / Sami Binyamin
Office: / Dist:Al-Rehab,Jeddah Community College, 1stFloor,
Room: 201, Computer Information Technology Department
Telephone No: / 2870026 Ext. 430
E-mail: /


Day / Time / Room
Mon Wed / 07:00—09:00 PM / 104A


This course explains the key concepts used in database systems and demonstrates the features of a Database management software. The course will discuss the different types of commercial database systems and will explain the concepts used to design a database. Also this course will teach how to implement a database using the relational DBMS. The course also illustrates the usage of database management systems.


After completing the course, students should be able to:
  1. Identify the various types of database management programs and database users.
  2. Describe the main features, advantages and limitations of a DBMS.
  3. Understand database system concepts and architecture
  4. Design a database Using ER model and Map it to a relational schema
  5. Describe relational model concepts, constraints and operations
  6. Operate the database program and the microcomputer on which it runs, at an elementary level.
  7. Create database tables, add, delete and update records within the database files.
  8. Use a full complement of database commands and selection tools.
  9. Access multiple tables simultaneously.
  10. Create and use database queries using various operators
  11. Create reports to display stored information


Chapter / Topics / Hrs
Database and Database Users / Introduction
Characteristics of the database Approach
Actors on the scene
Workers behind the scene
Advantages of Using the DBMS Approach
A brief history of Database Applications
When not to Use a DBMS / 8
Database System Concept and Architecture / Data Models, Schemas and Instances
Three Schema Architecture and Data Independence
Database Languages and Interfaces
DBMS Component Modules and System Utilities
Client/Server and Centralized architectures for DBMS
Classification of Database Management System / 8
Data Modeling Using Entity Relationship Model / Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design
An example of Database Application
Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys
Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural Constraints
Weak Entity Types
ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions and Design Issues / 8
The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints / Relational Model Concepts
Relational Model Constraints and Relational database Schemas
Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations / 4
Relational Database Design by ER-to-Relational Mapping / Relational Database Design Using ER-to-Relational Mapping / 4
SQL Basic Queries / SQL Data definition and Data Types
Basic Queries in SQL
Insert, Delete, and Update statements in SQL / 4
Spreadsheet Basics / Introduction to Microsoft Excel
Working with Microsoft Excel
Working with Microsoft Excel Charts / 4
Microsoft Access basics / Introduction to Microsoft Access
Create the Database using Microsoft Access
Import structures and data from external sources
Refine the Database and Create Relationships and set the relationship constraints / 8
TOTAL / 48


Dates / Week / Chapter / Topic / Assignments
Mid Exam / Remarks:
Submission Deadline for Assignments
09/02—15/02 / 1 / 1 / Introduction
Characteristics of the database Approach
16/02—22/02 / 2 / 1 / Actors on the scene
Workers behind the scene
Advantages of Using the DBMS Approach
A brief history of Database Applications
When not to Use a DBMS / Assignment 1
23/02—01/03 / 3 / 2 / Data Models, Schemas and Instances
Three Schema Architecture and Data Independence / Assignment 1
Due date: 24/02/2014
02/03—08/03 / 4 / 2 / Database Languages and Interfaces
DBMS Component Modules and System Utilities
Client/Server and Centralized architectures for DBMS
Classification of Database Management System
09/03—15/03 / 5 / 3 / Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design
An example of Database Application
Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys / Quiz 1 / Chapter 1, 2
Due date: 10/03/2014
16/03 – 22/03 / 6 / 3 / Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural Constraints
Weak Entity Types
ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions and Design Issues
Review Chapter 3
23/03 To 29/03 / Semester Break
30/03—05/04 / 7 / 4 / Relational Model Concepts
Relational Model Constraints and Relational database Schemas
Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations / Assignment 2
06/04—12/04 / 8 / 5 / Relational Database Design Using ER-to-Relational Mapping
Relational Database Design Using ER-to-Relational Mapping / Assignment 2
Due date: 07/04/2014
13/04—19/04 / 9 / 6 / SQL Data definition and Data Types
Basic Queries in SQL
Insert, Delete, and Update statements in SQL / Mid Exam / Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
Due date: 14/04/2014
20/04—26/04 / 10 / 7 / Introduction to Microsoft Excel
Working With Microsoft Excel
Design a database- Course Project
Working with MS Excel Charts
Review Project P176 / Quiz 2 / Chapter 5, 6
Due date: 21/04/2014
27/04—03/05 / 11 / 8 / Introduction to Microsoft Access
Create the Database using Microsoft Access
Create Relationships and set constraints
04/05—10/05 / 12 / 8 / Import Structures and data from External sources
Export database and data from Excel to Access and vice versa
To Be Announced Later / F I N A L E X A M I N A T I O N


Students’ assessments in this course are based on the following:
1. / Carry Marks or Course Work Marks: / Marks %
a. / Assignments / 20%
b. / Mid-Semester Examination / 30%
c. / Quizzes / 10%
2. / Final Examination: / 40 %
Total / 100 %


Attendance is mandatory. Instructor is required to keep attendance records and report absences. Due to the interactive nature of this course, attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. JCC expects students to exercise good judgment regarding attendance. Students accept full responsibility for ensuring that work does not suffer from absence.
Punctuality is important. The instructor may not allow student(s) to enter the classroom if he/she is a habitual latecomer.
Students with ZERO absence will be upgraded to the next grade, if passed.
Registration to a course and dropping procedure is a student’s responsibility
The proof of registration should be shown in the first class
The students are expected to be in class from the beginning of class
Proof of valid reasons for absences will be verified by authority after receivingDN
Those who come in the class within 10 minutes are considered LATE
After ten (10) minutes the students are marked absent
After three weeks equivalent absence, a grade of “DN” (Denied) will be issued
It's responsibility of the student to keep the record of his absences
Electronic devices must be turned off during all class and Lab times. Otherwise he may be asked to leave class and will be marked absent.


Main Reference:
  1. Fundamentals of Database Systems 4th edition by Elmasri and Navathe, ISBN: 0-321-20448-4
  1. Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Databases by John V. Petersen (QUE)
  2. Access Database Design and Programming, Steven Roman (O’REILLY)
  3. Online resources

Jeddah Community College- 1 -CIT176