ComprehensiveSchool Improvement Plan 2006-07

SouthgatePublic School



SCHOOL YEAR 2006-2007

The ____Southgate_Public______school council and school planning committee reviewed the Assurances in the Kentucky Comprehensive Improvement Planning School Framework (2004) prior to approval of our plan.

_Jason Smith, Principal______

Chairperson, School CouncilDate


Chairperson, School Planning CommitteeDate

Plan Approved by the School Council:



School Council Members:

Jason Smith
Kendra Abner
Melissa Herald
Donna Stinson
Bill Ballard
Ken Schutte

Note: Although the Assurance Certification is not included in the school’s improvement plan, the assurances for the categorical programs should be reviewed by the school council and the school planning committee prior to approval of the plan by the school council. The Assurances for 2004-2005 are in the Comprehensive School Improvement Planning Framework (2004) and can be downloaded from the KDE Web Page at:

School Plan Format Copyright  Kentucky Department of Education, 2004



SCHOOL NAME: SouthgatePublic School


The mission of the SouthgateIndependentSchool District, along with our community and families, is to provide a challenging environment in which all children will become independent learners and successful citizens.


A.)How the needs of the school were determined:

SouthgateSchool’s priority needs were determined by analysis of the following data and summative reports:

1.)KCCT and CTBS 2004-2005 scores in all content areas;

2.)KCCT and CTBS disaggregated data;

3.)Parent, Student and Staff survey results;

4.)District Report Card;

5.)Kentucky Standards and Indicators for School Improvement;

6.)ESS and Title 1 Reports and Documentation

B.)How goals and strategies were determined:

The planning committee determined the goals by narrowing our priority needs to these areas: student achievement, student support, climate and culture, professional development. We chose strategies/activities that we believe would most directly impact instruction and student learning.

C.)What implementation of the plan is expected to achieve:

Implementation of the plan is expected to increase the percentage of proficient students on the KCCT assessment, decrease the percentage of novice on the KCCT assessment, and provide a quality professional development plan to enhance instruction through the core contents.

D.) How public comment was secured and how we responded to it:

Public comment was secured through the used of the school parent survey and each committee had at least parent representative. The survey’s results were used to arrive at the student support services component and the climate and culture component.

E.) How will the public be ensured the consolidated plan will be implemented:

We will follow board policy and state regulations.

  1. When and how did your school develop its mission statement? When and how did your school community last review it?

It was developed during the months of October through March of the 2004-2005 school year and is reviewed each year on the opening day of school.

  1. Did the council use a Needs Assessment process aligned with Kentucky’s Standards and Indicators for School Improvement? If not, please identify and describe the process that was used.


  1. When did the council complete each step of its Needs Assessment Work? If some parts were completed in past years and not repeated in the current school year, please identify those parts and when they were most recently completed.

The Needs Assessment work was completed by December 2005.

  1. When did the council decide on Priority Needs, Causes, Goals, and Objectives?

This was a work in progress from October 2005 through March 2006.

  1. When did the council identify substantive achievement gaps, set gap targets, and adopt its time schedule for closing the gaps?

This began in 2003 with the inclusion of SB 168 and continues each year with Fall analysis of the Spring assessment results.

  1. When did the council review drafts of the components?

The team reviewed drafts in March 2006.

  1. When did the council review estimates for costs and drafts of Section 7 requests?

The team reviewed drafts in March 2006.

  1. When is the public meeting held to present the Plan to the community, and who attended?

The meeting will be held in April 2005. The Summary Process will be completed after the public meeting.

  1. When did the council officially adopt your revised Plan?

This step is still in the future.

  1. When did the council officially adopt any Section 7 requests?

This step is still in the future.

  1. When and why has the Plan been revised since that data?

This step is still in the future.

  1. How will you evaluate your Plan, and when?

This step is still in the future.

  1. For each step listed above, what other stakeholders were involved and how? Include names and identify those who represent parents, teachers, other staff, other stakeholders, primary parents, migrant parents, and your community’s ethnic diversity.


Kendra Abner

Angie Boyers

Nancy Brooks

Donna Falen

Lauri Hackman

Shelley Hamberg

Melissa Herald

Lisa Hitchcock

Sharyl Iden

Kristy Jones

Becky Kyle

Rebecca Rossiter

Donna Stinson

Michele Tagher

Amanda Trotter

Eileen Whaley

Suzi Wycoff

Jo Ellen Yoest


ComprehensiveSchool Improvement Plan 2006-07

Action Component ____Student Achievement___

District Name ______Southgate Independent__Component Manager ______Donna Falen______

School Name ______Southgate Public______Date ______1/31/05______

Priority Need / Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)
According to the 2004-2005 Kentucky Performance Report:
Elementary scores in the areas of reading, math, social studies, writing, arts and humanities, and practical living and vocational studies need to increase in order to meet the academic index goal. / By June 2006 to increase the academic index will increase in the Elementary areas of reading (3 pts), math (22 pts), social studies (10 pts), writing (3 pts), arts and humanities (21 pts), and practical living and vocational studies (15 pts) in order to meet academic index goals.
Middle school scores in the areas of math, science, social studies, writing, reading, arts and humanities, and practical living and vocational studies need to increase in order to meet the academic index goal. / By June 2006 to increase the academic index will increase in the Middle School in the areas of math (35 pts), science (11 pts), social studies (11 pts), writing (20 pts), reading (2 pts), arts and humanities (25 pts) , and practical living and vocational studies (32 pts) in order to meet expected academic index goals.
Causes and Contributing Factors / Objectives with Measures of Success
Teachers lack common planning time inhibiting integration across the curriculum and collaborative planning. / By the 2006-2007 school year, the schedule will be revised in order to accommodate common planning time for teachers.
Teaching materials are dated; lack of materials to meet core content.
Instructional materials/programs are not consistent throughout primary and idle grades. By the 2006-2007 school year, the faculty will explore and adopt a variety of current teaching materials including but not limited to textbooks. / By the 2006-2007 school year, the faculty will explore and adopt a variety of current teaching materials including but not limited to textbooks.
Lack of full time media position reduces teacher planning time and reduces students’ access to media materials. / By the 2006-2007 a full time media/technology coordinator will be in place.
Instruction an assessment needs to be aligned with core content and CATS assessment. / By the 2006-2007 school year the faculty will acquire materials (i.e. KCCT Coach) to align instruction and assessment with the KCCT format.
An increase in collaborative teaching requires more time for special education teachers and aides to be in the classroom to meet students’ needs/ thereby increasing the need for additional personnel. / By the end of the 2006-2007 school year another instructional aide will be acquired to better meet the needs of students in the collaborative classrooms and substitutes will be provided when they are absent.

Action Component _____Student Achievement__

District Name ____Southgate Independent______Component Manager ______Donna Falen______

School Name ______Southgate Public______Date ______1/31/05______


Objective Label / Strategy/Activity / Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success / Responsible Person / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs
1.1 / Master schedule will be revised in order to allow for common planning time for teachers. Staff will be able to work as a team to plan integrated lessons, problem solve and collaborate with special teachers. / Regular meetings will allow for more integrated and collaborative planning to meet the needs of all students. / Principal / Ongoing / None
1.2 / A consistent program for instruction across grade levels in reading will be adopted. / Due to consistent application of skills students will improve their performance in reading. / SBDM / 8/1 / 5/30 / $12,000
1.3 / A full time media specialist will be hired. / Improved student performance in research/library/technology skills and increase teacher planning time. / Principal / 8/1 / 5/30 / $48,000
1.4 / A full time technology coordinator will be hired. / Computer will be available for students and teacher to access whenever needed. / Principal / 8/1 / 5/30 / $48,000
1.5 / The Kentucky CCT Coach preparation handbooks will be acquired in order for students to be familiar and proficient on CATS assessment. / Improved student performance on CATS assessment. / SBDM / 8/1 / 5/30 / $1,300
1.6 / An instructional aide will be hired to help meet student needs in the collaborative classroom. / Improved student performance on CATS assessment. / Principal / 8/1 / 5/30 / $12,000

Action Component __Student Support Services_____

District Name ______Southgate IndependentComponent Manager __Kristy Jones______

School Name ______Southgate Public_ Date ______1/31/05______

Priority Need / Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)
According to 1st quarter report cards, there are 26 students obtaining 38 grades of D's or F's in grades 3-8.
Subject D's F's
L.A./Reading 2 3
Social Studies 1 2
Science 1 4
Math 3 4
Specials 10 8 / By June 2006, 25% of those students receiving a D or F in any subject area will raise at least one letter grade.
According to the STAR reading report, there are 43.8% of students scoring below the 25 percentile in grades 1-8. / By June 2006, the number of students in grades 1-8 scoring below the 25 percentile on the STAR reading report will decrease by 10%.
According to the 1st quarter discipline referrals, 45% of those receiving principal assigned detentions were repeat offenders. / By June 2006, the number of repeat discipline referrals who receive a principal assigned detention will decrease by 25%.
According to the 1st quarter guidance referrals, 52 people saw the school counselor.
37% were repeat referrals.
15% were also discipline referrals.
83% were referred for barriers that impeded their academic performance. / By June 2006, the school counseling position will be increased from .50 to .75 to better meet student's needs.
Causes and Contributing Factors / Objectives with Measures of Success
1A Students are not completing assignments.
1B Students are not taking advantage of the opportunity to access student support services (ESS, Title I, counseling, Family Resource Services, health services).
Students / By the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year, the academic performance of students in grades 3 - 8 will be measured by an increase in the number of students receiving Cs and above and a decrease in the number of students receiving Ds and Fs.
2A Students lack the prerequisite skills in reading (decoding, fluency, comprehension). Some o these students may have an identified disability. Others may have an undiagnosed learning problem.
2B Students are not motivated to do their best on the STAR reading test due to lack of effort, distractions, and/or rushing. / By the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year, the percentage of students scoring the 25th percentile will increase.
3A Consequences do not deter the behavior or are not meaningful. / By the beginning of the 2006-07 school year, the number of repeat discipline referrals who receive a principal assigned detention will decrease.
4A Students are referred to the counselor as a result of barriers (family issues, academic problems, individual/social issues) that interfere with academic performance. / By the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year, strategies will be put in place to better equip the school counselor in dealing with the issues of Southgate students.

Action Component ______Student Support Services_____

District Name _Southgate Independent______Component Manager _Kristy Jones______

School Name ____Southgate Public_____ Date _____1/31/06______


Objective Label / Strategy/Activity / Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success / Responsible Person / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs
1A / Students with D's or F's are referred to ESS on a quarterly basis. / Ensure that students with D's or F's will receive needed help through ESS. / ESS Coordinator
Principal / 8/06 / On-going / Negligible
1B / Teachers refer non-failing students to ESS who are not performing to expected ability on a quarterly basis. / Ensure that those students who aren't failing but still need help, receive it. / Classroom teachers
ESS coordinator / 8/06 / On-going / None
1C / Teachers refer students, who exhibit need with homework completion, to BUG (bring up grades) club on quarterly basis. / Ensure that those students who need homework completion help receive it. / Guidance Counselor / 9/06 / On-
going / None
2A / Purchase Saxon Phonics for primary grades. / Increase reading ability and scores to grade level or above. / SBDM / ASAP / On-going / $12,600
2B / Hire a reading intervention specialist. / Increase reading ability and scores to grade level or above. / SBDM / 8/06 / On-going / $20,000
3A / Students struggling with repeat discipline issues will be referred to the Student Assistance Team. / Decrease in the number of repeat discipline referrals. / School Counselor / 8/06 / On-going / None
3B / Explore and implement one of the following options: In-School Suspension and/or SaturdaySchool. / Decrease in the number of repeat discipline referrals. / Principal
School Counselor
SBDM / 8/06 / On-going / To be determined
3C / Implement a yearly review of CHAMP's procedures. / To increase the consistency of school-wide expectations and procedures. / Administration and teachers / 8/06 / On-going / None
4A / Purchase and utilize 2nd Step Curriculum for Pre-3rd grade. / To decrease mental health barriers to help increase academic achievement. / School Counselor
SBDM / 8/06 / On-going / $500 or free if grant received
4B / Increase the school guidance position from .5 to .75 time. / To increase the amount of time the school counselor has to assist students with mental health barriers. / SBDM / 8/06 / On-going / $10,000

Action Component ___Professional Development_

District Name ______Southgate Independent ____Component Manager ______Rebecca Rossiter______

School Name ______Southgate Public______Date ______

Priority Need / Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)
According to the October 2005 Professional Development Survey of staff:
53% of staff believes that professional development opportunities need to continue to be more grade and/or subject specific. / 1. By October 2006, the professional development survey will be re-administered. At this time, the number of respondents who agree or strongly agree will improve by 13% in regards to PD opportunities being grade and/or subject specific. Current average (as of Oct. 2005) is 46%. Target goal is 60% positive responses.
According to the 2005 School-Based Planning Survey of Professional Staff:
53% of staff believes that we lack opportunities for professional development on equity and diversity issues. / 2. By October 2006, the School-Based Planning Survey of Professional Staff will be re-administered. At this time, the number of respondents who agree or strongly agree will improve by 13% in relation to PD on equity and diversity issues. Current average (as of Oct. 2005) is 46%. Target goal 60% positive responses.
According to the 2005 School-Based Planning Survey of Professional Staff:
60% of staff believe there is a strong need for collaborative planning to vertically align curriculum. / 3. By October 2006, the School-Based Planning Survey of Professional Staff will be re-administered. At this time, the number of respondents who agree or strongly agree will improve by 20% in regards to collaborative planning. Current average (as of Oct. 2005) is 40%. Target goal is 60% positive responses.
According to the School-Based Planning Survey of Middle/High students:
72% of students believe discipline is a problem / 4. By October 2006, the School-Based Planning Survey of Middle/High students will be re-administered. At this time, the number of respondents who agree or strongly agree will improve by 22% in regards to discipline being a problem. Current average (as of Oct. 2005) is 28%. Target goal is 50% positive responses.
Causes and Contributing Factors / Objectives with Measures of Success
The size of the district causes difficulty in individualizing professional development for preschool through eighth grade, especially in relation to appropriating funds. / By 2006-2007 school year Southgate staff will take advantage of professional development opportunities in surrounding high-achieving school districts when available and applicable. Evidence shown by collaboration with other schools.
Professional development opportunities provided by school are not individualized by teacher/grade level. / By September 2006 the committee dealing with professional development will collaborate with all committees to synthesize priority needs areas in order to address student needs; evidence of collaboration shown in long-term professional development plan.
High percentage free-reduced lunch
Diverse family/home environments
Lack of common planning time
Lack of new teacher support in curriculum planning/mapping
High occurrence of repeat offenders in detention / By August 2006 a plan will be in place for teachers to study and share Understanding Poverty by Ruby Payne; evidence of impact shown by percentage of respondents on the School-Based Planning Survey of Professional Staff.
By August 2006 staff will begin collaborative planning of vertical curriculum alignment and curriculum mapping; evidence of impact shown by percentage of respondents on the School-Based Planning Survey of Professional Staff.
By August 2006 staff will undergo a yearly review of the school wide behavior management plan; evidence shown by consistent implementation of CHAMPS procedures.

Action Component __Professional Development_

District Name _____Southgate Independent___Component Manager ______Rebecca Rossiter______

School Name _____Southgate Public______Date ______1/31/05______


Objective Label / Strategy/Activity / Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success / Responsible Person / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs
A1 / Promote cooperation between willing districts to enhance Southgate PD opportunities. / Reduction of monetary burden for PD on district. Diversity of PD choices for staff. / Principal/ Curriculum Committee Chairperson / 8/06 / Ongoing / $1000
A2 / Develop school-wide PD opportunities based on priority needs of school. Based on activities specified by other committees in CSIP. Possible areas may include: reading/writing instruction; science instruction/activities; math instruction/activities; technology; accelerated reader. / Addresses multiple needs; collaboration between staff. / Principal/
Curriculum Committee Chairperson / 8/06 / Ongoing / $1500
A3 / Staff will study and share Understanding Poverty by Ruby Payne. / Better understanding and awareness of school population. / Principal/
All Teachers / 8/06 / Ongoing / $450
A4 / Staff will be given time during PD days to collaborate on vertical alignment of curriculum & curriculum mapping. / Improve student achievement both in class and in state tests / Principal/
All Teachers / 8/06 / Ongoing / None
A5 / Yearly review of school-wide behavior management plan (CHAMPS) at beginning of year / Reduced discipline problems
New teacher introduction to procedures/ revitalization of current teachers
Reflection/ revision of procedures / Principal/
All Staff / 8/06 / Annually / None

Action Component _School Climate and Culture_