1.  F. Mugivane, Bsc,M.sc, PhD

and chairman of department

2.  W. Oluoch Kosura, Bsc,Msc,PhD

3.  Ackello-Ogutu, Bsc.Msc,PhD.

4.  S.G. Mbogoh, Bsc,Msc,PhD.

5.  O.L.E. Mbatia,Bsc,Msc,PhD

6.  R.A. Nyikal, Bsc, Msc, PhD

7.  J.T. Karugia, Bsc, Msc, PhD

8.  K. Munei, Bsc, Msc, PhD

9.  C.N.Ritho, Bsc, Msc, PhD

10.  J.J. Okello, Bsc, Msc, PhD

11.  Sabina Wangia, Bsc, Msc, PhD

12.  J.M Nzuma, Bsc, Msc, PhD

13.  R.M. Mulwa, Bsc, Msc, PhD

14.  P.Irungu, Bsc, Msc,


Department of Agricultural Economics
University of Nairobi (CAVS)
P.O. Box 29053 – 00625, Nairobi
Tel: 0202091967, 0735-720 480
e-mail: / The Dean
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Nairobi (CAVS)
P.O. Box 29053 – 00625, Nairobi
Tel: 0722-308 581


The Department of Agricultural continues to fulfill its mandate to provide high-level manpower for the revitalization of the Agricultural sector with emphasis in agricultural economics research and dissemination of research findings both to the farmers and policy-makers as well as challenges of the labour market and national development of the 21st century.

The adaptation of diverse approaches to the problems of food production and food security are some of the challenges facing the agricultural sector in the country and the developing countries in general. The Department of Agricultural Economics is rising to this challenge through carrying out research and training at undergraduate and postgraduate levels as well as providing an opportunity for field attachment to the students at research centres and other related agricultural oriented institutions.

To sustain departmental programmes and build on the resources available, the staff at the department, besides teaching, is actively involved in research activities and consultancies leaning more towards seeking long-term remedies to the many predicaments facing the agricultural sphere. The Rockefeller Foundation supported projects within the department have enabled the acquisition of the much needed physical facilities, equipment, manpower development through scholarships, linkages with other institutions both locally and internationally, and joint research.

The department has reason to look forward to becoming a world-class department


During the 1970s through to the early 1980s, the number of academic staff averaged eight and majority of the them were foreigners (mainly German and British). In December 1981, the department became fully Kenyanized in terms of the component of Kenyan staff, following the return of Kenyan academic staff who had been undergoing overseas training as part of staff development. Today, the department of Agricultural Economics in the University of Nairobi is arguably the only well staffed department with highly trained (Ph.D) and competent academic staff not only in Kenya but also in the East African Region. The academic staff are distributed in five specialized units or fields of specialization as shown below:

Degree programmes

1.  Certificate in Agricultural Information Communication and Management

2.  PGD in Agricultural Information Communication and Management

3.  B.Sc. Agribusiness Management

4.  B.Sc. Agricultural Education and Extension

5.  M.Sc. Agricultural Economics

6.  M.Sc. Agricultural and Applied Economics

7.  M.Sc. Agricultural Information Communication and Management

8.  PhD. Agricultural Economics

9.  PhD. Agricultural and Applied Economics

PhD. Agricultural Information Communication and Management


(i)  The common regulations of a Bachelor’s degree of the university of Nairobi shall be applicable.

(ii)  Holders of KCSE certificate with a minimum aggregate of C+ or equivalent.

(iii)  Holders of KCSE C-or equivalent plus certificate and Diploma

(iv)  O level Division II or equivalent plus Diploma

(v)  O level Division III or equivalent plus certificate and Diploma

(vi)  Holders of a Degree from a recognized university.

Course structure and duration*

The teaching of the degree course shall extend over not more than an equivalent of four years (level), each years consisting of two teaching semesters (regular students).

Part-time students shall be allowed to take not less than 50% of the courses prescribed for the year and extend not more than eight years.

The teaching of the degree course shall extend over not more than an equivalent of four years (level), each years consisting of two teaching semesters (regular students).

Part-time students shall be allowed to take not less than 50% of the courses prescribed for the year and extend not more than eight years.

Field Attachment in the 2nd semester of the third year of

study and before entering the fourth year of study. Each student shall be required to take relevant Agribusiness


The common regulations of a Master’s degree of the university of Nairobi shall be applicable.

i) Holders of Bsc. second upper class honors or equivalent in Agricultural economics or related field from a recognize institution.

ii) Holders of Bsc. Lower second class honors or pass with postgraduate training or adequate research and publication experiece.


Master’s degree in agricultural economics or related field.

Admissions throughout


Application forms are available at the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (Upper Kabete Campus), on payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 3,000.

The academic registrar, (Admissions), University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197-00100, Nairobi (via mail or courier). The application fee may be paid by Direct Deposit into the UNES/UoN Account No. 03-073-1021554, Barclays bank, Westlands Branch (pay any branch). Bankers cheques will also be accepted. CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.